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1.A)  He wanted to buy a home.

B)He suffered from a shock.

C)He lost a huge sum of money.

D)He did an unusual good deed.

2.A) Invite the waiter to a fancy dinner.

B)Tell her story to the Daily News.

C)Give some money to the waiter.

D)Pay the waiter's school tuition.


Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.

3.A) Whether or not to move to the state's mainland.

B)How to keep the village from sinking into the sea.

C)Where to get the funds for rebuilding their village.

D)What to do about the rising level of the seawater.

4.A) It takes too long a time.C) It has to wait for the state's final approval.

B)It costs too much money.D) It faces strong opposition from many villagers.

Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.

5.A) To investigate whether people are grateful for help.

B)To see whether people hold doors open for strangers.

C)To explore ways of inducing gratitude in people.

D)To find out how people express gratitude.

6.A) They induced strangers to talk with them.

B)They helped 15 to 20 people in a bad mood.

C)They held doors open for people at various places.

D)They interviewed people who didn't say thank you.

7.A) People can be educated to be grateful.C) Most people have bad days now and then.

B) Most people express gratitude for help.D) People are ungrateful when in a bad mood.


Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard

8.A) To order a solar panel installation.

B) To report a serious leak in his roof.

C)To enquire about solar panel installations.

D)To complain about the faulty solar panels.

9.A) He plans to install solar panels.

B) He owns a four-bedrcx)m house.

C)He saves $ 300 a year.

D)He has a large family.

10.A) The service of the solar panel company.

B) The cost of a solar panel installation.

C)The maintenance of the solar panels.

D)The quality of the solar panels.

11.A) One year and a half.

B) Less than four years.

C)Roughly six years.

D)About five years.


Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

12. A) At a travel agency.

B) At an Australian airport.

C)At an airline transfer service.

D)At a local transportation authority.

13. A) She would be able to visit more scenic spots.

B)She wanted to save as much money as possible.

C)She would like to have everything taken care of.

D)She wanted to spend more time with her family.

14.A) Four days.

B) Five days.

C)One week.

D)Two weeks.

15.A) Choosing some activities herself.

B) Spending Christmas with Australians.

C)Driving along the Great Ocean Road.

D)Learning more about wine making.


Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard

16.A) Bring their own bags when shopping.

B) Use public transport when traveling.

C) Dispose of their trash properly.

D) Pay a green tax upon arrival.

17.A) It has not been doing a good job in recycling.

B)It has witnessed a rise in accidental drowning.

C)It has not attracted many tourists in recent years.

D)It has experienced an overall decline in air quality.

18.A) To charge a small fee on plastic products in supermarkets.

B)To ban single-use plastic bags and straws on Bali Island.

C)To promote the use of paper bags for shopping.

D)To impose a penalty on anyone caught littering.


Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19.A) It gives birth to several babies at a time.

B) It is the least protected mammal species.

C)Its breeding grounds are now better preserved.

D)Its population is now showing signs of increase.

20.A) Global warming.

B) Polluted seawaters.

C)Commercial hunting.

D)Decreasing birthrates.

21.A) To mate.

B) To look for food.

C)To escape hunters.

D)To seek breeding grounds.


Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard

22.A) They prefer to drink low-fat milk.

B) They think milk is good for health.

C)They consume less milk these days.

D)They buy more milk than the British.

23.A) It is not as healthy as once thought.

B) It is not easy to stay fresh for long.

C)It benefits the elderly more.

D)It tends to make people fat.

24.A) They drink too many pints every day.

B) They are sensitive to certain minerals.

C)They lack the necessary proteins to digest it.

D)They have eaten f ood incompatible with milk.

25.A)It is easier for sick people to digest.

B) It provides some necessary nutrients.

C)It is healthier than other animal products.

D)It supplies the body with enough calories.


New 1 原文


New3 原文





An endangered species of whale [19] is experiencing a small baby boom of the coast America. The north Atlantic white whale is one of the rarest species on the planet, numbering only about 411. But the center of coast studies said Friday that this area’s survey team spotted a mom with two babies inCape Cod bay a day earlier. That brings the number seen in nearly waters alone this year to 3. That’s big news because the whale population has been falling and no baby whales were seen last year. In all, seven baby whales have been spotted so far this year. [20] The whale population has become endangered due to commercial whaling activities in recent years. This is because they are sometimes hunted for their meat or their skin. Over-hunting could lead to the disappearance of the whale population, possibly causing major problems to the global food chain. [21]The whales give birth off the southeast coast of American in the winter and travel to feeding grounds off the northeast coast in the early spring. Northeast coast is a critically important source of food. The animas often feed close to shore. This provides watches on land with unbeatable views of one of the rarest of marine mammals. It is illegal to get within 1500 feet to the animals without federal research permit, so well watchers are discouraged from the tempting to get to the whales.

Q19. What do we learn from the passage about the North Atlantic white whale?

Q20. What has caused the decline of the whale population in recent years?

Q21. What do the whales travel to the northeast coast of America?


[22] An average person consumes 144 pints of milk a year, but 40% of that is poured on the cereal and 60% of those people are children. But what was once advertised as nutrition is becoming unpopular. Americans drinks 37% less milk than they did in the 1970s. And in the UK, dairy consumption overall has fallen by a third in the past 20 years. [23] Milk is increasingly being described in a negative light. A recent blog suggested that maybe people are drinking less milk because it is poisonous to many of us. Lactose is the sugar found in milk in dairy products. it needs a series of complex proteins to break it down. Without enough of these proteins, [24]the lactose is broken down by bacteria in a human body. This can cause physical pain and produce gas in the stomach. However, after we have finished breast and formula feeding, most of us don't continue producing the complex proteins in our bodies, which are necessary to break down the lactose. Despite the problems that I just see in milk, it does provide many benefits. [25] Milk is nutritious, it contains vitamins A and D as well as protein and isn’t full of calories. You can test yourself by drinking a large glass of milk. If you get sick in your stomach within the next 24hrs, you are lack in the proteins to digest milk.

Question 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have heard.

22 what does the passage say about Americans?

23 how do Americans and British think of milk nowadays?

24 why does drinking milk cause pain in some people?

25. What does the passage say is a benefit of milk?



1、D) (精析】细节推断题。新闻开头即点明了服务员所傲的事情,他将一张面值四十多万美元的支票还给了失主一一一位退休的社工.由此可知,这位服务员做了件不同寻常的好事。

2、C) 精析】细节辨认题。 新闻中提到,那位丢失支票的顾客想给服务员-笔钱,但是服务员婉言谢绝了.

3、A)【精析】细节辨认题. 新闻开篇指出,马廖夫村的村民周二投票是为了决定是否搬往该州的内陆地区.

4、B)【精析】目的原因题。新闻中提到,Donna Barr说这次投票基本上是象征性的,此举会对社区造成经济损失 15年前,预计搬迁成本是1. 8亿美元,现如今的费用只会更高. Barr认为,由于资金问题,这一项目恐怕难以实施。


6、C)细节辨认题1  藉闻中说,让人心存感激的一个方法就是帮他们敞开方便之门,在实验中Foran的团队去了几个不同的地方,分别是一个购物中心、一个大型商场、两栋办公楼和一家酬啡馆



9、D) [精析】细节辨认题.男士提到他的邻居家有六口人。

10、B)[精析】细节推断题.男士接通电话后的第一个问题是他的邻居因为安装了太阳能电池板每年节省了则美元,他想知道是否真能省出这些钱.对话临近结束时,他又再次询问一套常见的太阳能电池板装置大概要花多少钱。 可见男士对于太阳能电池板装置的费用以及每年能够节省的钱特别关心.

11、D)[精析】细节辨认题. 女士说,普通家庭差不多五年就能收回最初的投资.

12、A)细节推断题. 对话开始女士说,她想要预订去澳大利亚旅行的度假服务,想知道 男士这里有哪些合适的项目。 由此推断,女士是前来咨询的顾客而男士负责提供旅行服务,故对话最有可能发生在旅行社.




16、D)细节辨认题. 短文开头指出,从明年开始,凡是去印尼巴厘岛旅游的游客,需要在抵达时每人缴纳14美元的税. 这一新税是一项绿色环保税

17、A)细节辨认题. 短文中提到,回收再利用不是印尼的强项. 也就是说,印尼在这方面一直做得不好。

18、B)细节辨认题. 短文中提到,几个月前,州长Koster宣布将计划在该岛全面禁止一次性塑料袋和吸管的使用.

19、D)【精析】细节推断题。 短文开头说,在美国沿海地区, 一种濒危的鲸鱼正在经历一场小婴儿潮. 短文后面具体说明了这一鲸鱼的种类是北大西洋露脊鲸(North Atlantic right whale),这说明北大西洋露脊鲸的数量有增长的迹象.

20、C)细节辨认题. 短文中提到,鲸鱼数量濒危是因为近年来的商业捕杀活动,过度捕猎可能导致鲸鱼数量的减少.

21、B)目的原因题. 短文中说,鲸鱼冬天在美国东南海岸生育幼崽,然后在早春时到美国东北海岸觅食. 因此,它们早春时到美国东北海岸是为了觅食.

22、C)细节辨认题. 短文中给出的数据说明,与20世纪70年代相比,美国人的牛奶饮用量减少了37%。

23、A)细节推断题。短文中提到,不光是美国,英国的牛奶饮用量在过去20年间也减少了三分之一.提到牛奶时,负面评价越来越多. 最近,还有人在搏客上说,对许多人来说,牛奶是有毒的. 由此推断,牛奶曾经的正面形象已经发生了变化,人们不再像以前那样认为饮用牛奶一定有益健康.

24、C)目的原因题. 短文中说 吃牛奶中所含的乳糖需要特殊的蛋白质来进行消化。如果体内此类蛋白质不足,乳糖就会被人体中的细菌分解,从而引起身体疼痛和胃胀气.

25、B)细节辨认题. 短文末尾指出,牛奶是很有营养的,富含维生素A和维生素D,还含有蛋白质,而且热量不高。
