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辽宁省2024新中考冲刺密卷 英语试卷(本试卷共45道题试卷满分90分考试时间90分钟)考生注意:所有试题必须在答题卡上作答,在本试卷上作答无效第 一 部分选择题 (共50分)一、阅读理解 (共20小题,每小题2分;满分40分)第一节阅读下面语言材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中 选出最佳选项。AWelcome to Chinese Traditional Artwork WebsiteName:Clay potColor:Purple,green and blackPrice: 240Delivery (递送)time:You can get your goods(商品) within 3 days.Our clay pots are cheap and they are of good quality.They are the best gifts for you to send to your friends orrelatives.Name:Chinese knotColor:Red and yellowPrice: 160 ( 300 for two during the Spring Festival)Delivery time:You can get your goods within 5 days.We have our own designers.Our new styles may give you a big surprise.(phone) (A.in ashopC.through the)B.in a supermarketD.on the InternetBTSUNAMI HTTS ASIA:OVER 6,500 DEADBy Robert Woodhouse Monday 27 December 2004The most powerful earthquake in the past 40 years caused a tsunami(海啸)that crashed into coastlines across Asia yesterday,killing more than 6,500 people in Indonesia,India,Thailand,Malaysia,and at least four other countries.Fishermen,tourists,hotels,homes,and cars were swept away by huge waves caused by the strong earthquake that reached a magnitude (震 级 )of 9.0.The undersea quake struck around 7:00 a.m.,Sunday off the west coast of Indonesia's Sumatra Island.In that area alone,at least 1,870 people were killed.In Sri Lanka,some 1,600 kilometers west of the quake center,the number of deaths stood at 2,498,and one million more were affected by the tsunami,government officials (官员)said.Indian officials said as many as 1,900 had been killed along the southern coast.Another 254 were found dead in Thailand and 54 in three other countries.In southern Thailand, 1,900 people were hurt and many more were missing,local officials said.“IName:Palace lanternColor:Red,blue,yellow and blackPrice: 300 (20%off on the Lantern Festival)Delivery time:You can get your goods within 7 days.If you spend more than 500 yuan on the lanterns,we will give you a sky lantern as a giftName:Silk umbrellaColor:Pink,red,green and yellowPrice:Y60Delivery time:You can get your goods within 9 days.was having breakfast with my three children when water started filling my home.We had to leave everything and run to safety,"said Chandra Theeravit, a local Thai woman.Thousands of people are still missing,and the number of deaths is expected to grow even higher over the next few days.Foreign aid is being organized for the tsunami-hit countries.However,dangerous conditions and damaged (破坏的)roads will make it difficult to give people what they needed badly.()5.When did the tsunami happen according to the text (A.At midnight.B.On Monday.)Our umbrellas are made of good silk.You will be sure to(like them.)C.40 years agoD.In Dec.2004.(()6.Whatcausedthetsunami A.A huge wave.B.A strongearthquake.C.Long coastlines.D.The largepopulation.()7.How many people were killedduringhistsunamiinIndia

)()1.Which artwork is the best git for your grandpa who prefers thecolor purple A.Clay potB.Chinese knolC.Palace lanternD.Silk umbrella.()2.When may you receive your parcel(包裹)if you buy 2 Chinese knots(A.Nearly1,600.B.At least1,870.C.About1,900.D.Morethan 6,500.()8.Whereisthetextmostprobablytakenfrom A.A piece ofnews on the Internet.B.A guidebook to a museum.C.An introduction to a famous book.D.An essay on theartofwriting.)on January 22 A.On February 26. B.On February 22.C.On January 25. D.On January 28.()3.How much does a palace lantern cost on the Lantern Festival A.Y60. B.Y240.C. 280. D. 300.( )4.You can buy the above goodsCA new curriculum standard ( 课程标准)for labor (劳动)educationhas come out recently.Students havetotakelaborlessons,includingeveryday chores,productive laborand services.These lessons arc todevelop students' hard-working spiritand important living skills.Starting from September,2022,students in primary and middle schools should have at least one lesson every week.Primary school students in the first and second grades need to do simple housework like washing vegetables and peeling fruit,and learn to keep plants or small animals at home.The third and fourth graders should clean their classrooms,wash their underwear,socks and shoes,and know how to make cold dishes and use home appliances(电器).The fifth and sixth graders should learn skills of cooking two or three common dishes,such as fried eggs.Middle school students are encouraged to cook three or four dishes independently.Also,they should learn how to make traditional artworks. Social service and volunteer work are also needed.It's important for parents to realize the importance of labor education and make lists of chores to improve students' independence.It's not enough for children to simply finish the work They should learn to enjoy the work.()9.What's the purpose of Paragraph 1 A.To bring in labor education to teachers.B.To set a totally new curriculum standard.C.To tell people about changes in education.D.To encourage students to be independent.( )10.What should a second grader in primary school learn to do according to the text A.To care for a pet dog at home.B.To plant trees in the desert.C.To make traditional artworks.D.To cook dishes independently.( )11.Who needs to learn skills of using an oven A.All primary school students.B.The first graders in primary school.C.The second graders in middle school.D.The fourth graders in primary school.()12.What are parents expected to do according to the last paragraph A.To improve their children's social skills.B.To help their children lean to enjoy the work.C.To realize the importance of encouragement.D.To tell their children what volunteer work to do.DIt is really wonderful to see 1.5 million wildebeest(角马)leave their home in south Serengeti and travel north every year.For the following months,they will always travel in a great circle with other animals.This is the longest and largest migration(迁徙),the Serengeti migration.It is dangerous but they have to.For them,home is in Tanzania.From December to April,they live there because there is lots of grass and water.Then the youth are born during the same three weeks.Surprisingly,they areready to nun only a few minutes later,because hundreds of animals are waiting for them.In April,it is getting hot in the south.The "long"rains in the west usually bring a lot of water and the animals know that it is time to leave.In June,most of them cross their first big river,to the north to live. The water is not very deep,and the animals cross quickly,because they are in danger from crocodiles.After this is the most dangerous place of all.The animals need to cross a big,deep river,to reach the Masai Mara for food in August and September.The large Nile crocodiles are waiting for them in the water,and the wildebeest and other animals wait,too.Then thousands of animals suddenly run into the water and begin to swim.Many of them crash into each other,hurt.But most animals get across.They stay in the north until October or November,and then travel home,where theywill stay until April,when thegreat Screngeti migration beginsagain.Click here to know moreabout it.( )13.What is the wonderful thing to see in the first paragraph A.A great circle.B.The longest river.C.The Serengeti migration.D.Many beautiful wildebeest.( )14.Why do these animals migrate in great danger according to the text A.To continue to live.B.To enjoy themselves.C.To leave their home.D.To swim in the river( )15.What is the second paragraph mainly about A.The result of the animals' behavior.B.The process of the animals' travellingC.The beginning of the animals' movingD.The importance of the animals' travelling.( )16.Where is the text probably taken from A.From a newspaper.B.From a storybook.C.From a magazine.D.From a website.第二节阅读短文,从短文后的五个选项中选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项。选项中有一个多余的选项。Although animals can't speak our language,they can understand us. But some people treat them badly.Being stronger than them doesn't mean that humans have the right to treat them badly.Sometimes animals can't help themselves.17 Here are a few ways you can offer help.Work at the local animal shelters (庇护所)If you can't give money to animal shelters,you can visit a local animal shelter and offer your help. 18 You can do the simplest things such asfeeding animals or taking dogs for a walk.Report any form of animal abuse(虑待)If you know someone hits their pets to death or doesn't feed them for weeks,report abuse.No one has the right to abuse animals or leave them hungry or sick.Don't keep silent. 19 This way.you may save the lives of those poor animals.Have a plant-based dietIt is one of the easiest ways to reduce the demand for animal products. While meat tastes delicious,think of how one animal is killed so that you can cat its meatStop buying Items that contain (包含)animal productsBreak a habit of buying things that contain animal products.Many beautyitems,especiallyfacecreamsandlipsticks,containanimal products.20 Animals deserve (值得)to live their lives free from abuse, pain and suffering.A.Then be sure you don't buy them. B.So they need you to give them a hand. C.Let others know how animals are treated. D.Products containing animals always sell well. E.You don't need to have special skills to help animals.17. 18.19. 20.二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分;满分10分)阅读短文,理解其大意,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空 白处的最佳选项。Dreamers dream,doers doAre you more likely to jump into action when a new idea comes to mind or just daydream about it Amy was a dear little girl,but she was always _21_time gettingprepared to do her tasks,instead of doing them at once as she should do.In the village,Mi.Thomton kept a store where he sold _22 of all kinds including berries (筷子)when in season.One morning he said to Amy,“Well,Amy,I 23 some fine,ripe (成熟)blackberries on Mr. Green's farm today.Mr.Green said that anybody was_24_to pick them.I will pay you 13 cents a kilogram 25 all you'll pick for me."Amy was excited and 26 ran home to got a basket to hold the berries.But a moment later,she thought she would like to know how much money she would 27 if she picked five kilograms,a dozen kilograms,or more …It took her some time to dream more,and then it was so near lunchtimethat she 28 stay at home until the afternoon.As soon as lunch was over,she took her 29 and hurried to the farm. Some boys had been there before lunch,and all the ripe blackberries were 30.She could not find half a kilogram to fill her basket.Then she thought of what her teacher often told her,“Do your task atonce;then think about it.One doer is worth 100 dreamers."( )21.A.havingB.affordC.wasting D.saving()22.A.fruits B.toysC.books D.flowers( )23.A.imaginedB.noticedC.felt D.smelt( )24.A.welcome B.afraidC.carefulD.honest( )25.A.at B.withC.toD.for( )26.A.suddenly B.quietlyC.quicklyD.angrily( )27.A.spendB.makeC.collectD.meet( )28.A.agreed toB.tried toC.planned to D.had to( )29.A.centsB.berriesC.basketD.food()30.A.sold B.eatenC.planted D.picked第二部分非选择题 (共40分)三 、语篇填空(共10小题,每小题1分;满分10分)阅读短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或用括号内所给词的正 确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯。One thing my father did when I was young still remains fresh in my memory today.My father was a carpenter(木匠),and he often helped others buildhouses.Every time he finished building a house,he would pick up the broken bricks that others didn't need,either one (31) two. Sometimes,when walking on the road and seeing bricks or stones on the side(32) .the road,he would pick them up and put them in a basket to take them home.Over time,a mess of bricks(33)(appear)in our yard.I felt that the small courtyard (34) (leave) with no room for playingUntil one day my father started to use these things (35)(build)a square room in a corner of the yard.Then my father drove the pigs and sheep into the small house,and the yard was clean.At that time,I just thought my father was great,and he built a house by (36)(him).Because my family was so poor that it was almost a problem to cat,but my father did not give up,and (37)(final)one day he had enough bricks to build the house in his heart.In thefollowingdays,thespirithasbeeninspiringme.WhenIdo something,I usually ask myself two (38)(question):Oneiswhat the goal of doing this thing is and (39)other is how much effort is needed to make this thing happen.After that,I must be(40)patience)enough, because I can't pick upenough bricks in a day.四、阅读与表达(共4小题,41~43小题每小题2分,44小题4分;满分10分)阅读短文,然后根据内容回答所提问题。Have youever imagined going inside of a videogame That dream may soon become a reality.It's called the “metaverse (元宇 )".The metaverse is a shared online 3D world which is considered as the future of the Internet.In the metaverse you might use a pair of VR glasses lo enter a virtual (虚拟的)world connecting all kinds of environments.It will feel real because the technology can simulate (模拟)oursenses:sight, bearing,touch,and even smell.So,what can you do inside of the metaverse Anything you want!You can meet other people wherever theyare.“Your location (位置)will no longermatter,"saidVOANews.Inthemetaverse, people would be connected atall times.So,if you are bored and can'tfind anyfriends to Play with,just jump into the metaverse for a game.The metaverse also creates a new space,full of places to explore.Are you tired of visiting the same beach every year Forget Hawaii.Meet your friends in the metaverse and go to a beach on the moon —or anywhere elseyou can imagine.Once you're there,you can do more than just swim in the water,You can fly over the sand or dive to the bottom of the sea.You canride horses,or better yet,dinosaurs!Cathy Hackl. an expert in metaverse technology,said her son's firstconcert was inside of a video game.“Although it happened in a video game,it didn't make it less real for him,"she said.Perhaps the metaverse will change our idea of what is real. 41.How can people visit the metaverse 42.What is not important when you are inside the metaverse 43.Who has experienced metaverse technology according to Cathy Hack 44.What other new technology do you know And how has it changed ourdaily life Write 30 words or more五、书面表达(满分20分)45.每一位学生的成长,学校都倍加珍惜。为此,学校在校史馆添置了电 子设备,设立了“校友记忆长廊”,记录每一位同学的成长感悟。作为毕 业生,请你写一篇英语短文,讲述发生在你和老师、同学之间最难忘的 一件事情,将最美好的回忆留存在“校友记忆长廊”的英文栏目内。要点 如下:(1)事情发生的时间:(2)事情的大致经过;(3)你的感悟。注意:(1)词数80~100,开头已给出,不计入总词数;(2)可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;(3)文中不能出现真实姓名及学校名称。How time flies!I will graduate from junior high soon.辽宁省2024新中考冲刺密卷英语试卷参考答案一、1—4 ACBD5—8 DBCA9—12 CADB13—16 CABD17—20 BECA二、21—25CABAD26—30 CBDCD三、31.or32.of33.appeared34.was left35.to build36.himself37.finally38.questions39.the40.patient四、41.By using a pair of VR glasses.42.Your location.43.Her son.44.I know another new technology called AI.It has changed the way peopleinteract with machines.AI can communicate fluently in many differentlanguages,and help users with various tasks.(开放性试题,言之有理即可)五、45.One possible version:How time flies!I will graduate from junior high soon.Now I want to shareone of my best memories.It was the first day of my junior high.I felt nervous and I didn't know any- one in my class.Just then,I saw Jeremy.She was sitting alone at a desk,looking just as nervous as I.I walked over to her and introduced myself.Then we started talking happily.From that day on,we became best friends.We wentthrough everything together —the good times and the bad.Now we are going to different senior high schools,but we'll still keep intouch with each other.We'll never forget the day when we first met.

