首页 >  医院的硕士生导师  > 万东东(硕士生导师)


南开大学, 南开大学附属第一中心医院, 副主任医师,15900209762



(1) 2019-09 至 今, 天津医科大学, 外科学(骨外), 在读博士研究生

(2) 2016-03 至 2017-03, 韩国Yonsei大学, 足踝外科Felllow

(3) 2006-09 至 2009-07, 天津医科大学, 外科学(骨外), 硕士

(4) 2001-09 至 2006-06, 安徽理工大学医学院, 临床医学, 学士



(1) 2018-12 至 今, 南开大学附属第一中心医院, 骨科, 副主任医师

(2) 2013-12 至 2018-12, 南开大学附属第一中心医院, 骨科, 主治医师

(3) 2009-07 至 2013-12, 南开大学附属第一中心医院, 骨科, 医师





(1) 天津市科学技术局, 天津市自然科学基金重点项目, S22ZDF291, 温敏和pH双重响应的可注射自愈合水凝胶用于慢性难治愈创面修复的关键技术研究, 2022-10 至 2025-09, 20万元, 在研, 主持

(2) 生物活性材料教育部重点实验室(南开大学), 开放基金项目, SWHX-202204, 负载 4-OI 氧化海藻酸钠/明胶可注射水凝胶修复骨关节炎软骨缺损的研究, 2022-09 至 2023-09, 2万元, 结题, 主持



(1) Lizong Tang; Zeyu Zhang; Shaojin Lei; Jie Zhou; Yufei Liu; Xinyi Yu; Jie Wang; Dong Dong Wan*; Jie Shi*; Shufang Wang*; A temperature and pH dual-responsive injectable self-healing hydrogel prepared by chitosan oligosaccharide and aldehyde hyaluronic acid for promoting diabetic foot ulcer healing, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 253(Pt 6):127213.

(2) 万东东*, 袁伟健, 胡茂忠, 等. 后路踝关节镜联合肌腱镜对踝源性拇长屈肌腱囊肿的近期疗效 [J] . 中华医学杂志, 2023, 103(11) : 829-834.

(3) Hui Xiao; Yunsheng Dong; Dong Dong Wan; Jinpeng Wan; Jiaxing Huang; Lizong Tang; Jie Zhou; Tingting Yang; Yufei Liu; Shufang Wang ; Injectable hydrogel loaded with 4-octyl itaconate enhances cartilage regeneration by regulating macrophage polarization, Biomaterials Science, 2023, 11(7): 2445-2460.

(4) Jingyue Guo; Jiaxing Huang; Shaojin Lei; Dong Dong Wan; Boyuan Liang; Hongyu Yan; Yufei Liu; Yuming Feng; Sen Yang; Ju He; Deling Kong; Jie Shi; Shufang Wang ; Construction of Rapid Extracellular Matrix-Deposited SmallDiameter Vascular Grafts Induced by Hypoxia in a Bioreactor, ACS Biomater Sci Eng, 2023, 9(2): 844-855.

(5) Dong Dong Wan; Heng Huang; Mao Zhong Hu; Quan Yu Dong ; Results of the osteochondral

autologous transplantation for treatment of osteochondral lesions of the talus with harvesting from the ipsilateral talar articular facets, International Orthopaedics, 2022, 46(7): 1547-1555.

(6) Wan D, Han X, Zhang C, Zhang Y, Ma Y, Wang G. EZH2 promotes the progression of osteosarcoma through the activation of the AKT/GSK3β pathway. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2022, 49(11):1179-1186.

[6] Wang B, Hu M, Wan D, Sun K. Treatment of Posterior Malleolar Fractures in Elderly Individuals with Kirschner Wire Tension Band Fixation[J]. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2022;112(4):20-25.

[7] 闫旭, 胡茂忠, 万东东*. 伴腓骨下小骨的踝关节前外侧慢性疼痛的踝关节镜治疗[J]. 中华医学杂志, 2021, 101(39): 3253-3256.

[8] Wan Dongdong, Choi Woojin, Shim Dongwoo, Hwang Yeokgu, Park Yoo Jung, Lee Jinwoo*. Short-term Clinical and Radiographic Results of the Salto Mobile Total Ankle Prosthesis[J]. Foot &Ankle International, 2018, 39(2):155–165.



(1) Wan Dong Dong; Yuan Wei Jian; Hu Mao Zhong; Xia Qun; Bao Zhe Heng ; Short-term clinicalresults of posterior ankle arthroscopy and tendoscope treatment on ankle-origin flexor hallucis longus ganglion, 2023 Annual Fall Congress of the Korean Foot and Ankle Society, Seoul, Korea,2023-11-17至2023-11-18 (会议报告)

(2) Wan Dong Dong ; Peroneal tendon disorders, 63rd Annual Congress of the Korean Orthopaedic Association (KOA), Seoul, Korea, 2019-10-17至2019-10-19 (会议报告)
