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姓名:          准考证号:第一部分      听  力1~20略第二部分   英语知识运用第一节     单项填空从[A]、[B]、[C]和[D]四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑.21. Are we supposed to take off our shoes before we enter??DNo, you        

     [ A ] shouldn't       [ B ] needn't

[ C ] mustn't          [ D ] can't

22. Tell him he should stop  __________ and get some sleep.[ A ] worry             [ B ] worrying

[ C ] to worry         [ D ] from worrying

23. How are you feeling now? Should I send  __________  the doctor?[ A ] off                [ B ] to

[ C ] with               [ D ] for

24. Shanghai is a big city. It is __________  the southeast of China.[ A ] in          [ B ] at

[ C ] on           [ D ] to

25.  Can you lend me a pen?     Sorry,  __________  .[ A ] I haven't   


       [ B ] I haven't got that

       [ C ] I haven't got it  

       [ D ] I haven't got one

       26. I' m used to driving in Hong Kong now, but it  __________  hard at the beginning.[ A ] was           [ B ] is

[ C ] had been     [ D ] has been

27. These windows need  ______ . Can you do them?[ A ] clean         [ B ] cleaning

[ C ] to clean     [ D ] cleaned

28. Did you see the film on  ____television or atcinema?[ A ] -; the         [ B ] a;    -

[ C ] a; the         [ D ] the;  -

29. If you' re going to the airport by car, can you give me a    __________ ?[ A ] lift         [ B ] seat

[ C ] drive        [ D ] hand

30. Which will you have then, the white one or the blue one?I'll take __________   to give myself a change sometimes.[ A ] one           [ B ] two

[ C ] both          [ D ] either

31. She is a stranger in this village, __________   anyone knows where she came from.[ A ] Hardly     [ B ] Almost

[ C ] Never       [ D ] Nearly

32. I was just coming out of the sea after a swim  _______I stepped  on a sharp stone and cutmy foot.[ A ] when       [ B ] as

[ C ] then        [ D ] while

33. I want to buy a new tie to  __________ my brown suit.[ A ] agree with    [ B ] wear

[ C ] match            [ D ] keep with

34. How nice to see you again! You should have told me you  __________   .[ A ] are coming      [ B ] were coming

[ C ] will come        [ D ] have come

35. Would you be  __________  to lend me your bike tomorrow morning?[ A ] as kind as     [ B ] very kind as

[ C ] so kind as     [ D ] very kind so

       第二节  完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑.Body language is a personal thing. It says a lot about a person, such as whether he 36  respect for others to whom he is talking, and whether he pays proper   37   to someone else' s ideas.Think about your own body language. It is important to pay attention to it. ___38____, when you meet someone, don't stand too  ___39____ . An uncomfortable nearness is very ___40____to the other person, ___41____ keep your physical distance (体距),___42____ he' ll have to keep backing off from you.___43____ , two feet will do.Some of the ___44____in which your body will tell the other person you are ___45____carefully  are :Sit attentively(专注地) in your chair.___46____you slump(垂头弯腰地坐) down on your backbone, your ___47____straight out in front of you, your body is saying, "I don't care what you're  ___48____, I'm not interested. "___49____ the face of the person speaking and do not let your eyes roam(漫游) around. It's ___50____to give the person speaking your___51____attention.Keep your legs ___52____ .Do not keep changing your position. Crossing and uncrossing yourknees shows either aching legs or the___53____that you can___54____ wait to get away. It is the way you may feel, but you should certainly.___55____that fact. 

      36. [ A ] shows      [  B ] expresses           [ C ] passes     [ D ] proves

      37. [ A ] effort     [ B ] attention                 [ C ] thought     [ D ] care

      38. [ A ] In fact     [ B ] At least         [ C ] In general   [ D ] For example

      39. [ A ] long       [ B ] close               [ C ] still       [ D ] straight

      40. [ A ] exciting     [ B ] necessary           [ C ] annoying     [ D ] shameful

      41. [ A ] but       [ B ] yet                [ C ] still     [ D ] so

      42. [ A ] and       [ B ] or                  [ C ] when      [ D ] since

      43. [ A ] Normally     [ B ] Especially       [ C ] Gradually    [ D ] Nearly

      44. [ A ] words          [ B ] meanings            [ C ] ways           [ D ] rules

      45. [ A ] listening   [ B ] looking             [ C ] sitting        [ D ] speaking

      46. [ A ] If           [ B ] Unless             [ C ] Although   [ D ] Since

      47: [ A ] hands     [ B ] chest               [ C ] head        [ D ] legs

      48: [ A ] calling    [ B ] telling             [ C ] shouting    [ D ] saying

     49. [ A ] See       [ B ] Stare at           [ C ] Watch    [ D ] Glance at

      50. [ A ] exact       [ B ] comfortable         [ C ] acceptable   [ D ] polite       51. [ A ] full        [ B ] extra               [ C ] equal      [ D ] real

      52. [ A ] straight   [ B ] bent                [ C ] low          [ D ] still

      53. [ A ] reason      [ B ] purpose               [ C ] situation   [ D ] fact

       54. [ A ] almost      [ B ] only                [ C ] hardly      [ D ] nearly

       55. [ A ] cover up    [ B ] talk about         [ C ] think over  [ D ] fight against

   第三部分   阅读理解

   阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳答案,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑.   AAfter losing her job and home in 1984, Lynn Carr was living on the streets of St. Charles, Montana, with her five-year-old son. "We slept in our car for about a week," she said, "but then it was sold. "As she moved from one friend' s house to another, Carr began working toward a high-school-equivalence diploma(高中同等学历证书), listening to self-help tapes and making cheesecakes.After developing some new methods which she thought were pretty good, she offered her cakes to a restaurant. They sold out in a matter of hours.The following year, she met a man at a church service and before long, they married. Carr began selling the cheesecakes out of their home. Later she opened a cheesecake company. As business became better and better, Carr didn't forget where she came from.All the women she hires are mothers or high-school dropouts(退学者)--workers most other  employers wouldn' t like to hire. Her dozen workers make 100 to 150 cakes a week and Carr owes  her success to her employees. She says, "We're going to have a learning center and a day-care  center in the company. Part of the workday will be spent studying for high-school-equivalence diplomas. "Recently, a 33-year-old woman with three children to raise was referred to Cart. She hired her at once. “It has been a real blessing (恩赐), ” the woman said.

       56. The text suggests that Lynn Carr[ A ] had to sell her car for a new one[ B ] had few friends to turn to for help[ C ] was once a school dropout herself[ D ] didn't work hard enough to keep her job

       57. Which of the following can be learned from the text?[ A ] People like Lynn Carr' s cheesecakes very much.[ B ] Lynn Carr' s cheesecakes are sold to high school dropouts.[ C ] Lynn Cart learned to make cheesecakes by taking courses.[ D ] Without finishing high school, one cannot even make good   cakes.

      58. "Carr didn' t forget where she came from"   (line 3, paragraph 3 )means that Carr_______

       [ A ]  remembered what she used to be[ B ]  kept in mind her friends who had once helped her[ C ] would not forget where her hometown was[ D ] remembered all the places she had been to

       59. According to the last two paragraphs, Lynn Carr is trying[ A ] to turn her home into a learning center[ B ] to hire more moms and high school dropouts[ C ] to develop more new methods to make better cakes[ D ]1 to help people who have the familiar background as she did

BThe banana "tree" is actually not a real tree. This is because there is no wood in the stem(树干) rising above the ground. The stem is made up of leaves growing very close together, one in-side the other. The leaves spread out at the top of the stem and rise in the air,     Banana plants need a lot of care and attention. They must be provided with water if the normal rainfall doesn't supply enough. The area around the plants must be kept free of weeds(杂草) and grass.About nine or ten months after planting, a flower appears on the banana plant. This flower is at the end of a long stalk(茎), which grows from the base up through the center of the stem and turns downward when it comes out from the top. Small bananas form on this flower stalk as it grows downward. Bananas really grow upside down. As the small bananas form on the stalk, they  point downward, but as they grow they turn and point upward.Bananas are harvested while they are still green, Even when they are to be eaten where theyare grown, they are not allowed to ripen on the plant. A banana that turns yellow on the plant loses its taste.                                  

       60. The first paragraph in the text mainly discusses________.[ A ] why the stem of the tree is wood[ B ] how the banana grows on the stem[ C ] why the banana tree is not a tree[ D ]  how the leaves grow out of the stem

      61. The underlined word "it" ( line 3, paragraph 3) in the third paragraph refers to_______.[ A ] the leaf      [ B ]the stalk[ C ] the stem      [ D ] the plant

      62. According to the text, where do bananas actually grow ?[ A ] On the stem.[ B ] On the leaves.[ C ] On the flower stalk.[ D ] On the base of the stem.

       63. From the text we know when bananas are harvested, they  are_____________.[ A ] green and pointing upward[ B ] yellow and pointing downward[ C ] green and pointing downward[ D ] yellow and pointing upward

   CEveryone wants the best for a baby. A mother wants her baby to have the best in the way of food, toys, clothing and equipment. Her value judgements on prices may go wrong when it comes to buying for a baby, particularly the first one. Factory producers and advertisers(广告商) recognize this, and exploit it to the full. Far more is spent in buying push-chairs, special milk, and special powders for small babies than is necessary.The child himself watches television, a particularly strong influence ( 影响) on Small children. Looking at them as they watch television, and then watching them react to products afterwards, suggests that young children accept the television advertisements as well as the guidance offered by children' s programmes , and find both equally attractive. The child comes early in life to the feeling widespread in this country that if something is said on television it must be true.For this reason much Christmas gift advertising, and advertising for sweets, food and washing powders, is specially designed for children because of the effect their repeated nagging can have on their mothers. By exercising in this way they become consumers (消费者) at an early age and as a result, with present-day pressures, choosing and buying goods and services will remain an important part of their future lives

       64. According to the writer, a mother spends more than necessary on___________.[ A ] Christmas advertising[ B ] special powders[ C ] television[ D ] sweets

       65. The underlined word "nagging" most probably means____________.[ A ] repeated demands[ B ] baby powders[ C ] TV services[ D ]children' s programmes

       66. Which of the following statements is best supported by the text?[ A ] Children like both TV advertisements and children' s  prgrammes.[ B ] TV programmes often advertise the best products for children.[ C ] Mothers encourage children to buy products advertised on TV.[ D ] TV advertisements provide the best advice to choose gifts.

       67. The best title for the text could be____________.[ A ] Mothers and babies[ B ] Children as consumers[ C ] Giving the best to babies[ D ] Choosing goods for children

DThe number of people in the world is growing. By the year 2,000 world population is expected to grow to 6.2 billion. The fastest growth is in developing countries, where there is already a shortage(短缺) of food, housing, and jobs. Africa is the fastest-growing part of the world. In Kenya, for example, the population will increase 10 times in the next 80 years.In Asia, a few countries have begun to reduce their population growth slowly, china still  makes up about 21% of the world's population, but it has greatly slowed down its rate(速度) of growth. It is now growing at a rate of only 0.8% per year. In India, however, the population continues to grow, and it is expected to be even larger than the Chinese population by the year 2040.The population in India is growing three times faster than in Australia, Japan, and the developed countries in Europe. In fact, European people are more worried about population decrease(减少)than increase. Eastern European countries are growing at a rate of only about 1%.The best news is that, in general, population growth has slowed down from 2.08% in 1970 to 1.6% in 1985. At the present rate, the earliest that the world could reach zero population growth is 2040. At that time, there will probably be about 8 billion people in the world. It is possible, though, that the population might not really stop growing until much later. With people living longer, the number of elderly will have grown by 15% by that time. Nearly half of the world' s population will be living in cities. This is a situation that could cause a long list of other problems including pollution and a lack of food, water, housing, and jobs.

68. Which of the following is the best title for the text?[ A ] Decrease of World Population[ B ] Population Growth Has Stopped[ C ] World Population?DA Look Into the Future[ D ] China' s Population?DOne Fifth of the World Population

      69. Among all the countries mentioned in the text, the one with the highest growth rate is_______.[ A ] India[ B ] China[ C ] Japan[ D ] Kenya

       70. People in European countries are more concerned about the fact that__________.[ A ] they do not have enough jobs for people[ B ] many people from the countryside come to live in the cities[ C ] the population in developing countries is not decreasing[ D ] their populations are falling

       71. Which of the following facts is best supported by the text?[ A ] There will be a number of problems in cities in the future.[ B ] The world population will stop growing in 2040.[ C ] 15 percent of the world population will be elderly people.[ D ] Kenya will have the biggest population in the world.

EFILM PREVIEWSIn the Line of FireAfter his Oscar success as an aging cowboy in Unforgotten, Clint Eastwood plays an aging secret-service man in this action movie. He is Frank Horrigan, a devoted citizen who has strong love for his country and who believes that he was responsible(有责任的) for the death of John F. Kennedy in 1963. When a madman, played by John Malkovich , says that he will kill the present President. Horrigan is given the chance to redeem himself.Sleepless in SeattleA very interesting film from Nora Ephron , the writer-director of When Harry Met Sally. One Christmas, a little boy, who has just lost his mother, calls a national radio station to find a new wife for his dad, played by Tom Hanks. When a radio-reporter hears the program, she is sure that she has found the man of her dream and spends the rest of the film in an eager search for him.The FirmTom Cruise plays a young lawyer, Mitch McDeere, who finds out that several members of his new law firm have died. When an FBI man finds out that the firm is run by the Mafia (黑手党), Mitch is offered a job as an undercover agent(便衣特工), who will pretend to work for one side while working for another. However, he refuses and thinks up a way neither to follow the FBI nor the Mafia. This is Tom Cruise acting the part he knows best?D "The Great American Individual".

       72. Who plays the major part in the Line of Fire?[ A ] Frank Horrigan.[ B ] Clint Eastwood.[ C ] John Kennedy.[ D ] John Malkovich.

   73. The underlined word "redeem" probably means[ A ] to show one' s skills and bravery[ B ] to test one' s ability through a task[ C ] to protect someone from being killed[ D ] to make up for a mistake made before

   74. We can learn from the second part of the text that Nora Ephron[ A ] worked for a radio station[ B ] borrowed Sleepless in Seattle[ C ] directed When Harry Met Sally[ D ] acted the main part in Sleepless in Seattle

       75. By the last sentence; the writer means that Tom Cruise[ A ] is great American individual[ B ] likes the part of Mitch McDeere[ C ] is at his best when playing this kind of role[ D ] admires the spirit of American individualism

    第四部分   写  作第一节     短文改错此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉.此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词.此行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词.注意:原行没有错的不要改.

        If there are much more people in the world, then there         76._________must have more food to feed the people. But food is   77.________already serious problem today. One-third of the world' s population 8.__________are starving, because there is not any enough food. Ten thousand79._______people die of hunger everyday in some parts of the world.  80._________But in others parts of the world, people become ill or die81._________so they eat too much food, and they are too fat. 82._________Some countries have no food, but others have too much, and they  83._______throw them away. How can tomorrow's world feed its people?  84.________The world needs to produce more food than it is now.  85.____________

        第二节   书面表达天津某公司在《中国日报》上登了一则广告,招聘一名英文秘书。假如你叫王平,请根据启事写封简短的应聘信,介绍自己的有关情况。寄天津1102信箱.内容包括:1.姓名:王平2.年龄:26岁3.学历:某大学英语系毕业,汉语、英语口语流利.4.工作经历:当了四年英语导游5.本人通讯处:天津1328信箱6.写信时间:2004年2月要求:书信格式正确,100个词左右.
