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华威大学21Fall网申攻略 专业介绍

华威大学21Fall网申攻略Mastermate官方 2020-11-01Mastermate留学经历和经验分享

注:最新、最权威的申请消息,请认准 Mastermate ! 一直被模仿追随,从未被超越。











点击右手边New User,填写注册账户信息。




Course selection 课程选择



选择并点击列表中要申请的专业 。






点击Start Application,开始填写网申表格。



Personal Details 个人信息





点击save and continue



Contact Details 联系信息




点击Save and Continue



Would you like to add a nominated contact? 您想添加一个指定联系人吗?



Is this application being submitted by an agent (or by an applicant who is being helped by an agent)? *




点击Save and Continue



Qualifications 教育&语言资质


Do you hold any qualifications? Please select 'No' if you are applying on the strength of your experience.

选择Yes (学术资格/职业资格。学术资格主要填写博士学位、硕士学位、学士学位、普通专科(含高职))



Are you studying inside the UK or outside the UK?  你是在英国国内学习还是在国外学习?(按实际情况选择)



如果有第二个学位/资质,点击Add Qualification 继续填写。



Additional Information


Please use this box to tell us about any other relevant qualifications or study not listed above. 请用此栏填写未列明的其他相关学历或学习经历(第二学位/辅修)。



Education History 教育背景


Please list any institutions that you have attended which you have not mentioned above. This could include institutions that you attended without completing any qualifications. 请列出你曾就读但前面未有提及的院校,可以包括没有完成学历的院校。(这里可以填写交换项目/暑校/游学)



English Language 英语能力


Have you been educated in an English speaking country? 你在说英语的国家受过教育吗?(按实际情况填写)

Have you taken or are you taking an English language test? * 你是否参加过/准备参加英语考试?*

已经有成绩的,选择Yes, 并填写成绩单信息

Test Report Form (TRF) number 具体参考成绩单

Please upload your English language certificate 上传成绩单

Are you going to take another English language test? 你是否打算再参加一次英语考试吗? (按实际情况填写)


点击save and continue



Employment/Professional Experience  工作实习经历


If you would like to attach a CV to your application please upload it here. 上传CV


Do you have any professional experience relevant to this course? * 是否有与申请专业相关的工作/实习经历?



How many years' professional experience do you have? *  你有多少年的专业经验? (按实际情况填写,可以累积)


Please provide a brief summary * 对相关经历进行简要描述  (提供行业,领域, 岗位相关信息既可)



Current / Most Recent Role 当前/最近的经历



Professional Memberships 行业协会会员


Are you a member of a professional body? *  你是专业团体的成员吗?* (按实际情况填写)

Which professional body? *  专业团体 (按实际情况填写)

What is your professional registration number? 会员号码 (按实际情况填写)



Personal Statement


选择Yes, 上传PS,点击Save and continue



Referee 推荐人






Source of Funding 1


What is your likely source of funding? *资金支持来源 (Employer 公费 ; Family 家庭; Scholarship 奖学金; Self 自费; Studentship 奖学金)(按实际情况填写)

Percentage from this source 这个资金的多少比重将用于学费之处,填0-100,建议填100。


Equal Opportunities Monitoring 背调


Ethnicity * 种族,填Chinese

Religion or belief * 宗教

Sexual orientation * 性取向 (Asexual 没有取向; Bisexual 双性恋; Choose not to define 不界定; Gay 同性恋; Heterosexual 异性恋; Other 其他; Prefer not to say/ Information refused 不透露)

Is your gender identity the same as the gender you were originally assigned at birth? 你的性别认同与你出生时的性别相同吗?




Marketing Data 市场调查


Other institutions applied to 是否申请其他学校

Country/countries 申请学校所在国

What level of study have you applied for at the institutions listed above? 申请课程等级?



Summary 网申表格填写摘要


请仔细检查课程信息(课程名字,课程起止时间)是否正确以及上传材料(学位证明,毕业证明/在读证明,成绩相关材料,CV,语言成绩单,Personal Statement)是否齐全。


Your Uploaded Documents 上传材料清单





Application Assessment Fee-Waiver Request 申请申请费豁免


Would you like to request that we waive the application assessment fee?







点击Print/Preview Application 进行最后的检查。确定所填写信息准确无误,点击Submit。




Customer Reference  签名 e.g ZHANG SAN



勾选条款,点击右下角Pay Now。



输入付款信息(联系电话,地址,城市,邮政编码,国家)点击Make Payment 进行缴费。


付款成功后,邮箱会收到一封名为“Confirmation of online payment to Warwick University”的缴费确认信,并附有PDF版本的缴费凭证,请保留好缴费凭证。





递交申请后,系统会给推荐人邮箱发送一封名为“University of Warwick: Reference Request”的网推邮件,邮件正文含有华威大学网推系统的
