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全国英语等级考试 【后附答案解析】



第一部分 听 力(略)


第二部分 英语知识运用




26. Jerry____ his wife that he would be late for dinner.

[A] asked [B] told [C] said

27. My father left his hometown for Oxford at the______of 17.

[A] time [B] year [C] age

28. I have no time to do exercises,______ I'm very busy with my work.

[ A ] because [B] until [C] though

29. Mrs. Jones was poor. She didn't have_____ money.

[A] many [ B ] much [C] little

30. Here's your key, sir. I hope you'll_____your stay here.

[A] join [B] enjoy [C] welcome

31. --Would you like a cup of tea?

-- ______ . A glass of water will do.

[A] I think so [B] No, thank you [C] Yes, please

32. I met Lucy this morning ______ my way to school.

[A] by [B] in [C] on

33. The woman opened the door and_____ a policeman standing in front of her.

[ A ] finds [ B ] found [C] has found

34. It is very important for a company_____ a good office secretary.

[ A ] have [ B ] had [ C ] to have

35. Jane ______ be very healthy because she always goes to work on a bike.

[ A ] must [ B J would [ C ] need

36. They were greatly surprised ______ the bad news.

[A] at [B] in [C] of

37. When I was a child, I would spend hours every day_____ the piano.

[ A ] play [ B ] playing [C] played

38. My brother met an old friend of _____ yesterday evening.

[A] his [B] him [C] himself

39. Many people were late; some even came _____ the meeting was over.

[ A ] until [ B ] while [ C ] after

40. Mother is away so we've got to _____ourselves.

[ A ] look up [B] look for [ C ] look after

第二节 完形填空

阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中能选出能填入相应空开处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 。

Vacation (休假) time can be as simple as just time away from work. You may just want to 41 home and do nothing. There is nothing wrong 42 being a hermit (独居者) for a week. 43 you do like being a hermit, make sure you let people 44 that you want to be a hermit. They may not understand 45 could think you are just doing it without thinking of 46 family or friends. Tell them that you are 47 to decide what you want to do. It is your vacation and you need 48 it in your own way. I 49 think of vacation as a time of rest 50 work.

41. [A] stay [B] arrive [C] keep

42. [A] for [B] of [C] with

43. [ A ] Whether [B] Though [C] If

44. [ A ] know [B] to know [C] knowing

45. [A] so [B] and [C] for

46. [A] you [B]your [C] yours

47.[A] free [B]quick [C] clever

48.[A] spend [B]to spend [C] spending

49. [A] almost [B]always [C] never

50. [A] for [B] at [C] from

第三部分 阅读理解



例:0.You watch news, films or other things on it.


51. It is made for you to sit on. [A] bed

52. It is made for you to sleep in. [B]chair

53. You read and write at it at school. [C]radio

54. You use it to talk with someone far away. [D]desk

55. You listen to it for information or enjoyment. [E] watch

[F] telephone

[G] television


阅读下面短文,从[ A](Right),[B](Wrong)、[C](Doesn't Say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Though the city is noisy, most people like to live in it. There are really many things to see and enjoy in a city.

The streets in a city are full of people and vehicles(交通工具).Cars, buses and other vehicles can be seen running up and down the streets all day. All these make the city very noisy and busy. Sometimes there are all kinds of accidents(事故).

In a city, there are also many schools and hospitals. So the people here find it very easy to send their children to school and to visit the hospital quickly when it is necessary.

At night the city is full of colorful lights. They make the city even more beautiful. People go to some parts of the city at night, especially(尤其)where the cinemas and restaurants are.

Many people also go to night schools for further study. Today there are night schools in almost every city. And many new schools are being built now.

For all these reasons, living in a city could be very happy and interesting.

56. There are a lot of tall buildings in a city.

[A] Right [B] Wrong [C] Doesn't say

57. It is necessary for a city family to have a car.

[A] Right [B] Wrong [C] Doesn't say

58. There are many cars and buses running along the city streets.

[A] Right [B] Wrong [C] Doesn't say

59. It is difficult for city people to send their children to school.

[A] Right [B] Wrong [C] Doesn't say

60. People do not go out at night in a city.

[A] Right [B] Wrong [C] Doesn't say

第三节 短文理解


请根据下面短文回答第 61-65题:

What is the mother bear doing now in March? She's sleeping.

Last autumn, after having eaten very well, she made a den, covering the inside with dry grass, under a tree. In the beginning of winter, she went into it. "What a fine place it is," she thought to herself, "and how nice and warm! I'll spend all winter in here. " She went to sleep at once, but she did not fall into a very deep sleep.

For, in January, the mother bear has given birth to baby bears. While still half sleeping, she has licked (舔) them clean.

Her body clock will go off in April. And then she will go out of her den to look for food: food for herself and for her young. The babies will be a lot bigger by then.

As soon as it is warm enough, the family will leave the den and the mother bear will start teaching the baby bears the lessons of life. To catch their attention(注意), she gives some caresses(爱抚), but when the babies do not listen to her, she will beat them.

This is the way for all the bears in the world, whether in Europe, in Asia, or in America

61. When does the mother bear sleep?

[ A ] From early autumn to March.

[ B ] From early winter to March.

[ C ] From early winter to April.

62. What is "a den" in "...she made a den..."?

[ A ] A home for bears.

[ B ] A kind of bear food.

[C] A cover made of grass.

63. What does the mother bear do during her sleep?

[A] She gives birth to baby bears.

[B] She tries to find herself food.

[C] She does nothing but dream.

64. What do we know about baby bears?

[A] They went out of the den for food in April.[B] They learned their lessons from each other.[C] They were licked clean when they were born.

65. What will the mother bear do when the babies do not listen to her?

[A] She will lick them.[B] She will beat them.[ C ] She will give them food.

请根据下面短文回答第 66 -70题:

Robots (机器人) have been with us for quite some time. They can often be seen in many factories today. They have gone to such far places as the moon. Now, robots have even come into our homes.

Some robots can "see". They have TV cameras for eyes. Many robots have computer brains(大脑). But what do they look like? Some robots look like persons but many do not.

Robots are very useful to us. They can do not only simple jobs for us ,such as putting things into boxes, but also some difficult jobs like getting people out of fire and looking for minerals (矿物) in the deep sea.

Men can get tired, and they need to sleep. But robots do not eat, sleep or get tired. They can work day and night.

Robots can be a lot of fun. They can do jobs to make our life better. In the future, when we have robots in our homes, they will do much of the housework for us. They will wash the dishes, take our lovely dogs for walks, watch our homes, and even talk to us.

66. Where are robots often used now?

[A] In homes. [B] In factories. [C] On the moon.

67. What are the eyes of some robots?

[A] Lights. [B] Computers. [C] TV cameras.

68. What difficult job can robots do for us?

[A] Putting out a fire.

[ B } Putting things into boxes.

[C] Looking for deep-sea minerals.

69. After working for a long time, robots

[A] do not get tired

[B] will stop working

[C] may make mistakes

70. What can robots do in future homes?

[A] Talk to people.

[B] Have fun like people.

[C] Keep their own dogs.

第四部分 写 作


下面是关于Miss Li教学的三对句子。每对句子中,第一句是原句鬻每二句是对第一句的改写。要求根据原句和第二句中已经给出的部分用一至五个单词补全第二句。把补出的部分写在答题卡上各题的序号后。(注意,不能改变原句的意思。)

71. Miss Li teaches foreign students Chinese in a language school.

Miss Li____foreign students in a language school.

72. She has twenty American students in her class.

There____twenty American students in her class.

73. She has taught in the school since 20 years ago.

She has taught in the school —20 years.











Dear Jack,

Li Min






【知识拓展】表示“说”的动词在英语中常用的有:say,tell,talk,speak。say后面一般接的是具体说的内容。tell后面一般接的是人,用法为:tell sb. sth.。speak后面一般接的是某种语言,比如speak Chinese。


【知识拓展】time除了可以表示时间,还可以表示次数,多用在倍数的表达中,比如:The new library is three times as large as the old one.(新图书馆是旧的三倍大。)age组成的词组at the age of意为:在…岁的时候。表示时间的词还有:秒second,分minute,天day,月month,世纪century等。


【知识拓展】常用的引导状语从句的连接词有:因此so,there-fore,so that;因为because,because of,in that,since;当…时when,while,as;但是but,although,though;既然now that。


30.B【精析】句意:先生,这是您的钥匙。祝您人住愉快!此题考查的是动词词义辨析。join意为加入;enjoy表示享受;welcome表示欢迎。根据句子后面的your stay here,判断题意应该是享受入住,故B正确。


May I have your name,please?请问尊姓大名?

May I have your check-out time,please?请问您什么时候结账离开?

Could you fill out the form,please?请您填写这张表格好吗?

Could you write that down,please?请您写下来好吗?

How would you like to settle your bill?请问您的账单如何处理?

How long would you like to stay?请问您要住多久?

31.B 【精析】句意:——您要喝茶吗?——不用了,谢谢。就要一杯白开水吧。此题考查的是对话用语。对于Would you like...问句的刚答,表肯定一般用“Yes,please”,表否定一般用“No,thank you.”。故B正确。

32.C【精析】句意:今天早上我在上学路上遇到了露西。本题考查固定搭配。“去…的路上”用法是on one's way...。故C正确。

【知识拓展】介词后面的名词或代词称为介词宾语。介词和介词宾语一起构成介词短语:表示地点的介词和介词短语很多,如at,in, on, near, next to, in front of, before, under, behind, beside, between. in the front of, in the middle of, at the back of等,其中最常用、最灵活的是at,in和on这三个介词。at表示一个点(或小地方),例如:at home,at the pool。on表示一个方面,例如:on the beach.on the wall。in表示一个范围(或大地方),例如:in the water,in the school。


【知识拓展】1.一般现在时的用法:表示经常性、习惯性的动作;表示现在的状态、特征和真理。句中常用often,usually,everyday等时间状语,例如:He goes to school every day.(经常性动作)

2.一般过去时的用法:表示过去某时发生的事,存在的状态或过去反复发生的动作。例如:He worked in a factory in 1986.

3.一般将来时的用法:将来的动作或状态,其表达形式除了“will或shall+动词原形”外,还有:“to be going to+动词原形”,表示即将发生的或最近打算进行的事。例如:It is going to rain.

34.C【精析】句意:对于一个公司来说,一个优秀的办公室秘书是很重要的。此题考查的是固定句型It is +adj.+for sb. to do sth.表示“对某人来说做…是…的”。故C正确。

【知识拓展】It作形式主语的常见句型:1.It替代作主语的动词不定式,其句型为(1)It be adj. (for sb.)to do sth.:(2) It be adj.of sb.to do sth.。2.It替代作主语的动名词的常见句型:It's no good/use doing...;It's (well) worth doing...。3.It替代作主语的从句常见句型(1)It is +n.+从句;(2)It is adj.+从句:It's surprising that... (should)...竟然…,It's a pity/shame that...(should)……竟然…;(3)It+v.+sb.+从句= It is v.-ing+从句:It+surprise/delight/disappoint/worry/amaze/concem/frighten/pleasesb. That…。


【知识拓展】情态动词表示说话人对有关行为或事物的态度和看法,认为其可能、应该或必要等。情态动词有四类:①只作情态动词:must,can( could),may (might),ought to;②可作情态动词又可做实义动词:need,dare;③可作情态动词又可作助动词:shall (should),will( would);④具有情态动词特征:have(had) to,used to。情态动词无人称和数的变化,情态动词斥

36.A【精析】句意:对于这个坏消息,他们特别惊讶。此题考查的是固定搭配。表示对…惊讶,用be surprised at。故选A.

【知识拓展】介词和其他词类的习惯搭配关系:(1)配,如agree with, ask for, belong to, keep away from等。(2)和形容词的搭配,如afraid of,angry with different from,good at等。(3)和名词的搭配,如answer to son for等。

37.B【精析】句意:当我还是孩子时,我每天都会弹几个小时的钢琴,此题考查的是spend的用法。spend some time doing E间做某事。故B正确。

【知识拓展】英语中的四个花(花费)的用法:1.人+ spend+时间/金钱+on sth.

人+ spend+时间/金钱+(in) doing sth.

例:I spent 50 days in drawing the picture. I spent 150 yuan on the book.

2.物+ cost+人+时间/金钱

例:The dictionary cost me 50 yuan.

3.事(往往用doing表示)+take+人+时间/金钱it+ takes+人+时间/金钱+to do sth.

例:Drawing the picture took me ten days. It took me ten days to draw the picture.


例:I paid him 50 yuan for the book.











1.转折关系:尽管although;虽然even though;但是but;然而however


3.条件关系:只要…就..as long as;只有…才..only if。


5.并列关系:不是…而是…not…but;同时mean while;一方面…另…方面-..on one hand,on the other hand。


7.递进关系:不但…而且…not only...but also。

40.C【精析】句意:妈妈不在家,所以我们得自己照顾自己。此题考查的是look和介词的词组搭配用法。look up意为“查找”;look for意思是“寻找”;look after表示“照顾”。根据句意,C正确。

【知识拓展】look组成的常用的词组列举如下:look forward期待,盼望;look into观察,浏览;lookup仰望,查阅,尊敬;look after照顾,关心;look back回顾,回头看;look in看望,顺道访问;look on观看,旁观,看待;look around游览,到处察看,到处寻找;look out注意,面朝,照料;look as把…看作。




41.A【精析】本题考查的是动词词义辨析。stay home表示“待在家里”。arrive表示“到达”;keep表示“保持”。故A正确。

42.C【精析】本题考查的是固定词组的搭配。there is something/nothing wrong with sth.是固定句型,表示“某事有/无问题”。故C正确。

43.C【精析】本题考查的是状语从句的连接词用法以及对主从句关系的理解。whether意为“是否”,一般和or not搭配;though用作让步状语从句中,表示“尽管”,用法和although一样;if表示“如果”,用于条件状语从句中。根据句意,故C正确。

44.A【精析】本题考查的是let的用法。let sb. do sth.后面需要使用动词原形,故A正确。



(1) have+宾语+done


例:I'11 have my bike repaired this afternoon.今天下午我要请人修自行车。


例:He had his wallet stolen at the station.他的钱包在火车站不幸遭窃。

(2)have+宾语+do让…做某事,动作执行者为宾语。例:He had her go there.他让她去那儿。


(1)make+宾语+do迫使某人做某事,被动语态为be made to do。

例:The boy made the girl cry.男孩把女孩惹哭了。

(2) make+宾语+adj/advhttp://m.kaobiguo.net/news/prephttp://m.kaobiguo.net/news/n.使…处于某种状态。例:His illness made him very weak.他的病使他很虚弱。

(3) make+宾语+doing使…处于某种状态,并强调动作的主动性。

例:The story made him feeling sad.这个故事使他很难受。

(4) make+宾语+done使处于某种状态,并强调动作的被动性。例:Please speak louder to make yourself heard.请讲大声一点以便让别人听到你。







例:A bee stung her on the nose. (the =her)(3)名词性物主代词的功用

a.用作主语:That isn't my car. Mine is at home.

b.用作动词宾语:I have broken my pen. Please give me yours.

c.用作表语:This book is hers.

d.书信中用作礼貌用语:Yours sincerely.

47.A【精析】本题考查是形容词词义辨析和对句意的理解。free表示“自由的”;quick意为“快速的”;clever表示“聪明的”。根据下文所说的“it is your vacation”、“in your own way”可知,这里应该是说决定怎么过假期是你的自由,故A正确。

48.B【精析】本题考查的是need的用法。“need”作为实义动词时,通常用法是:人+ need+ to do,故B正确。



①You needn’t do it again.你不需要再做了。

②Need he do this homework first?他需要先做这些作业吗?


①We needn't have worried.其实我们不必慌张。

②You needn't have mentioned it.你本来不必提起这件事。


例:He needn't be standing in the rain.他不必要站在雨中。











A.床 B.椅子 c.收音机 D.桌子 E.手表 F.电话 G.电视

51.B 52.A 53.D 54.F 55.C











58.A【精析】句意:城市街道上充斥着很多小汽车和公交车。细节题。从文中第二段第二句“Cars,buses and other vehicles can be seen running up and down the streets all day.”可知:现在城市的街道上到处都是各种小汽车、公交车以及其他的车辆。本题表述符合原文,故选A。

59.B【精析】句意:城市里孩子上学是个难题。是非题。从文中第三段第二句“So the people here find it very easy to send their children to school”可知:因此这里的孩子上学很方便。本题表述与原文相反,故选B。

60.B【精析】句意:在城市里,人们晚上不出门。是非题。从文章中倒数第三段第三句“People go to some parts of the city at night...”可知:城市里的人们晚上会去很多地方。本题表述与原文不符,故选B。









61.B【精析】句意:熊妈妈何时冬眠?推断题。从文章的第二段至三句“In the beginning of winter, she went into it. I'11 spend all winter in here.”以及第四段第一句“Her body clock will go off in April.”可以得出,熊妈妈的冬眠时间是从冬天到三月。四月它就开始出去觅食了。故B选项符合题意。

62.A【精析】句意:“…she made a den”句中的den一词的意思是什么?推断题。从文章第二段中“she made a den,covering the inside with dry grass.., she went into it...I'11 spend all winter in here.”可以看出,熊妈妈做这个den是冬天用来冬眠的地方,可以推断出这应该是个类似于窝、巢的地方。故A选项符合题意。

63.A【精析】句意:熊妈妈冬眠的时候做了什么?细节题。从文章的第三段第一句“..in January,the mother bear has given birth to baby bears.”熊妈妈在一月时生了几只小熊。故A选项符合题意。

64.c【精析】句意:我们知道了熊宝宝的什么?细节题。从文章的第三段“...in January, the mother bear has given birth to baby bears. While still half sleeping,she has licked them clean.”故选项c符合题意。

65.B【精析】句意:当熊宝宝不听话的时候,熊妈妈会怎么做?从文章倒数第二段第二句“...but when the babies do not listen to her,she will beat them,”。故选项B符合题意。







66.B【精析】句意:现在机器人多用在什么地方?细节题。从文章第一段第二句“They can often be seen in many factories today.”故B选项符合题意。

67.C【精析】句意:什么是机器人的眼睛?细节题。从文章第二段第二句“They have TV cameras for eyes.”可知:它们配有摄像头。故C选项符合题意。

68.C【精析】句意:机器人可以为我们做的复杂工作是什么?细节题。从文章第三段第二句“...but also some difficult jobs like getting people out of fire and looking for minerals in the deep sea.”可知:机器人还可以从事一些复杂的工作,比如在火灾中救人、从深海里探寻矿物。故C选项符合题意。

69.A【精析】句意:机器人在长时间工作后会怎样?细节题。从文章第四段第二段“...robots do not eat,sleep or get tired.”可知:机器人不吃不喝也不会觉得累。故A选项符合题意。

70.A【精析】句意:未来的家用机器人可以做什么?细节题。从文章中最后一段最后一句“...and even talk to us.”可以看出机器人可以做很多家务活——洗碗、遛狗、看家,甚至是陪我们聊天。故A选项符合题意。



71. teaches Chinese to72. are 73. For



Dear Jack,

I' 11 go to America for further study on April 15th, as the university has approved my application, which means I need to stay there for a year. Before that, I am supposed to arrive there next month since there will be a lot of stuff to get prepared. That is why. I would ask you to do me a favor and help me find an apartment. A simple one with kitchen and bathroom will do.

Thank you for your time. I am looking forward to seeing you there!

Li Min





I' 11 go to America for further study on April 15th, as the university has approved my application. It means I need to stay there for a year.

改为:I' 11 go to America for further study on April 15th,as the university has approved my application, which means I need to stay there for a year.

3.亲切、口语化的语言更加受欢迎,尤其用于这种朋友间的私人信件。例:A simple one with kitchen and bathroom will do.



further study 深造,进修

That is why... 这就是…的原因

do sb. a favor 帮助某人做某事

look forward to sth. 期待…
