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《剑19》Test 3 Task 1真题解析及8.5分原创范文(动态线图)

摘要:本题是《剑19》test 1,本题的难点在于项目种类多(有5组之多),这也造成考生在描写图表数据时很难分段。本题采用训练营和《细说雅思写作》里讲到的常用分段思路——按照变化趋势分段,将变化趋势相似的film club和martial arts分为一组,剩下的3个项目分为一组。


《剑19》Test 3 Task 1真题解析及8.5分原创范文

The graph illustrates the numbers of participants in film club, martial arts, amateur dramatics, table tennis, and musical performances at a social centre in Melbourne during the period from 2000 to 2020.

As seen, the numbers of film club and martial arts participants in the beginning and end of the period remained similar, despite experiencing some fluctuations. Specifically, in 2000, the film club had by far the highest number of participants at 60, and its participation was relatively stable, reaching around 65 participants by 2020. Meanwhile, martial arts started with about 30 participants in 2000, but that figure showed a decline, dropping to around 20 in 2010 before increasing again to 40 in 2020.

On the other hand, musical performances and table tennis saw growths in their participation rates. Notably, musical performances had the fewest participants until 2010, with none before 2005 and only 10 in 2010. However, joiners in that activity increased gradually to around 30 in 2020. Likewise, involvement in tennis climbed slightly from around 18 participants initially to around 20 in 2010, after which it surged to 55, surpassing martial arts’ participation rate, making tennis the second most popular activity in the centre. In contrast, although the number of amateur dramatics participants rose slightly from 26 in 2000 to about 28 in 2005, it dropped constantly to approximately 8 in 2020.

Overall, the film club maintained the highest and most stable participation rate throughout the period, while table tennis saw the most significant upturn in participants.


本题是《剑19》test 1,本题的难点在于项目种类多(有5组之多),这也造成考生在描写图表数据时很难分段。本题采用训练营和《细说雅思写作》里讲到的常用分段思路——按照变化趋势分段,将变化趋势相似的film club和martial arts分为一组,剩下的3个项目分为一组。

按照我一贯所强调的,动态图要写:1. 数据大小的比较与描写;2. 数据变化的比较与描写。

范文中给出了多种数据描写技巧,例如:with复合结构(with none before 2005 and only 10 in 2010 ),非谓语动词做状语(surpassing martial arts’ participation rate, making tennis the second most popular activity in the centre),以及多种比较句型(despite experiencing some fluctuations, but that figure showed a decline, dropping to around 20 in 2010 before increasing again to 40 in 2020, after which it surged to 55 和 although the number of amateur dramatics participants rose slightly from 26 in 2000 to about 28 in 2005)等高分句型值得考生掌握。

相关热点: 剑桥雅思19
