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2020年12月英语四级听力真题 新闻报道(3)

A Philippine fisherman was feeling down on his luck when a housefire forced him to clear out his possessions and change locations. Then, a good luck charm that he had kept under his bed changed his life.


The unidentified man had fished out a giant pearl from the ocean when his anchor got stuck on the rock while sailing off a coastal island in the Philippines ten years ago.


When he was forced to sell it, the shocked tourist agent at Puerto Princesca told him that the 77-pound giant pearl that he had kept hidden in his rundown wooden house was the biggest pearl in the world, which was valued at 76 million pounds.


The pearl of Allah, which is currently on display in a New York museum, only weighs 14 pounds. That is five times smaller than the pearl that the fisherman just handed in.


The monstrous pearl, measured at 1 foot wide and 2.2 feet long, is going to be verified by local experts and international authorities before hopefully going on display to attract more tourists in the little town.

