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关于”读研究生好处“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Benefits of Graduate Education。以下是关于读研究生好处六级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Benefits of Graduate Education

It is a general trend that and students choose to continue their postgraduate studies. This phenomenon has attracted people's attention. Some people think that students can gain knowledge to baden their hozons, but others don't think that students should go to work instead of fther study in my school.

I think students can benefit fm fther study. First of all, students will gain knowledge when they enter graduate school in the first stage of university study. Students must have a comprehensive impression of what they have learned, but they do not have the expertise to solve complex pblems related to their main pblems.

They enter graduate school, and then they will learn pfessional knowledge so that they can deal with them pfessionally Second, graduate students can get better jobs and higher pay. It is very common that graduates with higher education backgund are popular than college students in the job . If a and a graduate student are employed in the same position, the salary of a 's degree will be higher than that of a graduate student.

In general, students can not only learn , but also get higher salaes and better job opportunities if they have a 's degree.


