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2023年12月  三套

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with thesentence “With their valable skills and experience, elderly people can continue to makesignificant contributions to society,” You can make comments, cite examples or use yourpersonal experiences to develop your essay. You should write at least 150 words but no more than200 words (not including the sentence given).


      题目要求围绕“凭借他们宝贵的技能和经验,老年人可以继续为社会做出重大贡献。这一主题写一篇 150 字到 200 字的作文。考生可以论述老年人对社会做出的具体贡献,比如用自己的阅历和经验指导年轻人,或者对社区做出的贡献。最后总结老年人依然可以在这个社会上发光发热。注意严格按照题干要求中给出的提示语开篇。 


一段:引出文章主题-一凭借他们的技能和经验,老年人可以继续为社会做贡献。 二段:指出老年人对社会的具体贡献。 三段:概括总结全文,老年人是社会的宝贵财富,在晚年依然可以发光发热。 


overlook [auva'lok]v.忽略,忽视      wisdom ['wizdam]n.智慧 volunteer [,vplan'tr(r)]n.志愿者 v自愿做      expertise [.eksp3:'ti:z]n.专长,专业技能 inclusive [mn'klu:srv]a.包容的      invaluable [m'vaeljub(a)1la.宝贵的 community |ko'mju:nati]n.社区      mentor['mento:(r)]n.导师,指导者 cause [ko:z]n.原因;事业 v引起      pass down 传递,传承


  With their valuable skills and experience, elderly people can continue to make significantcontributions to society. We should never overlook the rich contributions that our elderlypopulation can ofer.        Firstly, the elderly are an invaluable source of` wisdom and experience. With their years oflife experience, they possess a deep understanding of the world and human behavior. This wisdomcan be used to guide and advise younger generations, passing down valuable knowledge and lifelessons. Furthermore, the elderly can contribute to their communities in various ways. Manyseniors continue to be active members oftheir communities, volunteering their time and resources to support local causes. They may serve as mentors, offer their skills and expertise to local organizations, or even become advocates for important events.       In conclusion, the elderly population is an invaluable resource that can continue to shine intheir later years. With their experience, wisdom, and skills, they offer valuable contributions tosociety, communities, and younger generations. Given this, we can create a more inclusive societythat fully utilizes the talents ofall its citizens.

作文模板    With their valuable skills and experience, elderly people can continue to make significant contributions to society, We should never overlook____.

      Firstly, the elderly are an invaluable source of wisdom and experience. With their years oflife experience, they possess a deep understanding ofthe world and human behavior. This wisdomcan be used to____. Furthermore, the elderly can contribute to their communities in various ways____.       In conclusion, the elderly population is an invaluable resource that can continue to shine intheir later years. With their experience, wisdom, and skills, they offer valuable contributions tosociety, their communities, and younger generations. Given this, we can____.以上就是文都老师们整理的2023年12月大学英语四六级作文真题的范文,同学们在考前结合真题与方法重点练习,希望大家能够在最后的复习阶段有更好的突破,最终在考试中取得好成绩!
