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关于”研究生的压力“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Pressure on graduate students。以下是关于研究生的压力的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Pressure on graduate students

Now more and more college graduates decide to take the postgraduate entrance examination on the eve of graduation. We can see that only ten tusand people apply for the examination in the year. The latest statistics sw that the number of applicants for the examination has greatly increased, which has changed greatly compared with last year and this year.

This is mainly due to the following reasons: first, college graduates are facing the tension of the employment market, and the compeion in the employment market is increasingly fierce. In the face of the severe employment situation, more and more college graduates cose to continue their further education and seek a better future In my opinion, what is the next stop for these graduates? For college graduates, continuing education is a good solution, but the final cice is decided by tse w know themselves well.




As a graduate student I am experiencing various kinds of pressure. Firstly academic pressure is the most important one. We are required to complete a large number of ignments and research projects within a limited period of time. The higher the level of study the more difficult and in-depth the topics become which puts a lot of pressure on us to do well.

Secondly there is social pressure. Graduate students are expected to balance their academic work with other responsibilities such as work family and social life. It is not easy to juggle these different aspects of life and there is pressure to be successful in all areas.

Thirdly there is pressure to succeed in a highly compeive job market. Many graduate students are looking to secure a good job after graduation but the compeion is fierce. This leads to additional pressure to perform well academically and to build a strong network of connections.

In order to manage these pressures it is important to have good time management skills to prioritize tasks effectively and to seek support from family friends and professors when needed. It is also important to maintain a balance between academic work and other aspects of life and to be patient and persistent in pursuing our goals.






In recent years, more and more agers can receive higher education and learn professional skills in various fields on campus. The more time they spend on campus, the more talented they will be, which leads to the phenomenon that they are seldom interested in the world outside the campus. However, we still can't see that some college students use their spare time to understand the world outside the campus.

Some students make money on campus in their spare time, gain social experience and prefer to be in their professional field To gain some practical experience, for example, some medical students will be learners in the spital. In this process, they not only practice theoretical knowledge, but also understand the off campus life that I care about. We know that there is no harm in gaining social experience or contacting the outside world.

Society is also a university, and the knowledge in this special university is even more Important, so if you can squeeze in a little bit of time, put it in the outside world where you will stay longer after graduation.



标签: 满分考研
