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How the examiners assess your speaking口语测试评分标准。

There are two examiners in the room. The interlocutor speaks to you,and the assessor just listens.在考场内有两名考官。一名考官(谈话员)负责与考生们交谈,另外一名考官(评审员)负责观察、聆听和评分。


As you do the test, the assessor focuses on these areas of your English:当你在进行口语测试的时候, 评审员会关注你英语的以下这些方面:

Grammar and Vocabulary 语法和词汇(5分)

Are you using a range of grammatical structures and vocabulary? Are you using these structures and abulary correctly? Are you using a range of vocabulary which is appropriate for familiar topics?你否使用了一系列的语法结构和词汇?你是否正确地使用了这些语法结构和词汇?你是否使用了一系列适用于常见话题的词汇?

Discourse Management话语组织(5分)

Are you using both long and short answers, depending on the task?Is everything you say relevant to the task? Are your ideas expressed clearly and easy to understand? Are you using some language to link and organise your ideas?遇到不同的提问,你是否既会使用长句子也会使用短句子作答?你所说的一切是否都与提问相关?你的想法是否表达得很清晰并且易懂?你是否使用了恰当的语言来组织、连贯你的想法7


You don't need to have an English accent, but itisimportant to be clear. Are you pronouncing individual sounds clearly? Are you placing stress on the right parts of words and on the right words in sentences?Does your voice go up and down at the right times?其实你不需要有纯正的英式口音,清楚的发音更重要。你的发音是否清晰?你是否把重音放在了单词的正确部分,是否放在了句子中的正确单词上?你的声调是否在正确的时间点抑或扬?

Interactive Communication 互动交流(5分)

Are you able to interactwellwith the other candidate? Are you listening to the other candidate and answering in a way that makes sense? Are you able to add ideas to the discussion and help keep it going with your partner?你是否能够和你的搭档很好地互动?你是否倾听了你搭档的发言,并以一种合理的方式进行回答?你是否能够在讨论中加入你的想法并使得你与你搭档间的讨论得以继续?

Global Achievement 整体成绩(5分)

The interlocutor focuses on your Global Achievement This is about your general performance. How well can you communicate about the topics you are given? Are you using language which is right for the level? Don't wory if you sometimes make mistakes or hesitate when you are speaking, as long as your ideas are clear.与你交谈的考官会关注你的整体成绩。这是关于你的总体表现的。你能在多大程度上就给定的话题进行交流?你是否使用了与这个级别难度相当的语言?只要你的思路是清晰的,就不要担心有的时候会犯错,也不要在说话的时犹豫。

When your test is complete, the examiners give you marks for each of these things:Grammar and Vocabulary, Discourse Management, Pronunciation, Interactive Communication and Global Achievement. The marks are for what you do over the whole Speaking test, not for each part of the test. The examiners give you marks for your own performance-they don't compare you with the other candidate.测试结束后,考官从以下几个方面对你进行评分:语法和词汇、话语组织、发音、互动交流和整体成绩。分数是根据你在整个口语测试中的表现,而不是测试的各个部分。考官会根据你的表现为你评分,也就是说他们不会拿你和你的搭档作比较。

