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When you write your master thesis (in Chinese) on windows, you may have following worries.


a, Be afraid your master thesis is lost (or can not be accessed) when hard disk/udisk is broken (or something other viruses).

a,当硬盘/ udisk损坏(或其他病毒)时,请担心您的硕士论文丢失(或无法访问)。

b, Keep master thesis availability (7×24) and safety.


c, Do not want anyone else to access it before it is published.


How to solve above problems?


Currently, I have tried one way on Windows OS and it works well for me. Firstly, you need to be familiar with software/tools/platforms as follows. 1, Git (https://git-scm.com/). 2, A few shell commands (http://ss64.com/bash/). 3, Bitbucket (https://bitbucket.org/). 4, NotePad++ (https://notepad-plus-plus.org/).

目前,我已经在Windows操作系统上尝试了一种方法,并且对我来说效果很好。 首先,您需要熟悉以下软件 / tools / platforms。 1,Git( https://git-scm.com/ )。 2,一些shell命令( http://ss64.com/bash/ )。 3,Bitbucket( https://bitbucket.org/ )。 4,NotePad ++( https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ )。

Workload is: 1, Download/install/use Git-for-windows (https://git-for-windows.github.io/) because it is easy for us to use git on Windows. 2, Create account on Bitbucket because you would host your thesis on Bitbucket servers and it is managed by Git. 3, Create private repository (safety is promised) locally and push it to your Bitbucket (Or you can also create private repository on bitbucket and pull it locally). 4, Use Notepad++ to edit your thesis files with Chinese because it is convenient on Windows (You may also use Microsoft office, etc instead). 5, Once your thesis is updated, you can commit your update to bitbucket in Git-for-windows Shell with git (Availability is promised).

工作量为: 1,下载/安装/使用Git-for-windows( https://git-for-windows.github.io/ ),因为我们很容易在Windows上使用git。 2,在Bitbucket上创建帐户,因为您的论文将托管在Bitbucket服务器上,并且由Git管理。 3,在本地创建私有存储库(保证安全)并将其推送到您的Bitbucket(或者您也可以在bitbucket上创建私有存储库并在本地拉出它)。 4,使用记事本++用中文编辑论文文件 ,因为它在Windows上很方便(您也可以使用Microsoft Office等)。 5,论文更新后,您可以使用git将更新提交到Windows的Git-for-Windows Shell中(承诺提供)。

Note: 1, Bitbucket (Github cannot use private repos unless you are recognized as a student) can use private repositories freely (safety is promised). 2, You can also use EditPlus (substitute NotePad++) but it is not free.

注意: 1,Bitbucket(除非您被认为是学生,否则Github不能使用私有存储库)可以自由使用私有存储库(保证安全)。 2,您也可以使用EditPlus(替代NotePad ++),但这不是免费的。

Answered by harryxiyou. 由harryxiyou回答。

翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/how-to-keep-master-thesis-safety-and-availability-on-windows/

