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2022年12月英语四级写作高分范文60篇:住校内还是住校外2022-06-14 10:41:00来源:网络 【好课】新东方英语四级精品课|【优惠】四级名师网课|四级名师免费课【考试报名】英语四级报名时间|入口|英语四级考试时间|英语四级考试流程【四级备考】英语四级重点词汇表英语四级阅读理解100篇精析




In June 2007, the Ministry of Education issued a new regulation that college students should not be allowed to find their own housing solution. This ban on students renting off-campus places has triggered off a hot debate. What is your opinion about renting an apartment off-campus?

写作范文Students Should Live on Campus

Is it justifiable to impose a ban on renting off-campus apartments for university students? Or should the authorities leave the matter to students themselves to decide since they are already adults? Personally, I lend my support to the former.

First,living on campus may be convenient owing to the proximity to the teaching buildings along with other facilities, It is obviously very handy to walk out of one's dorm and be in the classroom just five minutes later. The library and canteens are close by too. On the campus where I live the distance between dormitories and classrooms is quite far so a bicycle is a necessity. To have an extra distance to travel between home and campus is unthinkable. Second, it is by and larges much safer than living off-campus. Students think nothing of staying in the library until late at night and then walking or cycling back to the dorm. Security guards patrol the campus night and day and also the dorm entrances. But think what could happen if you have to venture outside the campus and make your way home alone through darkened and deserted streets and then enter an unguarded building, Security is something we all take for granted on our campuses but this cannot be guaranteed off-campus.

In conclusion, living on campus means that everything that you could possibly require is close at hand with the added benefit of feeling safe and secure within a gated community. (242 words)
