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北京外国语大学2019翻译硕士考研英译汉真题2019-11-19 考研资料下载 收藏 已收藏分享到:



①Major global trends such as population growth, urbanization, uneven economic growth, increasing inequality, sudden or protracted political transitions and climate change suggest that humanitarian caseloads will continue to increase. ②Already, the consequences of disasters for national and regional development, as well as economic growth, have led many Governments to bolster national capacities for disaster management. ③People affected by emergencies also increasingly use technology to articulate their needs, to seek resources from their own communities, neighbors and Governments. ④Humanitarian actors can leverage technology to distribute assistance more quickly and cost-efficiently and to map hazards for better coordination and planning. ⑤It will be essential to support innovation in the sector and for humanitarian organizations to harness the opportunities technology can provide.

本段的难点其实就在句,很多同学会被段的句话就为难住了。句的结构稍微有些复杂,因此很有可能会被搞晕,因为中间出现了一个较长的插入语,容易让大家无法分清句子结构,尤其是哪里是插入语的结尾,而谓语动词又在哪里等。在这里的插入语应该是从such as 这个表示总分关系中的分的连接词开始对Major global trends进行进一步的解释,因此后边并列的六个名词短语都为插入语,分别为population growth, urbanization, uneven economic growth, increasing inequality, sudden or protracted political transitions and climate change。本句的谓语动词是suggest。如果分析核心句,应该是Major global trends suggest that humanitarian caseloads will continue to increase. 因此本句可翻译为人口增长,城市化,经济增长不平衡,不平等加剧,政治过渡突然或旷日持久和气候变化等全球主要趋势表明,人道主义案件的负担将继续增加。

同样地,第二句中的主语也有存在并列的现象,但本句较之句翻译起来较为简单。Already, the consequences of disasters for national and regional development, as well as economic growth, have led many Governments to bolster national capacities for disaster management.可处理为“灾害对国家和区域发展以及经济增长的后果已经使许多国家政府增强了国家的灾害管理能力。”

第三句和第四句其实需要处理的则为几个动词不定式的翻译。③People affected by emergencies also increasingly use technology to articulate their needs, to seek resources from their own communities, neighbors and Governments. ④Humanitarian actors can leverage technology to distribute assistance more quickly and cost-efficiently and to map hazards for better coordination and planning. 第三句o articulate their needs与to seek resources from their own communities, neighbors and Governments并列,第四句to distribute assistance more quickly and cost-efficiently与to map hazards for better coordination and planning并列,可翻译为“受紧急情况影响的人们也越来越多地使用技术来表达他们的需求,从自己的社区,邻居和政府那里寻求资源。 人道主义行动者可以利用技术来更快,更经济地分配援助,并绘制危害图以更好地进行协调和计划。”最后一句较为简单,只需要将形式主语的结构翻译出来即可。



文都教育 各科目2020考研真题答案及解析汇总(预测)








