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哈尔滨市群力经纬中学校班级 群力经纬中学 2022—2023学度上学期 ( )12.Doing is good for the students, sowe should follow it.A.eye exercises B. eye exercise C. eyes exercises七年级十一月份英语学科阶段测试试卷 ( )13. --- is the price of the pen ---About 5yuan.A.Howmuch B.What’s C.What命题人: 七年英语备课组 审题人:ZJH ( )14.. --- girl is your sister ---The one in red.姓名考试须知:本次考试为闭卷考试形式,考试时间为 100分钟,试卷总分为 100分,请同学们 A.Which B.Whose C.Who认真阅读试题,并在相应的位置上填写出答案。 ( )15. --- tea would you like to have---Twocups.一、单项选择(本题共 20分,每小题 1分) A. Howmuch B.Howmany C.What( )1.Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound ( )16.Mr. Black is a teacher of ______. She and her classmates like him very much.学号 A. yes yellow B. price trip C.same salad A. my sister B. my sister’s C. my sisters( )2.Which pair of words with the underlined letters has different sounds ( )17.We have T-shirts ______ all colors _______ 15 dollars each. You can come here andA. easy breakfast B. sock box C. school food choose them!A. in, for B. at, in C in, at.( )3.Which word of the following doesn’t have the same stress(重 ) as the others ( )18.Mary, go to the shop to buy some ________.A. thirteen B.thirty C. third A. strawberries and bread B. tomato and pear C.potatos and rice( )4. _____ unhealthy breakfast is not good for your _______. Everyone should eat ______. ( )19. ______ is on December 25. On this day, people say “Merry Christmas” to one another.A.An, healthy, healthily B. A, healthily, health C. An, health, healthily A.The Spring Festival B. Christmas Day C. Teachers’ Day( )5.David with his friends to the library on Sundays. ( )20.Tom spends 2 hours a week studying English. The following table shows how he spendsA.goes B.go C.going the time. According to the table, he spends ______ on English reading every month.( )6.--How about going to the forest park on Sundaymorning Skill(技能) Listening Writing Speaking ReadingTime 25minutes 30minutes 25minutes --Good idea! Let’s go there a busA. 160 minutes B.120minutes C.40minutesA.take B. by C.on 二、完形填空(本题共 10分,每空 1分)( )7. —Would you like _______ to drink Eric is an American boy, And it is the first time he comes to China to___21____ his aunt.—Yes, I’d like a cup of coffee. Today is Sunday, It’s his 22 birthday. He 23 early and he wants to buy some foodA.anything B. something C. nothing 24 his birthday party in the afternoon. When he comes out of his bedroom, he 25 a big( )8.—Would you like to go hiking with me this weekend bowl of noodles on the table. There are 26 in it. Eric usually eats bread for breakfast in the—I’d love to. But I’ll have ______ homework to do and ______ clothes to wash. USA. So he wants ___27____ why his aunt cooks noodles this morning. "Dear aunt, why do youA. much too, too much B. too much, too many C. too many, too much cook noodles for me You know I often have bread and milk for breakfast."( )9. —How can I study English well "It is your birthday today,"says his aunt."In China, eating noodles on your birthday 28—In my opinion, reading aloud is a good ______.A. habit B. hobby C. help you can live longer.I hope you live a happy and 29 life."( )10. —Mike’s ______ birthday is next week. Eric says, "Thanks, dear aunt. I love this bowl of noodles. And it is your 30 gift for my—Emm, his mother would like to invite us to his birthday party. birthday”.A. nine B. ninth C. the nineth ( )21. A.visit B. pay a visit C. on a visit( )11. _______fast the boy writes! ( )22. A. twelve B. twelfth C. twentyA.What B. How C. How a ( )23. A.gets on B. gets up C. gets off( )24 .A. to B. from C. for试卷页数 1 / 4{#{QQABZYQQogioABJAAAgCQwGyCgOQkBCCAIoOgEAIMAABAQFABAA=}#}哈尔滨市群力经纬中学校班级 ( )25. A. looks B. sees C. watches Jane. He's a clever man.Jane looked at her mother's thick,black hair for a few seconds,and then she( )26. A. tomato and egg B. tomatos and eggs C. tomatoes and eggs asked, "Mummy, why do you got a lot of hair "( )27. A. know B. to know C. knowing 根据短文内容,判断正误。( )28. A. mean B. means C. to mean (注意:考生将答题卡相应位置涂黑。正确的涂 A,错误的涂 B)( )29. A. health B. healthy C. healthily ( )36. There were three people in Tom's family.姓名 ( )30. A. good B. better C. best ( )37. Grace’s husband had thick,beautiful, black hair.三、阅读理解(本题共 20分,每空 1分) ( )38. Tom is more clever than Grace .(A) ( )39. There was a photo of Jane's mother in the living-room.The day was like any other day in his life, Tom walked past the shop on the street corner. He ( )40. Jane wanted to know why her mother had so much hair.学号 stopped to look at the front row of shoes. He felt happy to see that the pair of shoes he wanted very (C)much were still there. Looking down,he felt sorry for himself. He really wanted to have them for his It's a good idea for children to go to summer camp. Let's look at some camp rules. It's good forbirthday. you to learn about them.He sadly walked away and thought how to tell his mother about it. He knew she would givehim anything he liked if she could. But he also knew very well she had little money. He decided(决 Camp Rules定) not to go home at once. If he looked worried and his mother would notice(注意)it.So he went to No running in the camp. It's a good place for children to have fun.the park and sat on the grass. Then he saw a boy in a wheel chair(轮椅).He noticed that the boy You can sing, dance or have a picnic here.moved the wheel with his hands.Tom looked at him carefully and was surprised to see the boy has But It's dangerous for you to run in theno feet. He looked at his own feet."It's much better to be without shoes than without feet."he camp. It's easy for you to fall down.Youthought.There was no reason(理由) for him to feel so sorry and sad. He went away and smiled, may hurt your legs or hands.thinking he was happier. No food or candy in tents.(帐篷) Children like to put some cakes or( )31. Tom passed the shop________. chocolate in their tents. Some dangerousA. on foot B. by bus C. by bike animals can smell the food. It's a bad idea( )32. Tom would like to buy the shoes because__________. to put food or candy in your tents.A. the shoes are beautiful and modern B. his mother ‘s birthday is coming Don't play with fire. Most of the children like playing withC.he wanted the shoes as his birthday gift. fire. It’s too dangerous.( )33. The pair of shoes he liked was________. Never leave(离开) the camp alone. You must stay near the camp. There areA. quite cheap B.too expensive C. not there all kinds of animals in the mountains. If( )34.Tom went into the park because he________. you have to leave,you must leave withA. he felt sad B. wanted to see the boy C. didn't want to make his mother worried your friends or your teacher. Children are( )35. From the story, we can know that Tom________. very easy to get lost.A. liked new shoes very much B. loved his mother best C. didn't want to go home ( )41. What can't children do in the camp (B) A. Run. B. Dance. C.Have a picnic.Tom was not old,but he did not have much hair. His wife(妻子),Grace,had thick,beautiful, ( )42. Why can't children put food in tents black hair. They only had one daughter. Her name was Jane.She was four and a half years old. A. They have to keep the tent clean. B. The dangerous animals can smell the food.There was a photo of her father in the living room. C. They have to keep the food fresh .A few days ago,Jane looked at it for a long time and then said to her mother, "Mummy,why did ( )43. It's a bad idea for children to__________.dad get very little hair "Grace laughed and said, "He's got very little hair because he thinks a lot,试卷页数 2 / 4{#{QQABZYQQogioABJAAAgCQwGyCgOQkBCCAIoOgEAIMAABAQFABAA=}#}哈尔滨市群力经纬中学校班级 A. go to summer camp B. play with fire A: Maybe I can ask my other store to send you one.C. drink water in the tent Would you like to leave your address, please ( )44. The underlined word “alone" means__________. B: Sure. Thanks a lot.A.失望地 B.安静地 C.独自地 A: _____55_____( )45. These camp rules can make children__________.姓名 A.dangerous B.safe C.relaxed 51.___________ 52.___________ 53.___________ 54.___________ 55. ___________(D) ( B )填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。People all over the world have parties with special food. 46.________ A: Hello.In China,Chinese people have Dragon Boat Festival.They row the boats that look like B: Hi, Mom. Could you bring some things to school for me 学号 dragons(龙). 47.________ A: OK.People in France make special cake called "cake for a king". 48.________The surprise of the B: I need my English books...cake is a tiny doll. Would you be surprised to find a doll in your cake A: English 56Where are your English books In Cuba(古巴),people make fruit shakes(奶昔).49.________People like putting different fruitsin the shakes. At a birthday party,everyone can get a special drink.50.________It is yummy. B: Maybe 57 on the chair... Oh, no, they're under the radio.根据短文内容,将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整,通顺(每个选项只 A: OK.能用一次)。 B:And I need my ruler. It's on the bed.And my notebook.A: 58 your notebook A. It is made of orange juice,milk and sugar. B: Oh... it's under the radio in the bookcase. And Frank's tape.He needs 59 .B. Let's take a trip and find out about some of these foods. A: Where's his tape C. The fruit shakes are colorful and sweet. B: Oh, it's in the tape player.D. This cake has a surprise in it. A: OK. Meet you at one at your school.E. On that day,Chinese people eat Zongzi. B: 60 you, Mom!四、交际英语( A 为七选五,B为填空,每空一分,共 10分) 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.(A)从 A—G选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。(选项中有两项是多余的) 五.任务型阅读。(本题共 10分,每空 1分)从 A—G 选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。(选项中有两项是多余的) 根据题目要求及所给语境完成下列任务A: _____51_____ ( A)B: My best friend’s birthday is coming. I need a dress for her. A. Can I help you they happiness class England helpfulA: I’d be glad to show you some. What color do you want B. By the way, when is your friend’s Hello! My name is Bill. There is a library in our school. The library is not big, but it's nice.B: I want blue. That’s her favourite color. birthday About 6,000 books are in it. About 5,000 of them are in Chinese and about 1,000 are in ___61____.A: _____52_____ C. What can I do for you I like books very much. I go to the library every day. Miss Yang is a librarian of the library.Shealways___62____students find the books. We have a computer room in the library. The studentsB: It looks nice. How much is it D. It’s my pleasure.need(需要 )___63___ ID cards to go into the computer room. We have___64___ in the computerA: 320 yuan. E. Can you show me a bigger one room. Our library has the Lost and Found, too. Mrs. Black works there. My friend Lucy helps herB: But I think it’s a little small. _____53_____ F. No, thanks. every afternoon. Mrs. Black is very ___65____to help the students find their things.A: I’m sorry. That’s the only one left. _____54_____ G. Oh, what about this one 任务 1:用方框里所给词或短语的正确形式填空,使文章通顺、连贯、合理。(每空只能填一B: It’s on November 21st, the day after tomorrow. 个单词或一个短语,每个单词或短语限用一次试卷页数 3 / 4{#{QQABZYQQogioABJAAAgCQwGyCgOQkBCCAIoOgEAIMAABAQFABAA=}#}哈尔滨市群力经纬中学校班级 61._________ 62__________ 63_________ 64____________ 65_____________ 2、刘斌喜欢数学,并且擅长它。任务 2:阅读短文,根据短文内容填表格 Liu Bin likes math, and he is ____83_____ ____84____ it.(B) 3、他的姓是什么?Hi, boys and girls! My name is Tina. I'm eleven. Welcome to my home. This is my house. I What's his ____85____ ____86____ think it's nice. I have two brothers. They are Tom and Tim. Tom is four years older than me and Tim 4、我需要买一双黑色的鞋上学穿。姓名 is seven. Tom likes playing tennis and Tim likes playing baseball. And I have one sister, Her name I need to buy a ____87_____ ____88____ black shoes for school.is Jenny. She is only five years old. She likes playing with her model plane. This is my mother 5、他以合理的价格买了这架钢琴。Linda and this is my father Jack. They don't like playing sports. They like watching TV. I love my He buys the piano ____89____ a good____90_____.family. 八.书面表达(本题共 10分)学号 假如你是李安,美国好友露西想知道你最近的饮食情况。请根据下面的提示,给她写一封电Tina’s _____66_____ 子邮件,并说一说怎样保持健康。Her two brothers Tom— 67__ years old, likes playing tennis. 写作要点:Tim--Seven years old, likes playing __68__. (1)由于天气炎热,我改变(change)我的饮食习惯。(2)介绍你的饮食习惯。Her sister Jenny--Five years old, likes playing with her 早餐:鸡蛋、牛奶model __69__. 午餐:鸡肉、米饭晚餐:沙拉、西红柿Her ___70___ Mother --Linda; Father--Jack (3)说说怎样保持健康。They like watching TV . 写作要求:(1)不得使用真实的姓名和学校名。(2)可适当加入细节,使内容充实,行文连贯。66_____________ 67___________ 68___________ 69___________ 70_________(3)字迹工整、语言精练、表达准确、条理清晰。(4)至少 60词。六.句型转换。(本题共 10分,每空 1分)Dear Lucy,1. The tape player is beside the TV.(画线部分提问)How are you doing _______________________________________________________71____ ______72___ the tape player _____________________________________________________________________2.This pair of socks is 300 yuan.(画线部分提问)_________________________________________________________________________73_______ much ____74______ this pair of socks _____________________________________________________________________3. What about playing basketball this afternoon (改为同义句)__________________________________________________________________________75____ ____76_____ basketball this afternoon._____________________________________________________________________4. We are in different families.(改为同义句)_____________________________________________________________________We are not in the_____77____ ____78_____._____________________________________________________________________5. Sally has a volleyball.(改为否义句)Sally____79_____ _____80____ a volleyball.Best wishes to you.七.翻译句子。(本题共 10分,每空 1分)Yours,1、让我们来考虑一下这周的食物吧。Li AnLet's _____81_______ ______82_____the food of this week.试卷页数 4 / 4{#{QQABZYQQogioABJAAAgCQwGyCgOQkBCCAIoOgEAIMAABAQFABAA=}#}{#{QQABZYQQogioABJAAAgCQwGyCgOQkBCCAIoOgEAIMAABAQFABAA=}#}

