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2004年考研英语作文真题Directions:Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should1) describe the drawing2) interpret its meaning, and3) support your view with examplesYou should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)2004年考研写作考查了图画作文。按照题目这篇作文应该包括三点:第一点是描述图画中的内容;第二点是阐述其含义;第三点是用若干例子来支持自己的观点。本题的写作步骤:1. 认真审题。考生首先要看懂图片包含的内容,根据题目的要求考虑是否需要给出标题。本题中并没有要求写标题,考生可以根据自己是否有把握来选择是否要写标题,一个好的标题可以起到画龙点睛的作用,但如果没有把握就不要写,避免画蛇添足。通过审题,我们知道主人公是个正跑到终点线上的小男孩,他头上冒着汗,嘴角却带着笑,地上一个箭头写着终点,而另一个却又写着起点。下面的一行字写着“终点又是新起点”。2.理解画面的含义。这是写作最重要的部分。考生可以根据自己对人类社会、对日常生活的观察或自身的亲身感受来做出不同的解释。比如考生可以用辩证的观点,说明世上的任何事物都是向前发展的,不断更替的。就像长跑比赛一样有终点,一旦到达终点,又有一个新的起点。也可以理解为人类的历史就是这样不断奋勇向前的。3.用若干具体事例支持自己的观点。其实这样的实例是很多的。比如说,人类对某一自然现象的理解取得了突破性进展(如基因的发现解答了生物遗传之谜,同时又标志着动物克隆的一个新起点;我国神州五号飞船胜利返航到达终点,同时也意味着我国太空探索领域的新起点)。再近一点,经过4年的紧张学习,我们的大学时代即将到达终点;而从另一方面看,无论我们考上研究生还是投身于社会,未来的岁月对我们来说都是一个新的起点等。4. 列出提纲和主题句,围绕提纲完成全文。经典范文赏析

Stopping for a New Start

In the picture presented to us, we can see a runner who is dashing to the finishing line, dripping with sweat all over the forehead. Apparently, he is very happy at the final victory of the race after a long running. However, as an arrow marked "End" points to the finishing line, there immediately follows another arrow marked with "Beginning".Though this picture only describing a runner who is going to start a new run after reaching the finishing line, yet it demonstrates a universal law that governs the development of mankind. Judging from the title "Finishing Line Leads to Another Starting Point", we get to know the artist`s real intention: he tries to indicate that there is no end on the way of making progress.This drawing reminds me a lot of phenomena in the world. The most obvious example is the discovery of gene, which is the final solution to the mystery of the life. But on the other hand, it is a staring point that triggers off the study of cloning. Another example is the safe return of Shenzhou V spaceship, which marks the triumphant end of the launch. At the same time, it begins a new era for China`s space exploration. A third example concerns something about ourselves. Four years college life is now approaching to the end and each of us is going to stand at a new starting point, either as a postgraduate or a member of the society. In this sense, we are stopping for a new start. Only when we are well prepared for it, can we meet the challenge in the future and be the winner of the new era.
