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Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)

Section A1.    A) See a doctor.    B) Stay in bed for a few days.    C) Get treatment in a better hospital.    D) Make a phone call to the doctor.2.    A) The 2:00 train will arrive earlier.    B) The 2:30 train has a dining car.    C) The woman prefers to take the 2:30 train.    D) they are gong to have some fast food on the train3.    A) She has been longing to attend Harvard University.    B) She’ll consider the man’s suggestion carefully.    C) She has finished her project with Dr. Garcia’s help.    D) She’ll consult Dr. Garcia about entering graduate school.4.    A) Alice didn’t seem to be nervous during her speech.    B) Alice needs more training in making public speeches.    C) The man can hardly understand Alice’s presentation.    D) The man didn’t think highly of Alice’s presentation.5.    A) It’s worse than 30 years ago.    B) It remains almost the same as before.    C) There are more extremes in the weather.    D) There has been a significant rise in temperature.

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