首页 >  北京英语高考听力真题  > 2015年高考英语(北京卷)






2015 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试


本试卷共16页, 共150分。考试时间为120分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

第一部分:听力理解(共三节:30 分) 

第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 7.5 分)


例:What is the man going to read?

A.A  newspaper

B.A  magazine

C.A  book


1. What kind of music does the woman like?

A.Classical music    

B. Rock music     

C. Country music

2. Which sweater will the man take?

A.The red one       

B. The blue one   

C. The yellow one

3. How will the man pay?

A.In cash           

B. By credit card    

C. By traveler’s cheque

4. Where are the woman’s keys?

A. In her pocket         

B. On the floor      

C. On the table

5. What will the man probably do tonight?

A. Read Chapter 4

B. Study in the library

C. Watch the football match





6.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Travel agent and customer

B.Husband and wife

C.Boss and secretary

7. When will the meetings end?

A.At 3:00pm.             

B. At 5:00pm.           

C. At 6:30pm.


8.Where is the foreign language section?

A.In Row 3.               

B. In Row 5.           

C. In Row 7

9. What does the man decide to borrow?

A. Novels.                   

B. Biographies.        

C. Magazines


10. Why does the man make the call?

A. To ask for information

B. To make an appointment

C. To send out an invitation

11. What sport is the man interested in?

A. Football

B. Basketball

C. Swimming

12. On what days is the sports center closed?

A. Mondays           

B. Fridays              

C. Sundays


13. What is the speaker mainly talking about?

A. Rules of the school

B. Course requirements

C. Notices of the new term

14. Which club will meet on Wednesdays?

A. Baseball

B. Dance

C. Chess

15. When will the parents’ evening for Year 8 be held?

A. In September

B. In October

C. In November




Cell Phone Repair Form

Customer’s Name

Thomas 16

Telephone No.


Time of Purchase

18 1st, 2015


Screen went 19


20  it up and check the inside




1-5: BAABC




16. Tarshis/TAESHIS

17. 627935

18. May

19. black

20. Open/open




W: What kind of music do you like?

M: I enjoy nearly all kinds of music, especially country music and classical music. What about you?

W: I like Rock music.



W: May I help you?

M: Yes, please. Does this sweater come in yellow?

W: No, we don’t have it in yellow, only in red and blue.

M: OK, I’ll take the red one.



W: Do you want to pay by credit card, sir?

M: Oh…, can I use my travelers check, please?

W: Sorry, sir. We don’t take travelers checks.

M: Then I’ll have to pay cash.



M: Are you ready to go now?

W: Wait a minutes, I need to find my keys.

M: Aren’t they in your pocket?

W: No. Let me see…, I remember putting them on the table this morning.

M: Oh, there they are. They dropped off onto the floor.



M: Hi, what’s the homework for the literature class? I missed it today.

W: We are supposed to read chapter four.

M: Great! I’ve read it when I was studying in the library last night.

W: Wow, lucky you! You can watch the football match tonight.

M: That is right!



M: What is my schedule for tomorrow, Lisa?

W: Well, your flight leaves from Heathrow at 7:10 am from Terminal 2, and arrives in Frankford at 8:40 am.

M: And then?

W: Then you can take the shuttle bus into town.

M: Oh, yes, of course. And the meetings, when do they begin?

W: The meetings will start at 10:00 am, and end at 3:00 pm, with a short lunch break. After the meetings, you will have some time for afternoon tea. Your flight back will leave at 5:00 pm, it gets back here at 6:30 pm.

M: That is fine. Then I’ll be able to have dinner with my wife.



W: May I help you?

M: Yes, please. I’m a new student, and I want to borrow some books.

W: Sure. What books do you want?

M: Are there any biographies of George Washington?

W: Let me check it for you on the computer? Oh, there are five of them.

M: Can you tell me where they are?

W: Of course. They are in the biography section, in row 3.

M: Oh, thank you. Are there any French novels?

W: Yes, I think so. They are over there in row 7. That is where our foreign language section is.

M: And the magazines?

W: They are in row 5.

M: OK, thank you. By the way, how many books can I borrow at a time?

W: Two at most and you can keep them for three weeks.

M: Thank you. I’ll borrow two biographies today.

W: OK, go in and get them. Bye for now.

M: Bye.



W: Hello, Sunny Sports Center. How can I help you?

M: Hello. I’d like some information about your sports center.

W: Well, we’ve got a very good gym with all the latest equipment, a swimming pool, a football ground, three basketball courts, and so on.

M: Sounds great.

W: Then what sports are you interested in?

M: Well, I like basketball very much.

W: And how often will you use the center?

M: I suppose about two or three times a week.

W: OK. Look, I can send you the information about the center.

M: Great! One more thing, can you tell me your opening hours?

W: No problem. Tuesday to Friday, 7:30 am to 10 o’clock at night. Weekends, from 9 am to 9 pm. But we do not open on Mondays.

M: I got it. Thank you, bye!

W: You are welcome!



Good morning, everyone! And a very warm welcome back! I hope you’ve enjoyed your holidays! For those of you who I knew, my name is Mary Smith, and I’m the headmistress of this school. I’d like to start our new term with a few notices. First, I’d like to introduce two new teachers, Ms Woods, our new music teacher, and Mr. Williams, our new French teacher. Let’s give them a warm welcome. Now, I’ll talk about some of the activities for this term. After school clubs, we’ll start in week2. But the baseball club, we’ll start in week4. And, there are several new clubs, too. The dance club will meet on Mondays, and the chess club, on Wednesdays. Finally, I’d like to remind you that there will be several parent’s evenings during this term. Year 7, we will have one in September, Year 8, in October, and Year 9, in November. That’s all I want to say. Thank you for your attention, and enjoy your new term.



W: Can I help you?

M: Yes, please. I want to fix my cell phone.

W: What’s wrong?

M: The screen went black last night.

W: Went black?

M: Yes.

W: Did you have an accident? Like dropping it on the ground, or into water?

M: No.

W: Well, then the repairman will help to open it up and check the inside.

M: How much will it cost?

W: It depends. Have you got the receipt?

M: Yes. Here you are.

W: OK. You bought it from us on May 1st, only three weeks ago. Then it will be free to inspect it. But if the damage is caused by the user, you will have to pay for the repair.

M: I see. When can I take it back?

W: I’m not sure. We will give you a call as soon as it’s fixed. Your name, please?

M: Thomas Tarshis, that is T-A-R-S-H-I-S.

W: Your phone number?

M: 627935.

W: 627935. OK, that it. Anything else?

M: No, thank you. Bye.

W: Bye.
