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France is facing potentially more than one billion dollars in lost revenue this year, due tohuge declines in tourism.1]Safety concerns have been one of the biggest reasons why the country has lost over half a billion in revenue already.In the first six thousand sixmonth of 2016. The terror attacks in Paris last November were called Europe's worst in the past decade. Besides violence, workers strikes and heavy floods are said to have also been why international tourists have stayed away. So far in the Paris region, there's been a 46% decline in Japanese visitors, 35% fewer Russians, and 27%fewer Italians. American travelers seem the least affected,their numbers have only dropped by roughly 5%. According to the French government, the country is the number one tourist destination in the world, andtourism is extremely important to the French economy. The sector represents roughly9% of its GDP. The head of Paris Tourism Board2]said, it’s time to realize that the tourism sector is going through an industrial disaster.

Questions one and two are based on the news report.

1. What counts most for the huge declines in tourism in France?


【解析】本题答案定位新闻句首,biggest最高级处,导致法国旅游人数下降的最大原因是安全问题。Safety concerns have been one of the biggest reasons why the country has lost over half a billion in revenue already.

2. What do we learn from the report about tourism in France?


【解析】本题答案定位文章结尾,观点词处said, it’s time to realize that the tourism sector is going through an industrial disaster.法国官方报道法国旅游业会面临巨大灾难,通读全文也能确定法国旅游业负面的情况。


A small plane with3]two sick U.S.workers arrived safely in Chile late Wednesday after leaving Antarctica in a daring rescue mission from a remote south pole research station. After making a stop for a few hours at a British station on the edge of Antarctica, the two workers were flown to the southernmost Chilean city of Punter Arenas .In a chaotic two days of flying ,the rescue team flew three thousand miles round trip from the British station, rather a, to pick up the workers at the U.S. Amazon Scott station at the south pole .The two patients support will be transported to a medical facility city that can provide a level of care that is not available at Evans and Scott ,says spokesperson. Normally,planes don't go to the pole a post from February to October4]because of the dangers of flying in the pitch dark and cold. Antarctica creates a hostile environment, says the operations director for the British Antarctic survey. If you are not careful, it'll come round and bite you.

Questions three and four are based on the news report.

3. What was the small planes mission to Antarctica?


【解析】本题定位新闻开头,飞机去南极洲考察站接两位美国受伤营救人员,可通过视听一致原则标记名词two sick US workers arrived safely, a daring rescue mission from a remote south pole research station.

4. What makes flying to Antarctica dangerous from February to October?


【解析】本题定位新闻结尾因果词because后,由于南极在二月和十月的非常黑和寒冷的天气情况because of the dangers of flying in the pitch dark and cold.


5]A pilot from Virginia removed his son's loose tooth using a helicopter. Rick Rahim from Virginia 6】6]flies helicopters for a living.And when his seven year old son's tooth became loose, he did not waste time by tying it to a door handle.Instead, Mr. Rahim tied one end of a string around his sonstooth, and the other end to his full size commercial helicopter. The father of four posted a video clip of his playful venture on Facebook 7]advising parents to do fun and creative stuff with their kids.

The video shows him launching the helicoptersinto the air and flying just far enough to successfully remove the loose tooth. At the end of the video, Mr. Rahim assures watchers that the circumstances were safe and that he has thirteen years of helicopter flying experience behind him. You've got to do everything safe in life. And that's what I did today. He said. Mr. Rahim later said that although some parents have used remote control helicopters to pull teeth before, he might be the first to use a full sized aircraft as he can't find evidence that it has been done before.

Questions five to seven are based on the news report.

5. How did Rick Rahim remove his son's loose tooth?

【问题】Rick Rahim如何帮儿子拔松动的牙?

【解析】本题定位新闻句首,符合开头出题视听一致原则,作者用直升机帮自己的儿子拔牙,全文重复出现直升机,可通过重复出题原则答题。A pilot from Virginia removed his son's loose tooth using a helicopter.

6. What does the news reports say about Rick?


【解析】本题定位开头,作者是一名飞行员,开直升机是他的职业,可以通过视听一致原则直接选出答案。a pilot ,flies helicopters for a living.

7.What did Rick Rahim advise parents to do with their kids?





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