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2023年3月英语四级作文必背范文图表作文:教育2023-03-06 11:51:00来源:网络 【好课】新东方英语四级精品课|【优惠】四级名师网课|四级名师免费课【考试报名】英语四级报名时间|入口|英语四级考试时间|英语四级考试流程【四级备考】英语四级重点词汇表英语四级阅读理解100篇精析





For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the chart below. You should start you essay with a brief description of the chart and then give your comments. You should write at least 120 words bu t no more than 180 words.



The column chart clearly reveals the statistics of students taking part-time jobs in a certain university. According to the survey, there has been a steady increase from 67.77% to 71.93% for students holding temporary jobs from freshmen to juniors, while the percentage of seniors working part-time jumped markedly to 88.24%.

The most obvious way that having a part-time job can adversely affect students’ studies is by becoming a drain on their time. Another way that part-time employment can be detrimental to students is by reducing the perceived incentive to study. Despite presenting certain pitfalls, working part-time during one’s college years also offers several potential benefits. For one, it can help students to better understand their preferences or to “test out” a possible career direction. Additionally, companies seeking to recruit recent grads will give preference to those with realworld experience.

In the end, the impact of a part-time job on a student’s academic career depends on the student’s ability to maintain focus and balance his or her own time.


这幅柱状图清晰显示了某高校学生兼职情况的数据。根据调查,从大一到大三,兼职学 生从 67.77%稳步上升到 71.93%,而大四兼职学生的百分比则急剧上升到 88.24%。

兼职影响学业的主要问题就是耽误时间。不利影响的另一方面就是会减少学生已有的 学习动力。尽管提到了某些弊端,但在大学阶段做兼职还是有很多潜在好处的。首先,兼职 能让学生更好地了解自己的喜好或检验一种可能的职业方向。其次,那些招聘新近毕业生的 公司都会偏爱有实际社会经验的大学生。



column chart 柱状图 clearly 清晰地 reveal 显示 statistics 数据 take part-time job 兼职 certain 某 university高校 according to 根据 survey调查 steady缓慢的 increase上升 hold temporary job 兼职 freshman 大一学生 junior 大三学生 percentage 百分比 senior 大四学生 work parttime 兼职 jump 上升 markedly 急剧地 obvious 明显的 have a part-time job 兼职 adversely 不利地 drain 消耗 detrimental 有害的 reduce 减少 perceived 已有的 incentive 动机 despite 尽 管 present 提到 pitfall 弊端 several 一些 potential 潜在的 benefit 好处 for one 一方面 preference 喜好 test out 检验 direction 方向 additionally 此外 seek to 寻求 recruit 招聘 grad 毕业生 give preference to 偏爱 real-world 实际的 in the end 最后 impact 影响 depend on 取 决于 ability 能力 maintain 保持 focus 重点 balance 平衡


四级写作已经多次考察关于“就业”的话题,如:1994-6:My Ideal Job (我理想的工作), 1995-6:Advantages of a Job Interview (工作面试的优点),2001-1:How to Succeed in a Job Interview? (如何在工作面试中取得成功)。


1、There is a recognition that a candidate with a master’s degree will have a competitive advantage over those with only a bachelor’s degree.普遍公认硕士学位候选人将比那些只 有学士学位的人拥有明显的优势。

2、This is inevitable because ours is a society where one’s income is still determined by the knowledge you possess.由于我们社会中一个人的收入仍然由你所拥有的知识所决定,因此 这一点不可避免。

3、With the growing number of college graduates being turned out each year, the situation in the job market is getting tighter and tighter.随着每年毕业的大学毕业生越来越多,就业 市场的形势越来越严峻。

以上是新东方在线英语四级频道小编为大家带来的“2023年3月英语四级作文必背范文图表作文:教育 ”,希望考生们都能备考顺利,取得出色的成绩!


