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时间:2017-07-05 16:23:14  来源:网络  作者:May

请告诉我你的学历好吗?Would you tell me what educational background you have?What's your educational background?What about your education?Tell me something about your educational background.我是北京大学历史系的研究生。rm a graduate student in the History Department at Beijing University.a graduate 大学毕业生;a graduate student 研究生(美)你是哪个学校毕业的?Which university did you graduate from?Where did you graduate?我毕业于清华大学。I graduated from Tsinghua University.I'm a graduate of Tsinghua University.graduated from...毕业于...你为什么选择清华大学?Why do you choose Tsinghua University?你在哪里读的本科?Where did you get your bachelors degree?For example:A: Where did you get your bachelor's degree?你在哪里读的本科?B: Northwest University of Political and Law.西北政法大学。我获得了理科学士学位。I have a B.S.degree.B.S.degree理科学士学位 B.A.degree文学学士学位D.S.degree理科博士学位 M.S.degree理科硕士学位我是一名大专三年级学生。l'm a junior college student.我上职业专科学校。I go to a vocational school.vocational (adj.)取业的我上的是补习学校。I go to a cram school.我是新华大学经济系四年级的学生。I'm a senior in the Department of Economics at Xinhua University.大学一年级的学生称为freshman,二年级的称为sophomore,三年级的称为junior,四年级的称为senior。你在大学主修的是什么专业?What was your major in the university?For example:A: What was your major in the university?你在大学主修的是什么专业?B: My major was international banking.我主修的是国际金融。你获得学位了吗?Have you received any degree?Did you receive any degree?Have you got any degree?Which degree have you obtained?For example:A: Have you received any degrees?你获得学位了吗?B: Yes. In 2006 I received my MBA degree from Peking University. 有,2006年我在北京大学获得了工商管理硕士学位。我大学綴学了。l'm a college dropout.dropout( n.)綴学学生你在哪个学校读的书?Which school are you attending?Where are you studying?What school do you attend?Which school are you in?What college are you attending?What school do you go to?Which school do you go to?我在一所大学里读了四年的书。I studied in a university for four years.我读大学时学过外贸方面的课程。During my study at university, I attended courses in foreign trade.你读几年级?What year are you in?What grade are you in?For example:A: What year are you in?你读几年级?B: I am a senior.我读四年级。我是吉林大学三年级的学生。I'm a third grade student at Ji Lin University.我刚刚毕业。I've just graduated from school.I'm almost straight out of school.我明年毕业。I am graduating next year.I will graduate next year.你什么时候毕业?When wilt you graduate from that university?For example:A: When will you graduate from that university?你什么时候毕业?B: This coming July.今年七月。你能拿到什么学位?What degree will you receive?For example:A: What degree will you receive?你能拿到什么学位?B: I will receive a Bachelor's degree.我将获得学士学位。a Bachelor's degree 文理学士a Master's degree 硕士学位a Doctoral degree 博士学位你的专业是什么?What's your major?What do you major in?What are you majoring in?What do you specialize in?What is your specialty?我主修经济学。I majored in Economics.My major is Economics.Industrial design 工业设计 History 历史学Sociology 社会学 Chemistry 化学 Physics 物理你的主修和选修课是什么?What are your major subjects and minor subjects?你最喜欢哪门课程?Which subject do you like best?Which course does you like best?What's your favorite subject?Which one is your favorite?For example:A: Which subject do you like best?你最喜欢哪门课程?B: English. It was both interesting and useful.英语。因为这门课既有趣又实用。为什么你选择化学?Why do you choose chemistry?For example:A: Why do you choose chemistry?为什么你选择化学?B: Because I was interested in chemistry since I was in middle school.因为从中学开始我就对化学感兴趣。你就读的是哪个系?What department did you study in?For example:A: What department did you study in?你就读的是哪个系?B: I was in Department of Physics.我读的是物理系。你选修过什么专业吗?What subject did you minor in?For example:A: What subject did you minor in?你选修过什么专业吗?B: I didn't minor in any subject, but I attended English and computer courses.我没有选修过,但参加过英语和计算机培训课程。除了专业课以外,你还学过其他方面的知识吗?Besides your major, do you know some other fields?你现在正在从事什么研究?What research are you presently pursuing?What research are you dealing with now?那你能告诉我你为什么要换专业吗?Can you tell me why you changed your major?从2002年到2006年,我在北京大学一位著名的教授指导下学习。From 2002 to 2006,1 studied at Beijing University under the direction of a famous professor.under the direction of sb.在某人的指导下。你的毕业论文是关于什么的?What was your graduation thesis on?What was your graduation thesis about?What was your graduation dissertation?For example:A: What was your graduation thesis on?你的毕业论文是关于什么的?B: It's about computer programming.是关于计算机编程的。你都学习了哪些课程?What courses have you learned?Tell me about the courses you completed at university.A: What courses have you learned?你都学习 了哪些课程?B: I have learned many courses,such as Civil Law, Economics Law, Commercial Law and Administration Law.我们学习了很多课程,比如民法、经济法、商法、行政法等。你认为你接受的教育将对本职位有何帮助?How do you think the education you've received will contribute to your work in this institution?For example:A: How do you think the education you've received will contribute to your work in this institution?你认为你接受的教育将对本职位有何帮助?B: My specialization at the university is just in line with the areas your institute deals with.我在大学所学的专业和你们研究所所涉及的范围刚好对口。


