首页 >  六年级下册英语试卷期中考试  > 人教PEP版2021



() 1. A. seaB. stayC. share

() 2. A. helmetB. hurtC. hear

() 3. A. tellB. tripC. type

() 4. A. earlyB. everyC. evening

() 5. A. countryB. chaseC. club



() 1. A. Yes, you can. 

B. You can take the No.12 bus.  

C. I can take the No.12 bus.

() 2. A. Yes, it’s far from here.

B. Yes, it’s near here. C. No, it’s far from here.

() 3. A. She’s my mother.  

B. She’s a pilot.C. He’s a cleaner.

() 4. A. No, he isn’t. 

B. Yes, she does.  C. Yes, he does.

() 5. A. I’m going to buy some books.  

B. I’m going there at 3 o’clock this afternoon. 

C. I’m going there by bus.


() 1. Lucy’s mother works in the ________.

A. countrysideB. cityC. factory

() 2. Lucy’s father is a ________.

A. fishermanB. coachC. worker

() 3. Lucy’s father goes to work ________.

A. on footB. by carC. by bike

() 4. Lucy is going to ________ with her parents.

A. take a tripB. wash clothesC. play football

() 5. Lucy’s family are going to Guangzhou ________.

A. next weekendB. this weekendC. today


() 1. ―________ does Li Han’s father go to work?

―He goes to work ________ foot.

A. What; on B. How; by C. How; on

() 2. In China, drivers drive on the ________ side of the road.

A. left B. right C. west

() 3. ―Mum, I’m angry.

―You should take a deep breath and count ________ ten.

A. to B. on C. for

() 4. ―When are you going to Shanghai?

―We are going ________.

A. by plane B. next week C. last month

() 5. If you like science, you can be a ________ one day.

A. coach B. postman C. scientist

() 6. 你的朋友生气了,你会对他说:________

A. You should see a doctor.  B. You should take a deep breath.

() 7. 你想知道朋友怎么了,你可以问:________

A. What’s wrong?B. What’s this?

() 8. 你向朋友提议一起去公园,你应该说:________

A. How can we get to the park?B. Let’s go to the park.

() 9. Amy的奶奶生病了,你会对她:________

A. Don’t be worried. B. Don’t be happy.

() 10. Learn by doing.

A. 实践中学习。   B. 看中学。


AThis is Lily, my pen pal. She lives in New Zealand. It is near Australia. She is a beautiful girl. She likes sports. She is good at football, ping-pong and basketball. She often runs after school. She wants to be a sports reporter in the future (未来). She has a brother. His name is Tom. He likes riding his small bike in the garden and playing with his toy cars. Her father is a secretary. He types very quickly. He works in an office. Her mother is a teacher. They both go to work by car.


() 1. What does Lily want to be in the future?

A. A sports reporter.  B. A football coach. C. A PE teacher.

() 2. What does Lily’s father do?

A. He is a boss. B. He is a teacher. C. He is a secretary.

() 3. What’s the Chinese meaning of “He types very quickly.”?

A. 他工作很辛苦。 B. 他打字非常快。 C. 他会打字。

() 4. Does Lily like basketball?

A. No, she doesn’t. B. Yes, she does. C. No, she isn’t.

() 5. What’s Lily’s brother’s name?

A. His name is Tim.   B. His name is Tony. C. His name is Tom.

BThe little boy is waiting for his mother. Robin is singing a song to him.

Hush, little boy, don’t say a word.

Papa’s going to buy you a little bird.

And if that bird doesn’t sing.

Papa’s going to buy you a big, big ring.

And if that ring is lost in class.

Papa’s going to buy you a looking glass.

And if that looking glass falls down.

Well, you’ll still be the sweetest boy in town.


In the song, what is Papa going to do?

6. ___________________________________________________________________

7. ___________________________________________________________________

8. ___________________________________________________________________

( ) 9. Who is the song for? (请选出正确答案)

A. For a sad kid. B. For a happy kid.

( ) 10. What is the meaning of “hush”? (请选出正确答案)

A. Be nice. B. Be quiet.







一、1-5 BCBCA

二、3 2 1 4 5

三、1-5 BABAC

四、1-5 CAAAB



1. C

【解析】由对话内容可知,问句询问出行方式,故用疑问词how;on foot意为“步行”。

2. B

3. A

【解析】count to ten意为“数到十”。

4. B 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. B

9. A

【解析】“Don’t be worried.”意为“不要担心”,常用来安慰对方,符合语境。

10. A



1. A

【解析】由文中“She wants to be a sports reporter in the future.”可知,Lily将来想要成为一名体育记者。

2. C 3. B

4. B

【解析】由文中“She likes sports. She is good at football, ping-pong and basketball.”可推测出,Lily喜欢篮球。

5. C


6. He is going to buy the boy a little bird.

7. He is going to buy the boy a big, big ring.

8. He is going to buy the boy a looking glass.

9. A


10. B

三、[示例] Ken is my friend. He is 12 years old. He is very tall and strong. He likes playing ping-pong and doing kung fu. He likes swimming, too. He wants to be a police officer in the future.


一、1. stay 2. hear 3. trip 4. evening 5. country

二、1. My brother likes swimming.

2. My mother is a doctor. She works in a hospital.

3. Go straight and you can see the museum.

4. My uncle is a scientist.

5. I’m going to run this weekend.

三、1. How can I get to the post office?

2. Is the cinema far from here?

3. What does your mother do?

4. Is your father a coach?

5. How are you going to the park?

四、Lucy is my pen pal. Her mother is a worker. She works in a factory. She goes to work by bus every day. Her father is a fisherman. He works at sea. He goes to work on foot. Lucy is going to take a trip with her parents. They are going to Guangzhou this weekend. They are going there by plane.

