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1.Xu C, Wang L, Liu Z, et al. Nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiency and algae viability in an immobilized algae and bacteria symbiosis system with pink luminescent filler[J]. Water Science and Technology, 2022, 85(1): 104-115.

2. Xu C, Liu Z, Cai G, et al. Nutrient leaching in extensive green roof substrate layers with different configurations[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022: 1-10.

3. 王柳鹏,薛振洲,陈昀晖,胡嘉俊,徐晨,詹健.发光填料对小球藻处理生活污水的研究[J].应用化工,2021,50(07):1833-1837.

4. 徐晨,刘早红,蔡官军,詹健.不同配比基质层的雨水径流滞蓄截污效益研究[J].环境科学与技术,2021,44(04):72-79.

5. Liu Z, Jiang Z, Xu C, et al. Assessment of provincial waterlogging risk based on entropy weight TOPSIS–PCA method[J]. Natural Hazards, 2021, 108(2): 1545-1567.

6. Liu Z, Xu C, Cai G, et al. Experimental evaluation of the rainfall retention and inorganic pollutant mitigation effect by dual-layer and polyacrylamide-modified green roofs[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28(46): 65160-65170.

7. Xu C, Liu Z, Cai G, et al. Experimental study on the selection of common adsorption substrates for extensive green roofs (EGRs)[J]. Water Science and Technology, 2021, 83(4): 961-974.

8. Chen Xu,Zaohong Liu,Guanjun Cai,Jian Zhan. Experimental Study on the Retention and Interception Effect of an Extensive Green Roof (GR) with a Substrate Layer Modified with Kaolin[J]. Water,2020,12(8).

9. 熊子鹰,肖存艳,蔡甜,詹健.基于SWMM的初期雨水调蓄池容积确定及截污效能模拟[J].水电能源科学,2019,37(01):36-39.

10. Tian Cai,Xinyu Li,Xiang Ding,Jia Wang,Jian Zhan. Flood risk assessment based on hydrodynamic model and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation with GIS technique[J]. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction,2019,35.
