首页 >  卡内基梅隆大学计算机研究生申请难度  > 美国留学:卡内基梅隆大学CS专业介绍


美国 CS 专业学校介绍系列之-卡内基梅隆大学

No.1 Carnegie Mellon University


卡内基梅隆大学,简称 CMU,是 20 世纪美国四大财阀之一的安德鲁.卡内基和美国著名银行家安德鲁.梅隆于 1900 年出资成立的,学校最初只有科学和技术学院(培养工艺师和助理工程师),艺术学校(培养设计师和手艺人)培养制造业和建筑业的学徒工和熟练工,后来逐渐发展成为一个私立的研究型学校,包括本科,研究生和博士学位。学校主校区位于宾夕法尼亚州的匹茨堡,紧挨着匹茨堡大学,距离 downtown 匹茨堡大概 5 公里路程。现在在硅谷有分校区。之前,硅谷校区因为学位建设不成熟,教授数量不及主校区而申请难度比匹茨堡小,但是近几年随着 CMU 的难度越来越大,硅谷校区凭借自己独特的地理位置优势,学生在找实习和找工作方面的优势而受到学生的青睐,申请难度也逐渐增加。在每年“学生累得像狗的大学排名中”一直位居前几,与加州理工大学,麻省理工学院,芝加哥大学,还有普林斯顿大学等共同被评为美国乃至全球训练最残酷的学校。但是在就业方面,不管美国的经济如何,就业形势是不是不景气,一般都不会影响到 CMU 计算机专业的学生。


一提到 CMU,当然首先想到的是这个学校的计算机专业,它的计算机学科稳居美国第一的位置。计算机科学学院(school of computer science, SCS)学院校开设了 7 个部门和机构,分别为计算生物学部门( Computational Biology Department),计算机科学部门( Computer Science Department),人机交互研究所(Human-Computer Interaction Institute),软件研究所(Institute for Software Research),语言技术研究所(Language Technologies Institute, LTI),机器学习部分(Machine Learning Department)及机器人研究所( Robotics Institute)是美国少数几个将计算机科学专业独立成院的大学之一,是美国乃至全世界最大的计算机学院,该院可授予学士,硕士,博士学位,课程有数学,物理,计算机硬件,软件工程,技术那技巧,人工智能,心里学,程序设计,机器人等。同时,CMU还将自己在计算机领域的优势普及到了各个学科,各学位都与计算机技术密切结合,比如传统的土木工程专业。除此之外,CMU还鼓励学生打破传统学科舒服,在交叉学科领域探索和研究而举世闻名。学校内还设有独特的跨学科项目,如 Master of science in computational biology(MSCB,计算机生物学硕士,由计算机学院于梅隆理学院合办),Master of entertainment technology(ETC, 计算机科学学院和艺术学院共同组建的娱乐技术中心,娱乐科技硕士),Master of science in music and technology(由计算机科学学院和技术学院合办),Master of Engineering & technology innovation management(工程宇科技创新管理硕士),Ph.D program in machine learning(机器学习博士项目)等等,为各个领域的学生提供了广阔的训练机会。

此外,除了计算机科学以外,该校的艺术学院(College of Fine Arts)和 Tepper 商学院(Tepper School of Business)有非常出名,其商学院仅次于达特茅斯商学院。


在众多的校友中,有我们熟知的李开复,前 Google 中国总裁;陆奇, 前微软全球执行副总裁;吴恩达,人工智能与机器学习领域国际最权威的学者之一,前百度首席科学家,斯坦福大学教授,在线教育平台 coursera 的联合创始人。

Carnegie Mellon University

学校官网: https://www.cmu.edu/

cs 学院: https://www.cs.cmu.edu/

CMU 的 SCS 学院: https://www.cs.cmu.edu/overview-programs

开设了 7 个系,共计大概近 30 的研究生项目,学生可以单独申请,而且不止一个,申请要求以及 ddl 都各不相同。

Graduate Degrees

Graduate admissions are handled on a case-by-case basis by SCS's seven degree-granting departments. Policies and procedures may vary.

说明: SCS 下的项目众多,跨学科研究的较多,有研究型的有 professional 的,研究型的一般学生都会有机会参与到教授的具体实验项目中,professional 中很多是为有工作经验的人设置的。可以具体参考项目的介绍:https://www.cs.cmu.edu/masters-programs

Master's Programs

Computer Science (CSD)

· M.S. in Computer Science

· Master of Computational Data Science (with LTI)

· Fifth-Year Master's Program (CMU undergraduates only)

Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII)

· Master's of Human-Computer Interaction

· Master's in Educational Technology and Applied Learning Science (with Dietrich College)

· Master of Science in Product Management (with Tepper School of Business)

Institute for Software Research (ISR)

· Master of Software Engineering

· Master of Information Technology Strategy (with College of Engineering and Dietrich College)

M.S. in Information Technology (MSIT) Programs:(这个专业比起 CS 要好申请一些)

· eBusiness Technology ( 2018 年取消了)

· Embedded Software Engineering

· Privacy Engineering

· Software Engineering (这里其实有 Master of Software Engineering 和 master of

Information Technology in Software Technologies 两个项目, 前者一般要求 2 年的工作经验,后者 2 年以下就可以,对于应届生来说,第二个更好申请一些)

· Software Engineering Management Distance-learning only 远程教育

Computational Biology Department

· M.S. in Computational Biology (with Biological Sciences)

· M.S. in Biotechnology Innovation and Computation(with LTI) (一般都是在本领域有丰富经验的人)

Language Technologies Institute (LTI)

· Master of Computational Data Science (with CSD)

· M.S. in Language Technologies

· M.S. in Intelligent Information Systems

· M.S. in Biotechnology Innovation and Computation(with CBD)

Machine Learning (ML)

· Master of Science in Machine Learning

· Secondary Master's in Machine Learning This program is only available to current Carnegie Mellon Ph.D. students, as well as Carnegie Mellon faculty and staff.

· Fifth Year Master's in Machine Learning (CMU undergraduates only)

Robotics Institute (RI)

· M.S. - Computer Vision

· M.S. in Robotics

· M.S. - Robotic Systems Development

· M.S. - Robotics Technology( 有工作经验的,会有管理相关课程)

· Fifth Year Master's(这种项目都是针对 CMU 的本科生,4 年本科再读一年就可以硕士毕业)

Doctoral Programs Computer Science (CSD)

· Ph.D. in Computer Science

· Ph.D. in Computer Science/Neural Basis of Cognition (with CNBC)

· Ph.D. in Computer Science/Dual Degree Portugal Interdisciplinary Ph.D. tracks:

· Ph.D. in Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization (with Tepper and Math)

· Ph.D. in Pure and Applied Logic

· Self-Defined Interdisciplinary Program

Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII)

· Ph.D. in Human-Computer Interaction

Institute for Software Research (ISR)

· Ph.D. in Software Engineering

· Ph.D. in Societal Computing (formerly Computation Organizations and Society)

· Ph.D. in Software Engineering/Dual Degree Portugal

Computational Biology Department

· Ph.D. in Computational Biology

· M.D./Ph.D. in Computational Biology

Language Technologies Institute (LTI)

· Ph.D. in Language and Information Technologies

· Ph.D. in Language and Information Technologies/Dual Degree Portugal

Machine Learning (ML)

· Ph.D. in Machine Learning

· Ph.D. in Machine Learning/Neural Basis of Cognition (with CNBC)

· Joint Ph.D. in Machine Learning and Public Policy

· Joint Ph.D. in Statistics & Machine Learning (with Statistics)

Robotics Institute (RI)

· Ph.D. in Robotics

· Ph.D. in Robotics/Neural Basis of Cognition (with CNBC)

以下这些项目不属于 SCS,但是可以上一些 CS 相关的课程,对于一些跨专业的可以考虑。

Entertainment Technology Center

· Computer Science 3-2 Program (open only to SCS undergraduates)

· Master's of Entertainment Technology (清华 CS+多媒体专业的学生拿到了录取)

School of Music

M.S. in Music & Technology

Tepper School

· MBA Track in Technology Leadership

· MBA/Software Engineering

· Ph.D. in Management of Manufacturing & Automation

Information Networking Institute

· M.S. in Information Security Technology and Management

· M.S. in Information Networking

Graduate admissions: https://www.cs.cmu.edu/masters-admissions

You may apply to up to three Ph.D. programs and any of master's programs. 关于申请专业,

在 SCS 系里学生可以申请 3 个 Ph.D program ,硕士数量不限。另外,针对大家关心的,申请几个 program 会不会只能拿到一个 offer,答案是 No. 他们会独立审核,和发送录取,所以可能拿到不止一个录取,只是最终你只能接受一个。

Nov. 30, 2017 - Reduced Application Fees end 12:01 p.m. EST Dec. 14, 2017 - Final deadline - noon (12 p.m.) EST

关于申请时间,11.30,前申请费减免,第一个是 75, 此外每加一个是 50 美金,12.14 日每个项目申请费是 125 美金。

Is there spring admission? No. CMU 的 CS 没有春季招生。

Application requirements:

Test Scores

All test scores must be uploaded (as a PDF) to your application. If they are not uploaded by December 14, you will not have access to upload them and your application may not be considered.

GRE 和 BIT 成绩,在网申时必须上传电子版的,否则不予审核。很多学校都有上传电子版的地方,但是并不是强制的,CMU 是申请材料中必需的,所以以后提醒学生,这个文件必需提前准备好。

关于对 IBT 成绩的要求:

If your native language is not English, then you must submit the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). All students will need to submit a TOEFL. No exceptions.

If you are currently working on or have received a bachelor's and/or a master's degree in the U.S. and your native language is not English, the TOEFL is still required. However, you may submit an expired test score up to five years old.

针对美本的学生能不能免托的事情,CMU 是 No, 在美国读研究生的当然也不能。只是 5 年没的就可以。

If you have not completed a bachelor’s degree in the U.S., you will need to submit a TOEFL no older than two years. We will NOT accept an expired score in this case. No


A successful applicant will normally have a total iBT score of at least 100. We prefer that you take the TOEFL, but we will accept the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). The same restrictions of expiration dates apply with an IELTS.

针对用雅思申请美国的学生,CMU 的态度是更接受托福成绩。托福的最低要求是 100 分,但是雅思 7.0 可能拿不到录取,因为 CMU 跟喜欢托福。

Please send your scores to the following codes:

GRE Institution Code: 2074; Department Code: 0402

TOEFL Institution Code: 4256; Department Code: 78

Required documents:


We do not require mailed, hard versions of trans at the time of application. Do not mail your trans to the admissions office. If you are accepted to a program, you will be given instructions to then mail them.

CMU,CS 下的专业申请时都不用邮寄成绩单原件。


Submit your current Resume. Outline your education, research experience, work experience, publications, scholarships awarded, prizes and honors received, society memberships, and any other extracurricular activities.

针对申请 CS 的学生,如果经历比较丰富,建议学生制作一个个人主页,把
