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剑桥雅思6 test 1 section 2听力原文与答案 rivenden city theater

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剑桥雅思6 test 1 section 2听力原文与答案 rivenden city theater

这篇雅思听力section 2的前半部分无论是从场景上,还是从题型上,又或者是具体的出题方式上都十分符合现在考试的模式。尤其是介绍剧院这个话题,更是现在听力考试中非常容易考察的内容,所以其中出现的场景单词必须得好好掌握才行。




雅思备考听力篇 剑6 test 1 section 2 雅思听力高频词汇

剑6 test 1 Section 2雅思听力原文

MAN: And here on Radio Rivenden we have Lynne Rawley, the Public Relations Officer of our own Rivenden City Theatre. Hello, Lynne.

LYNNE: Hello.

MAN: Now, the theatre is reopening soon after its three-year redevelopment programme, isn’t it?

LYNNE: That’s right, and there are a lot of improvements. The first thing people will see when they go in is that the foyer has been repainted in the original green and gold. Then the box office has been reoriented, with its own access from the side of the building instead of through the foyer, which means it can be open longer hours, and has more space, too. The shop that used to be in the foyer, which sold books and CDs, is the one part of the redevelopment which isn’t yet complete. The plan is to find new premises for it near the theatre, and we’ve had difficulty finding somewhere suitable. We hope to reopen the shop in the next few months.    Q11  Q12

MAN: Will audiences find any difference in the auditorium?

LYNNE: Yes, we’ve increased the leg-room between the rows. This means that there are now fewer seats but we’re sure audiences will be much happier. And we’ve installed air conditioning, so it won’t get so hot and stuffy. We already had a few seats which were suitable for wheelchair users, and now there are twice as many, which we hope will meet demand. Something else that will benefit audiences is the new lifts. The two we used to have were very small and slow. They’ve now gone, and we’ve got much more efficient ones.       Q13  Q14  Q15

MAN: Anything for the performers?

LYNNE: Yes, we’ve made a number of improvements backstage. The small, dark dressing rooms we used to have have been converted into two large airy rooms, so they’re much more comfortable now. And the state-of-the-art electronic sound and lighting systems have been installed.     Q16


MAN: OK, so what’s the first play that audiences can see when the theatre reopens?

LYNNE: We’ve got a very exciting production of Peter Shaffer’s Royal Hunt of the Sun, which is currently touring the country. That starts on October the 13th and runs till the 19th. We’re experimenting a bit with the time the curtain goes up. We used to start all our performances at 7.30, but that made it difficult for people to go home by public transport, so instead we’re beginning at 7, because at 9.45, when it finishes, there are still buses running. Tickets are already selling fast. The Friday and Saturday performances sold out almost immediately and, in fact, now there are only tickets for Monday and Thursday.    Q17  Q18  Q19

MAN: How much are they?

LYNNE: We’ve introduced a simpler price structure. Ticket prices used to range from £6 to £30 but now they’re all £18. They’re available from the box office, in person, by phone, fax or post, or online.  Q20

MAN: OK, Lynne, now if you’d like to give the contact details for the theatre…

剑6 test 1 Section 2雅思听力答案

11. B   12. G   13. C   14. A   15. E

16. D   17. (October) 19th   18. 7   19. Monday, Thursday   20. 18

剑桥雅思6 test 1 section 1听力原文与答案

剑桥雅思6 test 1 section 3听力原文与答案

剑桥雅思6 test 1 section 4听力原文与答案

