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商务汉语考试(BCT)简介 / Introduction to Business Chinese Test (BCT)

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Brief Introduction to BCT

 Business Chinese Test is a state-level standardized test designed to assess the Chinese proficiency of non-native speakers engaged in business activities. BCT is developed by Peking University under the entrustment of Office of Chinese Language Council International (“Hanban” for short). Its English name is Business Chinese Test (“BCT” for short).BCT assesses the communicative ability of test takers using Chinese in a wide range of business-related career occasions, daily life and social interaction. The test mainly features practicality and communicativeness. This test consists of two relatively independent tests: BCT (Listening & Reading) and BCT (Speaking & Writing). test takers may sit for one or both of them at a time. There is no limit to candidates’ age, education or length of learning Chinese.Hanban is the supervisor of Business Chinese Test, and the issuer of "Business Chinese Test Certificate."Business Chinese Test is held regularly in China and other countries each year. I Test TakersBCT is held for the non-native speakers. Any who is a non-native speaker, whether capable of basic communication or fairly skillful communication, may sit for BCT. There is no limit to candidates’ age, education or length of learning Chinese. II Test PurposesBCT is open for the whole world and severs various institutions and individuals which want to assess the business Chinese proficiency of relevant persons. Its main purposes include: 1. Provide a basis for employers to assess the business Chinese proficiency of relevant persons when making such decisions as employee recruitment, selection, placement and promotion;2. Help relevant teaching and training institutions to assess the business Chinese proficiency of candidates in recruitment and class division;3. Assess the practical effects achieved form the teaching and training of relevant teaching and training institutions;4. Provide a certificate of business Chinese proficiency for any person who seeks for a job ,takes an interviews or wants to be promoted;5. Help Chinese learners to understand and improve their business Chinese ability. III The Composition and Form of TestBCT consists of two relatively independent tests: BCT (Listening & Reading) and BCT (Speaking & Writing). Test takers may sit for one or both of them at a time. Now, BCT is held in two forms, i.e. Paper-based Test and Computer-based Test. BCT Computer-based Test is only held in Singapore at present. IV Standards for BCT LevelsBCT has five levels in total to describe the business Chinese proficiency of test takers, namely:Level 1 Incapable of communication in Chinese in business activities.Level 2 Capable of basic communication in Chinese in business activities.Level 3 Capable of fairly effective communication in Chinese in business activities.Level 4 Capable of fairly skillful communication in Chinese in business activities.Level 5 Capable of appropriate communication in Chinese in business activities. V Test Scores and CertificateBCT consists of two relatively independent examinations: BCT (Listening & Reading) and BCT (Speaking & Writing). The score for each specific skill (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing) is 0-500, 100 for each level. The total score for listening and reading constitutes the overall score of BCT (listening & reading) ranging from 0 to 1000 points and each level consisting of 200 points. So does the overall score of BCT (speaking & writing).Any test taker can receive a score report if he attends listening & reading or speaking & writing test in line with requirements. If the total score for listening and reading comes to 201-400 points, Level 2 "BCT Certificate (listening & reading) "will be awarded; If the total score for speaking and writing comes to 201-400 points, Level 2 "BCT Certificate (speaking & writing) "will be awarded. So do Level3, Level4 and Level5 certificates. There is no Level1 certificate in BCT.The score shall be valid for two years from the test date.Hanban shall be responsible for issuing " Business Chinese Test Certificate." VI Test Time and LocationBCT is held regularly in China mainland and other countries each year.In addition, individual service with respect to BCT can be provided as required by relevant enterprises or organizations.For test dates and test center information of BCT, please log on BCT official website www.hanban.org, www.bcthome.cn and Chinese test service website for reference. VII Test FeesThe test fees of BCT are different all over the world. As for details in fees, please consult local test center.The test fees for China mainland is 120 yuan RMB for BCT (Listening & Reading) and 180 yuan RMB for BCT (Speaking & Writing). VIII Test ContentThe test content of BCT mainly covers business activities and business-related daily life and social interaction activities. As for details, see “Business Chinese Communicative Function Items” in “The BCT Outlines”. “The BCT Outlines” is guide book for your preparation and this book covers Introduction to Business Chinese Test, level standards, scoring standards, samples, communicative function items and vocabulary, accompanied with the CD of listening test sample. IX Test RegistrationTest takers may register for the test at the test center or online.Test center registration1. Please bring valid documents (passport or ID) to relevant test center for registration.2. Fill in personal information form, and obtain login name and password.3. Submit a photo with size of 40mm × 30mm, or a digital photo.4. Pay test fees.5. Print the test admission ticket or receive it to test center on stipulated time. Online RegistrationTest takers can log on BCT website (www.bcthome.cn) or the Chinese test service website for online registration. X Test Room RegulationsOn the test date, be sure to bring:(1) test admission ticket;(2) the identification document used for registration (passport or ID). If you do not take such document, you are not admitted to enter test room;(3) 2B pencils and erasers.If you lost the test admission ticket, please notify the test center at least one day in advance in order to the test center help you print it.1. Tape recorders, cameras, dictionaries, notebooks, textbooks and other articles having nothing to do with the test are not allowed to bring into the test room.2. Switch off your mobile phone and MP3 and put them in your bag, and then put the bag to designated place after entering the test room.3. Don’t be late. In case of being late for the Listening and Reading test, if the listening test has not begun, you can immediately enter the room to take the test; if listening test has begun, you are not permitted to enter the room until the listening test is finished. In the Speaking and Writing test, if the speaking test has not begun, you can immediately enter the room to take the test; if speaking test has begun, you are not permitted to enter the room until the speaking test is finished. Test Regulations1. After entering the test room, test takers must put their test admission tickets and the identification document on the right upper corner of the desk for checking by the chief examiner and the supervisor at any moment.2. BCT (Listening & Reading) test lasts about 100 minutes; BCT (Speaking & Writing) lasts 50 minutes. Please reasonably allocate the time.3. Before answering questions, please fill out the relevant information on the answer sheet as required.4. After the examination begins, generally, no test takers are permitted to leave test room. If there are special reasons, they need to obtain the chief examiner’s approval.5. Test takers shall not open the papers in advance, tear, change, or copy the contents of test papers; nor shall candidates bring test papers and answer sheets out of the test room and conduct other cheatings.6. Please abide by the test room disciplines and test regulations. Test takers who are in violation of the test room regulations, the chief examiner will give a warning or even disqualify them.
