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2024年6月英语四级作文模拟:人工智能的影响2024-01-31 08:18:00来源:网络 【好课】新东方英语四级精品课|【优惠】四级名师网课|四级名师免费课【考试报名】英语四级报名时间|入口|英语四级考试时间|英语四级考试流程【四级备考】英语四级重点词汇表英语四级阅读理解100篇精析



With the victory of AlphaGo, a newborn robot produced by Google Company, in the world Go Champion, AI has been a new hot topic recently and has promoted widespread debate in our life.


How will AI affect our life? There are different viewpoints between different people. There are several notables, such as Stephen Hawking and Bill Gates, worrying about the development of AI. They are afraid that the abuse of artificial intelligence technology is likely to usher in a smart explosion situation, then the machine will continue to enhance their own skills and knowledge, and finally get beyond the human’s IQ. What's worse, they might attain emotion. In other words, the machine may be out of control at the end and even control the world on the contrary.


However, optimistic opinions are also accepted by numerous people. They are totally convinced that AI can bring more convenience, more efficient and more wealth to us. Most significantly, AI will enhance human productivity, then promote social development.

