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剑16完整版新鲜出炉啦!!包含完整的 4个test和对应音频,大家可以好好利用起来~~《剑雅》 系列作为雅思考试的官方指南,雅思考试风向标。它在雅思备考中的重要性不必再过多强调啦。利用新的剑16可以熟悉了解题型分布以及题目难度等级上有哪些变化,然后针对性查漏补缺做准备哦。在下文中小编整理了剑桥雅思16Test1雅思写作Task2真题及参考范文的信息,一起来看看吧。




In some countries,more and more people are becoming interested in finding out about the history of the house or building they live in.

What are the reasons for this?

How can people research this?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge orexperience.

Write at least 250 words.


It seems that there are a growing number of people who wish to find out about the history of their place of residence, whether this be a house or a flat. The following essay will explain what 1believe the reasons are for this as well as possible methods of research.

Firstly, and certainly with older buildings, people from some countries these days have a lot more interest in understanding the provenance of their houses or apartments. I think the main reason for this is that the information is now easily available, With the advent of the internet and the development of online databases from books, to property, to almost anything you think of, if you know where, and more importantly, how to look for, you can find almost anything.

Moving onto the how, I believe the first place people can look is online. Real estate records from the local government websites would probably be the best place to begin, followed by places like the local library and even some of the real estate agents that may be around. If an internet search doesn't work, then 'sneakernet' may be the only other option. By that I mean, walking around to these places and searching through any records that may not have been scanned and uploaded.

In conclusion, although some people worldwide have a growing interest in historical information about houses and where people live, this is not really the case here in China. Most of us wish to buy properties that have been freshly built, and 'old' buildings are neither important nor desired, unless maybe 100 years old or more, or were lived in by someone famous. (277 words)

