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英语自述/English Personal Statement

Good morning, dear professor.亲爱的教授,早上好!My name is Zhao Yujie.我叫赵玉杰。It’s my honor to stand here to attend the interview.很荣幸能在这里面试。I’m a junior student from Henan Agricultural University and major in computer science and I’ll get my bachelor’s degree next year.我来自河南农业大学计算机科学与技术专业,一年后我将毕业并获得学士学位。During the past three years, I devoted myself to learning algorithm.在过去的三年中,算法学习占据了我大多数空闲时间。Sometimes, even my classmates think I’m crazy about that, however, I really enjoy it .In fact, I get some acceptable achievements at the same time.我的同学可能认为我对算法有点偏执,但我乐在其中,也的确从中获得了称心的成就。I am a person of great innovation and creativity. 我是一个有着创新和创造力的人。Besides, I won a silver medal in the ACM-ICPC Asia regional Contest in Qingdao district and a gold medal in the ACM Henan Provincial Competition in the same year.除此之外,我在ACM-ICPC亚洲区域赛青岛站比赛中获得银牌,在ACM河南省赛中荣获金牌。Morever, I take every chance to shape myself in my extra curricular time, reading latest news and magazines about new technology such as AI and block chain.我在课外时间抓住每一次塑造自己的机会,比如阅读一些关于新技术的最新新闻和杂志,例如人工智能和区块链。Furthermore, I finished the course of Senior Software Engineer in IBM Academic Initiative in 2016 and I particularly hope that I can become a knowledgeable and passionate graduate with solid skill in my research area.而且,我于2016年完成了IBM的高级软件工程师的课程并且我特别希望我能在我所研究的领域内成为一个知识渊博拥有扎实技术的有激情的毕业生。I’ve been keeping a habit of writing blog. 我养成了写博客的习惯。I set up a personal homepage on CSDN which is one of the most influential social platforms for developers and I enjoy sharing my personal insights here.我在CSDN上创建了个人主页,CSDN是对开发者们一个最有影响力之一的社交平台,我很喜欢在这上面分享我的个人见解。Until now, the number of the page hits has reached over 750,000 times.截止目前,我的个人主页的点击量已超过75万次。Last but not least, I usually participate in various activities, such as teaching junior schoolmates some programming capabilities as a volunteer tutor, to nurture myself to be a positive and warm-hearted person.此外,为了促使我成为一个积极向上,热心的人,我经常参加各式各样的活动,诸如作为老师提升学弟学妹们的编程能力。It is worthy of doing such things, for I can receive many favorable comments from my schoolmates frequently, which really gives me a great sense of glory.做这些是很值得的,我也从校友那里收到了赞誉,这真的给了我强烈的自豪感。As I know, SIST(the School of Information Science and Technology) is an inspiring university where I’m sincerely looking forward to pursuing my further study in the future.我知道,上科大是一所启发灵感的大学。我也真诚的希望我能在上科大追寻我的科研之路。


P.S. 这是为了报考上科大的提前面试挂档而准备的。 P.S.S. 这是第二版,感谢评论区的 Grace_0642 大佬的提醒,该版是在这位大佬写的基础上略微修改的。
