首页 >  哈佛商学院研究生申请  > 哈佛大学研究生GRE要求


4.城市设计院(Master of Architecture in Urban Design Master of Landscape Architecture in)


Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Scores, required of all applicants, though students applying to the Real Estate and the Built Environment concentration in the Master in Design Studies program may submit the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) in lieu of the GRE. When requesting that GRE or GMAT scores be sent to Harvard University, applicants should use the institution code for the Graduate School of Design (3455); a department code is not needed. Q: Is there a cut-off point for GPA or GRE scores? A: We do not have a cut-off point for GPA or GRE scores, although successful applicants typically have at least a 3.4 GPA. The average GRE scores for the 2014 incoming class were 158 for the verbal, 157 for the quantitative, and 4.0 for the analytical writing sections. We encourage you to apply whether or not you meet these guidelines. Keep in mind that all components of the application are taken into consideration.



