首页 >  全国公共英语二级考试历年真题  > 2022年3月全国公共英语等级考试第二级听力试题



        第一节 (共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


        例:0. How much is the shirt?

        A. £19.15.    B. £9.18.    C. £9.15.


        1. What will the speakers probably do next?

        A. Tour Boston.

        B. Visit Caroline.

        C. Watch the news.

       2. What is Jim’s suggestion about?

        A. Raising money.

        B. Hiring a lawyer.

        C. Calling a meeting.

        3. What is the woman going to do this weekend?

        A. Finish a report.

        B. Look after Bob.

        C. Climb a mountain.

        4. What does the man suggest the woman do?

        A. Find a full-time job.

        B. Study another subject.

        C. Go to evening classes.

        5. What is the man now?

        A. An online shop owner.

        B. A construction worker.

        C. A computer engineer.




        6. What does Miyako want to do?

        A. Make a call. 

        B. Send a card. 

        C. Hold a party.

        7. What is the man doing?

        A. Making an apology.

        B. Giving an explanation.

        C. Sharing an experience.


        8. Where will Maria go the day after tomorrow?

        A. The London Zoo.

        B. The British Museum.

        C. The Tower of London.

        9. How many days will Maria stay in Oxford?

        A. One.     B. Two.     C. Three.

        10. Why will Maria go to Edinburgh?

        A. To do a study.

        B. To meet a friend.

        C. To see her sister.


        11. What does the woman dislike?

        A. Fish. 

        B. Vegetables. 

        C. Fried chicken.

        12. What does the man find it hard to do?

        A. Make cakes and pies.

        B. Stop drinking coffee.

        C. Eat a lot of tomatoes.

        13. What are the speakers talking about?

        A. Doctor’s advice to the man.

        B. What to eat for a good meal.

        C. The man’s favorite dishes.


        14. What is the relationship between the speakers?

        A. Old classmates. 

        B. Neighbors. 

        C. Fellow workers.

        15. Where are the speakers?

        A. At a hotel.

        B. At Betty’s home.

        C. At the railway station.

        16. What is Jack doing?

        A. Working at a restaurant.

        B. Cooking in the kitchen.

        C. Buying food for dinner.

        17. What will Marc probably do?

        A. See a film. 

        B. Go shopping. 

        C. Visit an old town.


        18. What does the speaker say about Castle Howard?

        A. It took its name from a film.

        B. It has been home to a family.

        C. It was once used for defence.

        19. What is special about the Walled Gardens?

        A. It’s open every day of the year.

        B. It’s the largest garden in England.

        C. It’s planted with many kinds of roses.

        20. Who is probably the speaker?

        A. A tour guide.

        B. A gardener.

        C. A news reporter.


        (Text 1)

        M: You look happy, Alice. Any good news? 

        W: Caroline has come back from Boston. 

        M: Really? Shall we go and see her right now? 

        W: That’s what I’m here for. 

        (Text 2)

        W: What did Jim suggest at the meeting? 

        M: He thought the company should have a full-time lawyer. 

        W: I doubt we have the money for that.

        (Text 3)

        M: If you are going mountain climbing this weekend, be prepared for some difficult conditions. The weather report says it will be windy. 

        W: I know, Dad. Bob and I will be very careful. We won’t do anything dangerous.

        (Text 4)

        W: I would like to study fashion design, but I can’t afford it right now. 

        M: I suppose you’re talking about a full-time course, but you can take evening classes after work. 

        W: Good idea.

        (Text 5)

        W: I heard that you used to be in the construction business. 

        M: Yes, I spent thirty-three years on the job. I’ve been running an online clothes shop since last year. 

        W: Wow, sounds like you’ll never stop working.

        (Text 6)

        W: Oh no! I don’t have Amanda’s phone number. 

        M: What’s wrong, Miyako?

        W: Amanda said we should get together again, and that I should call her, but I don’t have her phone number. 

        M: I see. Well, don’t worry about it. For Americans, that’s usually a friendly way to say goodbye. It’s like when Americans say “Hello, how are you?” But they don’t want you to tell them how you are, it’s just a friendly greeting. 

        W: So saying “Let’s get together sometime.” is similar to that?

        M: Yeah, that’s right.

        (Text 7)

        M: Maria, what do you want to see in London tomorrow? 

        W: I’d like to go to the zoo tomorrow morning and then I’ll go to the British Museum in the afternoon. 

        M: Well, you know there’s a lot to see in the museum. 

        W: Oh yes, indeed. After that, I’d like to go to the Tower of London.

        M: But I don’t think you have enough time. Probably you can go there the day after tomorrow. 

        W: Okay, then. I just wanted to make the most of my stay in Britain. I’ll stay in London for three days. And I’ll go to Oxford to see a friend. That’ll take me two days. I’ll also go to Manchester and stay there for one day. That’s what I planned. 

        M: Your sister is studying in Edinburgh, right? 

        W: Yes, that’s why I’ll stay there most of my days.

        (Text 8)

        M: The doctor just told me I have to be careful about things I eat. 

        W: Like what?

        M: Well, for example, he told me to eat fish, no more hamburgers or fried chicken. 

        W: Yuck, I hardly eat fish. I don’t like it at all. 

        M: I don’t either. He wants me to eat a lot of vegetables too, especially green ones. But that’s okay. I like them.  

        W: Oh vegetables. I often have carrots and tomatoes. They are my favourite. 

        M: He also told me not to drink any coffee. That’s difficult. I love my coffee in the morning. 

        W: I know what you mean. I do too, but I drink too much, six or eight cups a day. Coffee with cake or pie after a good meal is …

        M: Cake or pie … The doctor said no to them too. 

        W: I almost always have them in my house. You know I don’t think I’d like your doctor very much.

        (Text 9)

        W: Mark, come on in. 

        M: Hi Betty! Haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?

        W: Fine. It has been ten years since we graduated and you haven’t changed much. Did you have any trouble getting here? 

        M: No trouble at all. After checking in at the hotel by the train station, I followed the directions you texted me over the mobile phone. 

        W: I’m glad you came over to see me and Jack. 

        M: I miss both of you very much. How’s Jack? Where is he? 

        W: He is out shopping for our dinner tonight and will be back in a minute. 

        M: Thank you for having me here at your home. 

        W: What do you feel like doing while you’re here? 

        M: Well, I’d like to look at the historic buildings.

        W: No problem. We can show you around the old town, you know, Benjamin Franklin and the Liberty Bell, and some very good museums. 

        M: That’s great. 

        W: By the way, the International House is running a really fine film program. Would you like to see it? 

        M: Well, I’m just here for two days. I’m afraid I don’t have time for films.

        (Text 10)

        W: Hi, everyone, as we are waiting here, let me introduce Castle Howard to you. Castle Howard has become a popular tourist attraction in recent years. Though its name contains the word castle, it is not a true castle because it was never used for defence. Castle Howard is actually an English country house. It has been home to the Howard family for more than three hundred years. Over the years a number of films have been shot there. When you visit it tomorrow, you’ll see many things. Perhaps there’s too much to see, but make sure you don’t miss these two things. First, the Walled Gardens. It is a group of three gardens. You can find two thousand different types of roses there, almost all types of roses in England. The Walled Gardens is open every day of the year except Christmas. Second, the Woodland Garden. It is known for flowering plants, fruit trees and pathways through a wooded setting. In a word, Castle Howard is really beautiful. You could spend a whole day enjoying its beauty tomorrow.


        1-5 BBCCA  6-10 ABCBC

        11-15 ABAAB  16-20 CCBCA  
