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2021年12月四级阅读真题及答案解析-选词填空(卷一)2022-01-17 16:02:36来源:网络 【好课】新东方英语四级精品课|【优惠】四级名师网课|四级名师免费课【考试报名】英语四级报名时间|入口|英语四级考试时间|英语四级考试流程【四级备考】英语四级重点词汇表英语四级阅读理解100篇精析2021年12月四级真题及答案解析-选词填空(卷一)

Section A 选词填空

The sheets are damp with sweat. You're cold, but your heart is racing as if an assailant just chased you down a dark street. It was just a nightmare, you tell yourself; there's nothing to be afraid of. But you're still filled with __26__. Given how unsettling and haunting nightmares can be, is there a way for dreamers to __27__, or even turn off, these bad dreams as they happen? Research is ___28___, but some studies suggest that people who can master lucid dreaming — that is, the ability to be __29__ that a nightmare is happening and possibly even control it without waking up — may hold the __30__. Nightmares are part of the human experience, especially for kids. Doctors ___31__ don't consider occasional nightmares a problem, but there are options for people whose nightmares occur frequently and negatively affect their lives during the day. These can be symptoms of nightmare disorder, a sleep disorder that can stem from trauma, stress and certain drugs. To treat nightmare disorder, there are a number of medications and therapies that are backed by ___32___ research, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, which analyzed the available research on the treatment of nightmare disorder in a 2010 __33__ published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. However, nightmares are complicated, and researchers are still struggling to understand them, said Dr. Rachel Salas, an expert on sleep disorders and an associate professor of neurology at Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore. What we do know is that people __35__ to have different kinds of nightmares at different points during the sleep cycle.

26. fear 缺名词。前文在描述nightmare“噩梦”的场景:出汗sweat弄湿了被子sheets,被行凶者 assailant在漆黑的街上追赶。所以充满恐惧“fear”。

27. avoid to 后面加动词原形,且后面有or,所以意思上并列turn off(关掉),避免avoid噩梦发生。

28. limited 主系表结构,is后加形容词。上文提出问题:人们是否可以阻止噩梦发生,此句为回答,且28空后面“but”转折——但是有人可以掌控梦境。所以28空应是否定含义,固limited(研究结果是有限的)。

29. aware be动词后接形容词。本句是对上半句掌控梦境的继续阐述——“这种能力就是“意识到 aware”梦境正在发生,继而控制梦境”。

30. answer 空前有定冠词the,后接名词。该句主语为破折号前的“people who can master lucid dreaming”,掌控梦境的人可能有这个问题的答案,固answer。

31. typically 句子成分完整,填副词。注意:typically在这里为“通常”,而非“典型”之意。通常医生不认为偶尔的噩梦是个问题。

32. rigorous research为名词,前缺少形容词进行修饰。back在此为动词“支持”之意,疗法therapies有研究research支持,固rigorous“严谨的”符合题意。

33. 暂缺

34. review 前有a 2020,固缺少一个可数名词单数,后有published出版,所以应为“review报告,述评”。

35. tend 该句缺动词,且空后有to,所以需要不及物动词,tend to 固定搭配“通常,往往会”。


