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阅读文章前需要提前get的新词:gerrymandering——Gerrymandering is the act of altering political boundaries in order to give an unfair advantage to one political party or group of people. (为使某一党获得优势)改划选区;不公正的选区划分。


This means that /【a significant chunk of the population】, who would have relied on their parents to participate in the last survey but were not counted because the family did not do so, /no longer had to for this round.


no longer had to后面省略的是【rely on their parents to participate in the survey】






Representative democracy has been broken for the past decade in places like Wisconsin, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Florida. When Republican lawmakers redistricted these states after the 2010 census, with the benefit of precise,granularvoting data and the most sophisticated mapping software ever, they gerrymandered themselves into advantages that have held firm for the last decade – even when Democratic candidates win hundreds of thousands more statewide votes.


Now redistricting is upon us again. This week, the US Census Bureau will release the first round of population data to the states, and the decennial gerrymandering Olympics will begin in state capitols nationwide. And while there has been much coverage of the nationalstakes– Republicans could win more than the five seats they need to control of Congress next fall through redrawing Texas, Georgia, North Carolina and Florida alone, and they’ve made clear that’s their plan –much lessalarm has been raised about the long-term consequences ofentrenchedRepublican minority rule in the states.


When lawmakers in Texas ban mask mandates, or Florida politicians take away the power of local officials to require masks in schools, that’s the consequence of gerrymandering. And its impact can be measured in actual lives.


When state lawmakers enactdraconianrestrictions on reproductive rights in Ohio, Georgia, Alabama and Missouri that opinion polls show areout of step withtheir own residents, that’s the power of gerrymandering. When Republican legislators strip emergency powers from Democratic governors, that’s yet another insidious effect. Our health, safety and wellbeing – our very lives – are in the hands of our state legislators. It is imperative that our votes decide who they are.


We know that when gerrymandering “packs” and “cracks” voters into districts for partisan advantage, it results in fewer districts that are competitive. And when districts are uncompetitive, fewer candidates have incentiveto run – and those who do have little incentive to pay attention to any voters’ preferences outside of those who participate in low-turnout, base-driven primaries. This district uncompetitiveness, and the lack of incentives for legislators to listen and govern, is why our state and federal legislatures are so polarized.

