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知识六级真题听力音频(CET6/2013~2020) 第30期2021-02-27 创建播放:43607次

介绍: [00:01.06]College English Test Band 6[00:04.16]Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension[00:07.09]Section A[00:08.38]Directions: In this section, [00:10.45]you will hear two long conversations.[00:13.05]At the end of each conversation, [00:15.16]you will hear four questions. [00:17.30]Both the conversation and t...

介绍: [00:01.06]College English Test Band 6[00:04.16]Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension[00:07.09]Section A[00:08.38]Directions: In this section, [00:10.45]you will hear two long conversations.[00:13.05]At the end of each conversation, [00:15.16]you will hear four questions. [00:17.30]Both the conversation and the questions [00:19.39]will be spoken only once. [00:21.62]After you hear a question, [00:23.08]you must choose the best answer [00:24.42]from the four choices [00:25.83]marked A), B), C) and D). [00:29.48]Then mark the corresponding letter [00:31.23]on Answer Sheet 1 [00:32.81]with a single line through the centre.[00:35.80]Conversation One[00:37.83]M: Tonight we have a very special guest. [00:40.57]Mrs. Anna Sanchez is a three-time Olympic champion [00:44.92]and author of the new book To the Edge. [00:48.54]Mrs. Sanchez, thank you for joining us.[00:51.67]W: Thank you for having me.[00:53.41]M: Let's start with your book. [00:54.99]What does the title To the Edge mean? [00:57.91]What are you referring to?[00:59.55]W: The book is about how science and technology

