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期中考试: 1. midsemester2. midyear3. midterm4. mid-term exam5. Mid-Term Examination.Examples:期中考试;学期中间的假期Midterm examinations; a midterm break.

期末考试: 1. final2. term examination3. end-or-term examination4. final examination.Examples:1. 她顺利通过期末考试She sailed through her finals.2. 我期末考试不及格.I ploughed my finals.3. 学生们都为期末考试做好了精神准备。The students were all psyched up for their final exam.4. 期末考试很难,但是如果学习努力,大多数学生是可以设法通过的。The final exam is difficult, but most of my students should be able to struggle through if they work hard.
