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2024知到答案 基础英语写作 最新知到智慧树满分章节测试答案 – 网课小帮手

文章目录[隐藏]见面课:句子写作和写作常见错误见面课:文献写作和习作常见错误分析见面课:篇章写作赏析第一章 单元测试第二章 单元测试第三章 单元测试第四章 单元测试见面课:句子写作和写作常见错误

1、问题:Lifelong learning has a long history,(A) but it’s getting popular (B)currently. This can be concluded (C)to two reasons.选项:A:AB:BC:C答案: 【C】2、问题:In today’s world, parents want their children to learn more knowledge (A)and understand the knowledge clearly, (B)so they find private tutors (C)to help their kids.选项:A:AB:BC:C答案: 【C】3、问题:If we have the habit of lifelong learning,(A) we will constantly get new thoughts.(B) And lifelong learning can avoid us falling behind the time.(C)选项:A:AB:BC:C答案: 【C】4、问题:It is sure that children can get more knowledge (A)from private tutors, but we often can’t distinguish (B)who is suitable for us.(C)选项:A:AB:BC:C答案: 【B】5、问题:Private tutoring can open students’ sight,(A)help students improve their studies,(B)and teach students something (C)they couldn’t learn from school as well.选项:A:AB:BC:C答案: 【A】


1、问题:Lifelong learning has a long history,(A) but it’s getting popular (B)currently. This can be concluded (C)to two reasons.选项:A:AB:BC:C答案: 【C】2、问题:In today’s world, parents want their children to learn more knowledge (A)and understand the knowledge clearly, (B)so they find private tutors (C)to help their kids.选项:A:AB:BC:C答案: 【C】3、问题:If we have the habit of lifelong learning,(A) we will constantly get new thoughts.(B) And lifelong learning can avoid us falling behind the time.(C)选项:A:AB:BC:C答案: 【C】4、问题:It is sure that children can get more knowledge (A)from private tutors, but we often can’t distinguish (B)who is suitable for us.(C)选项:A:AB:BC:C答案: 【B】5、问题:Private tutoring can open students’ sight,(A)help students improve their studies,(B)and teach students something (C)they couldn’t learn from school as well.选项:A:AB:BC:C答案: 【A】


1、问题:Rising prosperity is one of the reasons why we feel so time-pressed today选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】2、问题:Technology gradually reduces the free time we have by cramming work into our leisure time选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】3、问题:People in professional and executive jobs exaggerate their feeling of pressure。选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】4、问题:People try to buy time because of their perception of time famine。选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】5、问题:The author suggests that we spend more time with our children选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】

第一章 单元测试

1、 问题:

Identify which type of writing is being described. 指出写作类型

A story about the time you learned how to ride a bike.

选项:A:NarrationB:DescriptionC:ExpositionD:Argumentation答案: 【Narration】

2、 问题:

Identify which type of writing is being described. 指出写作类型

A web page telling how to create a bank account

选项:A:NarrationB:DescriptionC:ExpositionD:Argumentation答案: 【Exposition】

3、 问题:

Identify which type of writing is being described. 指出写作类型

A paper discussing the impacts of a war

选项:A:NarrationB:DescriptionC:ExpositionD:Argumentation答案: 【Exposition】

4、 问题:

Identify which type of writing is being described. 指出写作类型

A letter to the school administration arguing why smoking should be banned all over the campus

选项:A:NarrationB:Description C:ExpositionD:Argumentation答案: 【Argumentation】

5、 问题:

Identify which type of writing is being described. 指出写作类型

A poem about the sights and sounds of rainfall

选项:A:NarrationB:DescriptionC:ExpositionD:Argumentation答案: 【Description】

6、 问题:

Identify which type of writing is being described. 指出写作类型

An essay retells the story of Romeo and Juliet

选项:A:NarrationB:DescriptionC:ExpositionD:Argumentation答案: 【Narration】

7、 问题:

Identify which type of writing is being described. 指出写作类型

An article attempting to convince readers to boycott pirated books

选项:A:NarrationB:DescriptionC:ExpositionD:Argumentation答案: 【Argumentation】

8、 问题:

Identify which type of writing is being described. 指出写作类型

A brochure advertising a luxury hotel and resort

选项:A:NarrationB:DescriptionC:ExpositionD:Argumentation答案: 【Description】

9、 问题:

Choose the best word to paraphrase the underlined part.  选择合适的描写词汇替换划线部分词组

The little boat moves from side to side in the water.

选项:A:driftsB:goesC:comesD:passes答案: 【drifts】

10、 问题:

Choose the best word to paraphrase the underlined part.  选择合适的描写词汇替换划线部分词组

She went quickly down the stairs.

选项:A:fellB:jumpedC:dashedD:wandered 答案: 【dashed】

11、 问题:

Choose the best word to paraphrase the underlined part.  选择合适的描写词汇替换划线部分词组

She looked straight at me for a while.


选项:A:glanced atB:stared atC:witnessedD:noticed答案: 【stared at】

12、 材料:

Read the following paragraph and answer the question. 阅读下面段落,回答问题。


①Life is an experience of setting goals and achieving them. ②Some people work hard to pursue ambitious goals while others devote to realistic ones. ③Then, which goal setting makes more sense? ④This question has aroused a heated debate. ⑤As far as I am concerned, we should set our goals as high as possible in order to achieve the best result.

⑥For individuals, the higher the goal is, the better the result will be. ⑦For example, Jack Ma once proposed that he wanted to build an e-commerce platform, but at that time he was just a guy working in a small school. ⑧If he has not set such a goal, there would not have been Alibaba Group.

12、 问题:

Which sentence is the claim in response to the writing task?

选项:A:Sentence ④B:Sentence ②C:Sentence ①D:Sentence ③E:Sentence ⑤答案: 【Sentence ⑤】

12、 问题:

Which sentences offer evidence to the claim?

选项:A:Sentence ①②③B:Sentence④⑤C:Sentence ⑦⑧答案: 【Sentence ⑦⑧】

13、 问题:

Which one is NOT included in the checklist for sentence writing?

选项:A:Is each sentence clear and complete?B:Can any wordy sentences be made more concise?C:Is each word spelled correctly?D:Is each sentence long and complicated? E:Can any run-on sentences be more effectively coordinated or subordinated?答案: 【Is each sentence long and complicated? 】

14、 问题:

Which of the followings is NOT the example of the use of expository writing?

选项:A:How-to articlesB:News reportsC:The execution of a projectD:The solution to problemsE:Recipes答案: 【News reports】

15、 问题:

Which one of the following thesis statements is appropriate for argumentative writing?

选项:A:The advantages of the increasing tourism outweigh the disadvantages.B:Many factors may influence the attainment of happiness.C:Reasons lying behind misdeeds among adolescents are various.答案: 【The advantages of the increasing tourism outweigh the disadvantages.】

16、 问题:

硕士研究生入学考试英语写作由两个部分组成:(  )和短文写作

选项:A:应用文写作B:摘要写作C:实验报告答案: 【应用文写作】

第二章 单元测试

1、 问题:

Choose a coordinating conjunction to combine each pair of simple sentences. 选择合适的并列连词连接每一题中的两句。

A Russian airliner has made an emergency landing in Moscow, bumping into buildings and splitting into two parts.

Only two people were killed.

选项:A:orB:soC:butD:norE:andF:for答案: 【but】

2、 问题:

Choose a coordinating conjunction to combine each pair of simple sentences. 选择合适的并列连词连接每一题中的两句。

Most people don’t leave their front door unlocked.

The same is true of their home Wi-Fi networks.

选项:A:or B:soC:butD:norE:andF:for答案: 【and】

3、 问题:

Choose a coordinating conjunction to combine each pair of simple sentences. 选择合适的并列连词连接每一题中的两句。

Hotel guests have their meals free.

They naturally go to the free dining rooms to have their meals.

选项:A:orB:soC:butD:norE:andF:for答案: 【so】

4、 问题:

Choose a coordinating conjunction to combine each pair of simple sentences. 选择合适的并列连词连接每一题中的两句。

The glasses can be worn by people going on a guided tour, indicating points of interest.

They can be worn by people looking at panoramas identifying all the sites.

选项:A:orB:soC:butD:norE:andF:for答案: 【or】

5、 问题:

Choose a coordinating conjunction to combine each pair of simple sentences. 选择合适的并列连词连接每一题中的两句。

Important cultural documents, not all pictures can be saved.

Not all pictures should be saved.

选项:A:orB:soC:butD:norE:andF:for答案: 【and】

6、 问题:

Choose a coordinating conjunction to combine each pair of simple sentences. 选择合适的并列连词连接每一题中的两句。

Jessie slammed the refrigerator door in disappointment.

There was nothing in the fridge that he could eat.

选项:A:orB:soC:butD:norE:andF:for答案: 【for】

7、 问题:

Choose a subordinating conjunction to combine each pair of simple sentences. 选择合适的连词连接每一题中的两个句子。

Computers work accurately and at high speeds.

They save research workers years of hard work.

选项:A:whenB:unlessC:becauseD:asE:althoughF:ifG:that答案: 【because】

8、 问题:

Choose a subordinating conjunction to combine each pair of simple sentences. 选择合适的连词连接每一题中的两个句子。

I want to build my business through my people.

I have to build their own belief in their capacity to achieve.

选项:A:whenB:unlessC:becauseD:asE:althoughF:ifG:that答案: 【if】

9、 问题:

Choose a subordinating conjunction to combine each pair of simple sentences. 选择合适的连词连接每一题中的两个句子。

Sleep patterns change during teenage.

Any parent of a teenager can prove.

选项:A:whenB:unlessC:becauseD:asE:althoughF:ifG:that答案: 【as】

10、 问题:

Choose a subordinating conjunction to combine each pair of simple sentences. 选择合适的连词连接每一题中的两个句子。

The number of school bus casualty is not large.

The safety of children is always of intense public concern.

选项:A:whenB:unlessC:becauseD:asE:althoughF:ifG:that答案: 【although】

11、 问题:

Choose a subordinating conjunction to combine each pair of simple sentences. 选择合适的连词连接每一题中的两个句子。

Children overcome challenges on their own.

They develop new skills and a strong belief in their abilities.

选项:A:whenB:unlessC:becauseD:asE:althoughF:ifG:that答案: 【when】

12、 问题:

Choose a subordinating conjunction to combine each pair of simple sentences. 选择合适的连词连接每一题中的两个句子。

A child’s daydreaming is hindering him/her from progressing in school or from gaining social        skills.

There is no need to discourage it.

选项:A:whenB:unlessC:becauseD:asE:althoughF:ifG:that答案: 【unless】

13、 问题:

Choose a subordinating conjunction to combine each pair of simple sentences. 选择合适的连词连接每一题中的两个句子。

Some people have the mistaken belief.

Depression comes from weakness or is a character flaw.

选项:A:whenB:unlessC:becauseD:asE:althoughF:ifG:that答案: 【that】

14、 问题:

Choose the correct phrases or sentences to complete the sentences. 选择合适的词组完成句子。

For some teens, a negative, stressful, or unhappy family environment can affect their self-respect and ____ depression.


give up to


result from


keep away from

D:lead to答案: 【lead to】

15、 问题:

Choose the correct phrases or sentences to complete the sentences. 选择合适的词组完成句子。The American housing booming in recent years is nothing ____ the price run in countries like France, Spain, Britain, Ireland, Sweden and Australia.

选项:A:compared withB:in terms ofC:according toD:in contrast to答案: 【compared with】

16、 问题:

Choose the correct phrases or sentences to complete the sentences. 选择合适的词组完成句子。

Pigeons have a natural instinct to return home, ____ they are very far away and the trip is hard or dangerous.

选项:A:after allB:by all meansC:in particularD:even if答案: 【even if】

17、 问题:

Choose the correct phrases or sentences to complete the sentences. 选择合适的词组完成句子。

Nature’s recycling system can work well only if people work with the system, ____ against it.

选项:A:in addition toB:on the wholeC:rather thanD:as a result答案: 【rather than】

18、 问题:

Choose the correct phrases or sentences to complete the sentences. 选择合适的词组完成句子。

Water management is particularly important. In some parts of Africa, ____, digging deep wells for clean drinking water can support many generations.

选项:A:without doubt  B:thereforeC:for example    D:otherwise答案: 【for example    】

19、 问题:

Choose the correct phrases or sentences to complete the sentences. 选择合适的词组完成句子。

In spite of all stories of prosperity in the United States, not only ____ there, but crimes of various types have been increasing at an alarming rate.

选项:A:poverty does existB:does poverty exist  C:exists povertyD:poverty exists答案: 【does poverty exist  】

20、 问题:

Choose the correct word to finish the translation of “故事中的小女孩有一个邪恶的继母,这个邪恶的继母让小女孩过着悲惨的生活。”

In the story, the little girl has a wicked stepmother, ____ makes her life a misery.

选项:A:whoB:sheC: the wicked mother答案: 【who】

21、 问题:

The man didn’t want people to know his age, ____ he did not want to have any gray hair.

选项:A:soB:howeverC:butD:otherwise答案: 【so】

22、 问题:

What is the function of “likewise” as a transitional word?

选项:A:additionB:timeC:comparisonD:effectE:clarificationF:purposeG:summary答案: 【comparison】

23、 问题:

Decide which one is better written as an example to illustrate the following sentence: Technologically simple societies change very slowly.

选项:A:Such as, some of the clothing worn by the Austrian Iceman.B:Take, for example, some of the clothing worn by the Austrian Iceman.答案: 【Take, for example, some of the clothing worn by the Austrian Iceman.】

24、 问题:

What is the following sentence about: But others saw an unnatural interference with human reproduction.

选项:A:the pros of human cloningB:the cons of human cloning答案: 【the cons of human cloning】

25、 问题:

Identify the function of the underlined word in the following sentence: 

She did accomplish the task in time.

选项:A:To emphasize the action (verb)B:To emphasize the subject or objectC:To emphasize the adjectives as modifiers答案: 【To emphasize the action (verb)】

26、 问题:

Which of the following is the correct translation of “人以类聚,物以群分”?

选项:A:Fine feathers make fine birds.B:Birds of a feather flock together.答案: 【Birds of a feather flock together.】

第三章 单元测试

1、 问题:

Read the following paragraphs and identify the sentence that is not appropriate in each of the paragraphs. 阅读以下段落,选出每一段中不合适的句子删除。

(1)Some people think that teenagers should bury themselves in all school subjects. (2)In their view, learning various subjects can not only enlarge teenagers’ knowledge but also promote all-around development. (3)Additionally, compared with those who only focus on one subject, students with a wide range of knowledge can find different solutions to deal with problems they will face either at work or in life. (4)With the rapid development of economy and technology, more and more jobs require people to be armed with professional knowledge. (5)Last but not least, teenagers may be easily fed up with the dull school life if they concentrate on one special subject for a long time, while different subjects can add spice to their school life. (6)Meanwhile learning all school subjects is useful for teenagers to discover what they are really interested in.

选项:A:句1B:句2C:句3D:句4E:句5F:句6答案: 【句4】

