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所有课文的总结 Leon 1 There is a threat in the world not only of a lo of languages, but also to the diminishing importance or lo of the unique way peoples of different languages view their world.

In the article Tom McArthur began with a quotation about the threat of language extinction that comes with one world language.He also brought out the danger of pride and racism.He gave three categories of countries; where English is a native language, where it’s a second language and where it’s a foreign language.He stated that in history there had been other world languages including Chinese.Now we cannot judge and it may take several centuries before we know if this was the right thing to do.McArthur used Australia as an example.At one time the early settlers used Latin and there were hundreds of languages among the indigenous people.Any settler language could have been chosen.And any widely used language threatens smaller (used by fewer people) languages.In South Africa English was a bleing when viewed as used in politics, justice and establishing equality.A bleing to one and a curse to another.Yet knowing the dangers, McArthur suggested we think of yin and yang and seek the benefits while staying away from the curses.

Leon 2

Steve Jobs is well known for giving us Apple computers and all the wealth that goes with that.But in this commencement speech he was not telling us how to become wealthy, but something far more important.He told us three stories.The first one was about connecting dots.Born to an unwed graduate student, adopted by working cla parents; after six months\' college, Steve dropped out with no idea what he wanted to do with his life and no idea how college would help.Then, though poor and hungry, Steve sat in calligraphy that caught his imagination.None of that seemed to have any usefulne until ten years later when he designed the first Macintosh computer –the first with beautiful typography.In his point of view you can’t connect the dots looking to the future; only looking back – Trust that the dots in life will somehow connect in your future.The second story was about love and lo.After starting the company – he was fired! Though he felt hurt, he decided to start over.He was \"freed\" to be most creative and to do what he loved.\" The only way to do great work is to love what you do...keep looking until you find it.\" The third story was about death.Spurred by a quotation about the last day you have to live, Steve knew to follow his heart.Then after being told he had incurable cancer, his understanding is \"Death is a way of clearing out the old and making room for the new...Your time is limited – follow you heart...Stay hungry for fulfillment of your heart.Stay foolish – take the risks that help you find yourself.\"

Leon 6 Do you get meaning and enjoyment out of work? If not, this is for you.There are ideas here to think about whatever your situation. Research shows that to get more done on the job or get more from your employees, being happy is

the answer. Normally



happine to come from what we do away from work.But \"Flow\" in the workplace can

make anything we do enjoyable if, in our thinking, we understand work as something we want to do. Encouragement is part of this.The Gallup organization researched why some employees were more effective.They found that when employees were engaged they were happier and had a desire to do well.More than half of U S employees were found not to be engaged (interested in, enjoying, happy, etc.) their work

but others were even le engaged.Happine was found not to be related to the ups and downs of the economy, but most strongly related

to relationships with coworkers and having a supportive bo.(Management has not been aware of this.) Friends at work gave a high level of belonging. So,

finding a supportive work place has been shown to be more important than what looked like a great job. Meaningfulne improves satisfaction and health.Meaningfulne can be created

when your organization moves


from profitability and competition to authentic

leadership and emotional competence. Recently busine people have moved toward improving the social environment.To make this change, the boes have to change.Teaching authentic leadership is the answer.After all employment is still a neceity, but it can be made better.

Leon 7

This is about the benefits of not holding feelings in too much. Lisa doesn’t think much of the idea that being depreed leads to a longer life as she takes the paper on which that idea was written on and crumples it up into a ball before throwing it away.To her, complaints are equal to depreion and she takes her grandmother’s difficulties for example. Then she tells how her mother avoided old age – by dying young! Next Lisa gives a short review of a story \"The Corrections\"

where Enid’s complaints protect her heart and she outlives those

around her.In

the next story Lily doesn’t complain and dies young. She concludes we should

go ahead and complain and keep that rifle ready for unwanted raccoons.Complaints are a ticket to the rest of your miserable, long life.

Leon 8 How does music influence your thoughts, your feelings? Wars have had patriotic songs.Some, like the war with Vietnam, antiwar songs.In peace time music was persuasive during the civil rights movement as well as various causes such as The Live Aid or fund raising for famine relief in Africa.And old


songs have had their wording changed to meet new conditions.But more recently parents have worried about songs that encouraged sexual promiscuity and drugs.The FCC is now negotiating with studios not to broadcast the most controversial pieces.Where the FCC was unsucceful, parents have formed preure groups that the music industry listens to.But music has continuously had effects on our behavior.Popular music stays with us and distinguishes generations.And for young girls, a singing idol can be a substitute for a boy friend until the boy is more mature.

Leon 12 This is advice on having a good marriage.After 25 years of listening to people’ problems Pearsall shared what he learned.His discoveries can help others. 1) Time spent together should be the most important.2) In crisis become as one.In danger draw together in a “couple caution circle” caring for and protecting each other.

3) With love look for the other’s strengths, not their weaknees.

4) When problems arise, try to see things from the other person’s point of view.5) Always place the other person first in a relationship.Loving gives good energy.But bad energy destroys.Don’t try to win an argument, win your marriage.Marriage is about giving more than getting.When you fight for your marriage you both win.









研究生英语课文翻译Unit 12


