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2022年9月英语四级选词填空考前冲刺模拟卷及答案(第1套)2022-09-16 08:14:00来源:网络 【好课】新东方英语四级精品课|【优惠】四级名师网课|四级名师免费课【考试报名】英语四级报名时间|入口|英语四级考试时间|英语四级考试流程【四级备考】英语四级重点词汇表英语四级阅读理解100篇精析



Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one

word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.

There’s nothing more important than the way we talk to ourselves because that inner monologue informs in subtle and not-so-subtle ways all our subsequent thoughts, emotional states, and behavioral choices. Simply put, if you’re 26 critical, judgmental (评判的), or facing the day with a negative attitude, you’re making it pretty hard for yourself to 27 positivity down the line.

A good way to adopt a healthy mental state is to write down what you’re 28 for, your own strengths, and positive affirmations; then stand in front of a mirror and say those things out loud. Even if you 29 silly, don’t give up. Like anything else, once you practice and 30 it from a positive place, you discover it’s quite easy to do. It guides our life whether we’re 31 of it or not.

When we whisper positively to ourselves it gives us a little more strength and 32 so we can meet a challenging scenario head-on. It was found that athletes are often fans of self-talk ahead of competitions. It might even be 33 to specifically talk to yourself in the third person.

That doesn’t mean you can’t say aloud your frustrations, too. Just like there’s a place for positive self-talk, there’s also a place for negative if you use it the right way. There’s definitely a 34 to understanding what you’re considering whether it’s positive or negative. Bringing the negative stuff you’re thinking and considering to the 35 then gives you the opportunity to reevaluate it. Once you voice what’s bothering you, try asking yourself if it’s useful to keep holding on to those thoughts or if it’s something you can process and then let go of.

A) grateful

B) conscious

C) supportively

D) warmly

E) surface

F) value

G) encounter

H) approachI) beneficial

J) reverse

K) propelled

L) courage

M) issue

N) feel

O) constantly

Section B

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

The Future of Travel is Female

[A]Four years ago, a young woman, Shelly Kacergis, joined a women’s trip to Kenya with Global Heart Journeys, a travel agency in America. It turned out that the trip changed her life. Instead of following the typical tourist route, Kacergis choose to spend tons of time with locals, bonding with female tea farmers and villagers at schools, orphanages, and craftmarkets.

[B]Moved by the stories she heard in Kenya, she came back home to Atlanta and retired early from a career in banking to start a venture with one of her new friends. The program they launched, which aims to help women in Kenya gain financial independence as chicken farmers, now supports nearly 100 female farmers in that country.

[C]“The trip opened up a whole new world to me,” she says. Like many Western travelers, Kacergis felt transformed by African travel. But her experience speaks to the power of female-focused travel amid the continuing effects of the #MeToo movement and the

increasing number of women touring the globe with purpose.

[D]Now, more women are booking women-only tours and finding life-changing experiences. “Woman-to-woman travel is one of the greatest unexplored frontiers,” asserts Global Heart Journeys founder Linda Higdon. About 17 years ago she traded her successful career as a classical pianist to work with women in various countries of the developing world. “It could entirely change the way we think about travel.”

[E]It seems certain to some people that, the future of women’s travel is, well, female—from CEOs pushing new boundaries to locals working hard in the field. This really becomes a growing trend worldwide. The truth is, women-focused travel companies have actually existed on the edges of the tourism industry since the late 1970s. And yet, when Wild Women Expeditions (or WWW, for short) got its start with all-female canoe trips in Ontario in 1991, “women-only travel was the laughing stock of the outdoor adventure travel world,” saysJennifer Haddow, the WWW’s current owner.

[F]Now the trend has seemed to hit the mainstream. Three years ago, REI Adventures rolled out a collection of women’s trips—all led by local female guides—as part of a campaign to help “level the playing field” outdoors. In 2018, tour outfitter MT Sobek celebrated its 50th

anniversary with a new line of women’s-only adventures.

[G]Nicole Wineland-Thomson, part of the mother-daughter team behind AdventureWomen,

believes the rise in solo travel has fueled the recent growth. And since safety is a factor for many women, she notes it can be appealing to book with a company dedicated to that market.

[H]Options for women continue to grow, with boutique tour companies now serving everyone from plus-size hikers to lesbian travelers. “Society-wide, we’re working toward removing limitations for women, and travel is just one subsection of that,” says Kelly Lewis, who founded Damesly in 2016 to fill what she saw as a gap in the women’s travel space—pairing creative pursuits with wanderlust. “There are so many new avenues for women to travel the world.”

[I]From the mountains of Morocco to the women-only beaches of Turkey, globetrotting women find meaningful experiences in a wide variety of places. In many parts of the world, taking men out of the equation expands opportunities for women travelers. In 2018, Australian-based Intrepid Travel launched expeditions that would be exclusive of male travellers. Think mingling with locals in a beauty salon in Iran and swimming on a

ladies-only beach in Antalya, Turkey.

[J]“When women are together, there are no traditional gender roles anymore. Women just get it, and they get each other,” says Wineland-Thomson. “When you bring in another culture to this environment, women are really ready to open up.” Across the board, these trips give priority to support for local women. AdventureWomen’s new Cuba route features artists and women-run restaurants in Havana. Wild Terrains trips spotlight female entrepreneurs, such as jewelry designers in Mexico and winemakers in Portugal. Damesly’s new journey to

Uzbekistan includes face time with the female founder of a Tashkent fashion enterprise.

[K]On the adventure circuit, WHOA Travel invites a local woman to join its signature climbs up Mount Kilimanjaro, all expenses paid. “We want to help shift the perspective of what a woman may have the potential to do,” says co-founder Allison Fleece. Tour companies like hers are built on the concept that women often shine brightest—and let down their guard—in a community of women.

[L]In places like Peru, women-owned tour companies encourage local women to take unconventional career paths, such as leading treks along the Inca Trail. The rise in female-focused tours means women have more influence in the industry. That translates favorably to more jobs for women on the ground. Wild Women Expeditions commits to hiring local women to lead its globe-spanning trips, an effort that has brought Morocco its first woman mountain guide. In Peru, the company hires female porters to assist with Inca Trail treks and goes a step further with training programs that empower Peruvian women to pursue

this unconventional career path they never have chance to try out in the past years.

[M]For some, giving women leading roles in the travel industry is a type of grassroots feminism.

After surviving domestic violence, traveler Rocio Vazquez Landeta launched Eat Like a Local walking tours in Mexico City and made the decision to employ women only. “It’s my

way of taking a stand against prejudices on women,” she says. “As a woman in a powerful

position, it is my responsibility to create better opportunities for other women.”

[N]Deborah Calmeyer shares that line or reasoning. In planning luxury safari provider Roar Africa’s women’s-empowerment (赋能) retreat last year in her native South Africa, she hired women for all positions, from chefs to pilots. Finding trackers to lead the group’s safari drives, however, proved challenging. South Africa’s first and only qualified female tracker

drove one vehicle, while a pair of male trackers drove the other trucks.

[O]Sometimes, changing just one mind is victory enough, in the eyes of Calmeyer. “We asked one of the male trackers in the group, ‘Would you see your daughter doing this job?’” Calmeyer explains. “He said no, absolutely not. By the end of the trip, however, he tapped me on the shoulder and said, ‘Yeah, my daughter can do this.’”

36. Shelly Kacergis was one of western women who traveled the world with purpose, and whose travelling experience transformed their life completely.

37. Several years ago, companies like REI Adventures and MT Sobek began to organize outdoor adventures for women clients only.

38. Kelly Lewis wanted her company to cater to women travelers by combining their desire for travel with certain creative pursuits.

39. In planning travels for her clients, Deborah Calmeyer considers it as her responsibility to create better opportunities for local women in South Africa, by hiring them for chefs or pilots.

40. In the eyes of Deborah Calmeyer, it’s a step-by-step job for people to change their mind about what females could do in their life.

41. Women-owned tour companies in Peru provide more job chances and even training programs for local women in order for them to lead a new life.

42. Women-focused travel agencies literally started as early as in the late 1970s, but back then they were not taken seriously.

43. Travel companies like AdventureWomen and Wild Terrains organize trips which give priority to support for local women’s business, such as restaurants or enterprises.

44. Shelly Kacergis quitted her job and started a program with her friends to help women in Kenya raise chickens as a means of earning a livelihood.

45. Allison Fleece and her company are meant to help women change their mindset about their life and be successful with the support of their peers.


Section A

26. O 27. G 28. A 29. N 30. H

31. B 32. L 33. I 34. F 35. E

Section B

36. C 37. F 38. H 39. N 40. O

41. L 42. E 43. J 44. B 45. K

