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四川省2022年普通高校专升本考试 大学英语参考答案



第一部分 选择题

一、词汇与语法结构(Vocabulary and Structure):

1-5 CCBCB          6-10 DBBAA               11-15 CDABA            

16-20 BADCD      21-25 DBACA             25-30 CBDDA            

二、阅读理解(Reading Comprehension):本大题共20小题,每小题2分,共40分。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

31-35 ABDCB       36-40 CDABD             41-45 CCDBB              46-50CDBAC


51-55 CDBDA      56-60 CACAB             61-65 CDCAB              66-70 DCBDA

第二部分 非选择题

四、英译汉(Translation from English to Chinese):本大题共4小题,每小题2.5分,共10分。


       71. 请理解,我最不想做的事情就是迟到、并让您和总部的来宾感到不悦。

       72. 他意识到把鸟留在那里就等于签署了它的死亡判决书,因为它可能会被食肉动物吃掉。

       73. 年轻人对副业的态度各不相同。

       74. 宇航员们进行了实验,以展示了太空中有趣的物理现象,如“浮力消失”实验和“水球”实验。



Dear friends,

       Welcome to Chengdu, I am a volunteer for the 31st World University Games. The organizing committee has asked me to recommend a famous scenic spot in Chengdu to you.     Chengdu is a city with many tourist attractions worth visiting. And one I strongly recommend to you is the Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, since Chengdu is the home to pandas. There you can closely observe pandas, and even watch female pandas nursing their cubs, which can further your understanding of how to protect these beautiful but endangered creatures.

       Besides, you’d better go there early in the morning, because it is very hot at noon, and pandas will go to sleep inside the house then. May you have a good day!

