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Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, and then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1、 I'm leaving in ______ minute. In ______ fact, I'll leave when I turn off the lights.

A. /; the            B. a; /            C. a; a            D. the; the

2、 Please turn to Page ______, and look at the ______ picture.

A. Two; second                             B. Two; two

C. second; two                              D. second; second

3、 The kids learned that light ______ faster than sound.

A. travel              B. traveled          C. travels            D. has traveled

4、 The photo exhibition was held to ______ people's environmental awareness.

A. rise                B. give              C. arise             D. raise

5、 The famous lawyer made a speech ______ education law.

A. in                 B. on                C. at                D. for

6、 —We need a drink.

—______! Let's have one.

A. Greatly            B. Simply           C. Possibly         D. Exactly

7、 Neither you nor I am the expert on this issue, ______?

A. are we             B. aren't we        C. do we            D. don't we

8、 The hall was named after the professor ______ had made great contributions to the university.

A. which             B. who              C. whose            D. whom

9、 Hardly had I put down my cellphone ______ it rang again.

A. as                 B. than              C. after              D. when

10、 Peter won first prize in the Chinese Speech Competition. He ______ have studied very hard.

A. may              B. should            C. must             D. could

11、 The AI engineer, as well as his team members, ______ to attend the seminar on ChatGPT last month.

A. was invited                             B. were invited

C. have been invited                       D. has been invited

12、 The teacher explained it again ______ he could make himself better understood.

A. now that          B. such that         C. so that            D. in that

13、 The ______ of blood always makes her frightened.

A. sight              B. view              C. look              D. glance

14、 As we arrived too early, ______ of the rooms were ready.

A. all                B. none             C. any               D. both

15、 When he was a child, the scientist was ______ about how life on earth began.

A. curious           B. anxious           C. careful           D. hopeful

16、 —Have you completed your report yet?

—No, but I ______ on it all day yesterday.

A. would work       B. had worked       C. have worked      D. was working

17、  ______ I know, they will go to Chengdu to watch the Word University Games this summer.

A. Even though      B. Even if           C. As soon as        D. As far as

18、 Never in my life ______ such a wonderful lion dance.

A. have I seen                             B. I have seen

C. did I see                                D. I saw

19、 The school ______ great importance to students' mental health.

A. attaches           B. takes             C. pays              D. offers

20、 They were ______ in the middle of their telephone conversation.

A. cut away          B. cut up            C. cut down         D. cut off

21、 ______ it was only 5 p.m., the street lights in the northeast of the city were already on.

A. Although          B. However          C. Since             D. For

22、 They gave a(n) ______ broadcast while the talent show was going on.

A. living             B. live               C. alive             D. lively

23、 Lily has made an ______ to meet her science teacher next Monday.

A. attention          B. approval          C. agreement        D. appointment

24、 It is high time you ______ smoking.

A. give up                                 B. gave up

C. must give up                            D. will give up

25、 Weather ______, the foreign guests will visit the Panda Base.

A. permits           B. permitted         C. permitting        D. is permitted

26、 The manager had his assistant ______ a presentation for the meeting with the clients.

A. preparing         B. to prepare        C. prepared          D. prepare

27、 ______ finds the lost car will get a gift as a reward.

A. Whomever                                B. No matter whom

C. Whoever                                D. No matter who

28、 We were excited to learn Prof. Tu Youyou became the ______ scientist that won the Nobel Prize.

A. Chinese woman first                     B. first Chinese woman

C. Chinese first woman                     D. first woman Chinese

29、 I'd like to take ______ of this opportunity to thank you for your support.

A. rise               B. care              C. advantage         D. notice

30、 Traveling is becoming ______ popular in China as more and more people have their own cars.

A. importantly                             B. successfully

C. increasingly                             D. mostly

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice, and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage One

31While our world may be more interconnected than ever, families are still eager for opportunities to spend time together. Today grandparents are discovering a simple solution to connecting with their grandchildren—to experience the magic of Walt Disney World Resort.

Whether you're sharing your favorites from past trips, or creating new memories together during your first trip, an adventure awaits. Be prepared for an adventure and ride the family roller coaster of Seven Dwarfs Mine Train Attraction in Fantasyland Area at Magic Kingdom Park. Don't miss the Disney Festival of Fantasy Parade, and, of course, it's a Small World Attraction. The Wishes Nighttime Spectacular Show, Pirates of the Caribbean Attraction, and the classic Haunted Mansion Attraction are other musts.

EPCOT's World Showcase is the place for families to explore 11 countries, and Disney's Animal Kingdom Theme Park offers the Kilimanjaro Safari Expedition, and the Festival of the Lion King Show. And in Toy Story Mania Attraction in Disney's Hollywood Studios, grandparents can compete against grandchildren in friendly games.

Introduce your grandkids to your favorite theme park at the Walt Disney World Resort. Visit Disneyworld.com/grandadventure to plan your next visit.

31、 What does Paragraph 1 focus on? ______

A. Parents and children need to spend more time together.

B. The world we are living in is more interconnected than before.

C. Going to Disneyland is an easy way to connect with family members.

D. Grandparents are discovering a simple solution to their health problem.

32、 How is Paragraph 2 mainly developed? ______

A. By telling stories.

B. By asking questions.

C. By making comparisons.

D. By giving examples.

33、 Where can grandparents and grandkids compete in friendly games? ______

A. In Magic Kingdom Park.

B. In Toy Story Mania Attraction.

C. In Animal Kingdom Theme Park.

D. In Pirates of the Caribbean Attraction.

34、 When planning your next visit to Disneyland, you are advised to ______.

A. ask your grandkids for advice

B. find experience from past trips

C. visit the recommended website

D. let others introduce their favorites

35、 This text is most likely a(n) ______.

A. advertisement                           B. invitation

C. speech                                  D. lecture

Passage Two

Deng Qingming, 56, said that he never lost sight of his "space dream" while waiting, training and preparing for almost a quarter of a century to take part in a space mission.

Deng, the last serving member of China's first group of astronauts (航天员) to take part in a space flight, told the reporters that he never doubted his choice or considered quitting. Deng said that he had "quietly prepared" for an opportunity to take part in a mission, adding, "I don't allow myself to be unprepared in case that, one day, I would be called up."

36"When I was told that I had been chosen for the Shenzhou XV mission, I was pretty calm. What I was thinking about at that time was that I must cherish this opportunity and train harder to live up to their trust and honor my commitment."

Deng said his gratitude went to a lot of people, especially the scientists, engineers and other workers in China's space industry, because it was those people who worked hard to send astronauts like him to space.

After the news about Deng being selected as a member of the Shenzhou XV crew was published on Monday morning, many microbloggers congratulated him and said they were very happy that he could eventually realize his dream.

36、 How long had Deng been preparing for the space mission? ______

A. Nearly 56 years.                        B. Nearly 25 years.

C. Nearly 16 years.                         D. Nearly 15 years.

37、 The underlined word "cherish" in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to "______".

A. value            B. chase           C. verify           D. challenge

38、 Who was Deng especially grateful to? ______

A. The people who chose him for the mission.

B. Those working in China's space industry.

C. Members of the Shenzhou XV crew.

D. China's first group of astronauts.

39、 Which of the following can best describe Deng? ______

A. Generous.         B. Humorous.        C. Intelligent.        D. Persistent.

40、 The text is mainly about ______.

A. an engineer who kept working hard

B. a reporter who interviewed a veteran

C. a scientist who took part in a space mission

D. an astronaut who eventually realized his dream

Passage Three

China's traditional tea-making was added to the intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) list of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO).

The item "traditional tea processing techniques and associated social practices in China" passed the examination at the 17th session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage ongoing here in the Moroccan capital. China now has 43 items on the intangible cultural heritage list, continuing to be the most enlisted country in the world.

Wang Yongjian, head of the Chinese delegation to the UNESCO session, told Xinhua News Agency that the enlistment will make this cultural heritage more visible to the public and help promote respect for cultural differences and human creativity.

The traditional tea processing techniques and associated social practices in China consist of knowledge, skills and practices concerning the management of tea plantations, picking of tea leaves, manual processing, drinking and sharing of tea.

41Since ancient times, Chinese people have been planting, picking, making and drinking tea. Tea producers have developed six types of tea: green, yellow, dark, white, oolong and black teas. Together with reprocessed teas, such as flower-scented teas, there are over 2,000 tea products in China. Tea is ubiquitous in Chinese people's daily life, as tea is served in families, workplaces and tea houses, to name a few.

41、 Where did China's traditional tea-making pass the enlistment examination? ______

A. In China.                               B. In the UN headquarters.

C. In the United States.                    D. In the Moroccan capital.

42、 According to Wang Yongjian, the enlistment will ______.

A. help promote the respect for different people

B. help promote the creation of more tea products

C. get more people to know about this cultural heritage

D. get more people to show respect for the Chinese delegation

43、 The underlined word "ubiquitous" in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to "______".

A. quite common                           B. quite unique

C. very delicious                           D. very precious

44、 What can we learn from the text? ______

A. Chinese people usually do not drink tea at workplaces.

B. There are more than two thousand types of tea in China.

C. China now has the most intangible cultural heritage items enlisted by the UNESCO.

D. China's traditional tea-making consists merely of manual processing and sharing of tea.

45、 In which section of a newspaper may this text appear? ______

A. Sports.            B. Culture.          C. Science.          D. Education.

Passage Four

46People using happy emojis (表情符号) may seem cheerful—but are they really happy? Researchers from the University of Tokyo wanted to investigate whether "display rules"—"socially appropriate facial expressions in a given situation"—existed in communication with emojis. The study saw about 1,289 volunteers from Japan using emojis in response to online conversation. The participants, most of whom were female and aged 11 to 26, self-reported the intensity of emotional expressions.

Results suggested that happy emojis were often used to mask negative emotions and "manage the expression" to make a message seem more positive. Negative emojis, such as any of the sad face emojis, were only used when the participants felt very strong negative feelings.

Experts found that people were most likely to use positive emojis when they were feeling negative emotions or when talking to people of higher status—but they were also less likely to express emotions through emojis toward this group of people. People were more likely to use accurate emojis to express their feelings when talking to close friends.

"As socializing online becomes more popular, people have become accustomed to modifying their expressions and examining the appropriateness of their communication," Moyu Liu, an emotional behavior expert at the University of Tokyo who led the research, said. "However, I realized that this may lead us to lose touch with our real emotions."

46、 What did researchers from the University of Tokyo want to find out? ______

A. How to use emojis to express our emotions properly.

B. When to make facial expressions socially appropriate.

C. Whether the display rules of facial expressions existed in communication with emojis.

D. Whether happy emojis were used to mask negative emotions in communication.

47、 What do we know about the participants of the research? ______

A. They were mostly female.

B. They were in their early twenties.

C. They were asked to report with emojis.

D. They were selected from the University of Tokyo.

48、 When the participants had very strong negative emotions, they ______.

A. used happy emojis                      B. masked their feelings

C. modified their responses                 D. chose negative emojis

49、 People were more likely to use accurate emojis when ______.

A. they felt a little sad

B. they chatted with close friends

C. they needed to make a message more positive

D. they communicated with people of higher status

50、 According to Moyu Liu, what might be the negative influence of this trend? ______

A. We will be out of touch with our real friends.

B. We will fail to manage our facial expressions.

C. We will spend too much time socializing online.

D. We will lose the ability to express our true feelings.

Part Ⅲ Cloze

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best completes the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

A young woman born after 1995 living in Suzhou, east China's Jiangsu Province, recently  51   more than 1,000 yuan a month by  52   a part-time job as a dog walker.

The girl, surnamed Wei, explained, "The work is relatively  53  , and just needs to take the dog out for a walk. Sometimes, the owner may ask to see the dog's droppings to  54   if the dog is sick or not."

55   surfing the Internet, Wei ran across some people who were  56   busy at work to walk their dogs and posted some  57   looking for hired help.

Since Wei has relatively free working hours at her  58   job and has experience in raising dogs herself, she began to  59   her information  60   social media platforms and decided to take up a part-time job  61   a dog walker.

62   30 yuan for half an hour, Wei can earn 1,000 to 2,000 yuan a month. When asked why she  63   this job, Wei said that she liked dogs very much and  64   playing with them while walking them. "All the dogs are very cute and have a good  65  ," Wei said. "They  66   my day."

Many netizens (网民) said Wei's part-time job was their  67   job. "Where can I find such a good job? I can do it for 15 yuan," one netizen  68  . "A lot of people love dogs,  69   sometimes they just don't have time to walk or play with their dogs. It's great to have a job that  70   everyone," another netizen commented.

51、 A. found             B. saved             C. spent             D. earned

52、 A. taking            B. making           C. creating          D. utilizing

53、 A. busy             B. difficult          C. simple           D. different

54、 A. test               B. research          C. detect            D. determine

55、 A. Although          B. While            C. After             D. Before

56、 A. very             B. too              C. so               D. quite

57、 A. news              B. notes             C. messages         D. notices

58、 A. regular            B. main             C. temporary         D. common

59、 A. copy             B. print             C. send             D. post

60、 A. in                B. on                C. by                D. from

61、 A. as               B. for              C. with             D. like

62、 A. Demanding        B. Paying           C. Charging         D. Pricing

63、 A. lost              B. chose            C. quit             D. got

64、 A. allowed           B. practised         C. tried              D. enjoyed

65、 A. hobby             B. meal             C. temper           D. future

66、 A. create             B. make             C. influence         D. develop

67、 A. dream             B. routine            C. present            D. past

68、 A. suggested         B. mentioned        C. joked             D. bargained

69、 A. and               B. so                C. but               D. because

70、 A. benefits           B. motivates         C. serves            D. stimulates

Part Ⅳ Translation form English into Chinese

Directions: In this part, there are four items which you are required to translate into Chinese. Each item consists of one or two sentences. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.

71、 (Para. 1, Passage One)

While our world may be more interconnected than ever, families are still eager for opportunities to spend time together.

72、 (Para. 3, Passage Two)

When I was told that I had been chosen for the Shenzhou XV mission, I was pretty calm.

73、 (Para. 5, Passage Three)

Since ancient times, Chinese people have been planting, picking, making and drinking tea.

74、 (Para. 1, Passage Four)

People using happy emojis may seem cheerful—but are they really happy?

Part Ⅴ Writing

75、Directions: In this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter of about 100 words. You should write according to the following Chinese outline. Remember your letter must be written on the Answer Sheet.





参考词汇:World Earth Day世界地球日;mountain climbing登山;environment环境

Dear Prof. Smith,

How are you? _______________________________________



