首页 >  四级口语个人陈述历年真题  > 2020.11英语四级口语真题第五场个人陈述:社区活动





As the pace of urbanization speeds up, a host of large communities have been formed, especially in metropolis. Therefore, organizing appropriate community activities becomes particularly vital. For one thing, given that we are occupied with work and rarely go out, the activities can provide us opportunities to chat or interact with neighbors and reduce unnecessary conflicts.

For instance, community staff can hold parents-child campaigns, in which children make new friends and parents share their experience about raising a child. For another thing, community activities affect positively in various aspects, which not only enrich our daily life, but provide physical and mental benefits. Communities, coupled with hospitals, offer door-to-door service such as physical examination to the elderly, thus guaranteeing their health condition.

All in all, contemporary society should concentrate on community activities, which aim to bring benefits to residents.


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