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Frida Bengtsson, of Greenpeace’s Protect the Antarctic campaign, said the findings proved that even the most remote areas of the planet were not immune from the impact of manmade pollution.

“We need action at source, to stop these pollutants ending up in the Antarctic in the first place, and we need an Antarctic ocean sanctuary to give space for penguins, whales and the entire ecosystem to recover from the pressures they’re facing,” she said.

Seven of the eight sea-surface water samples tested contained microplastics such as microfibres. Seven of the nine snow samples tested contained detectable concentrations of the persistent hazardous chemicals – polyfluorinated alkylated substances, or PFAS.

Researchers said the chemicals are widely used in many industrial processes and consumer products and have been linked to reproductive and developmental issues in wildlife. They said the snow samples gathered included freshly fallen snow, suggesting the hazardous chemicals had come from contaminated rain or snowfall.

Prof Alex Rogers, a specialist in sustainable oceans at the Oxford Martin school, Oxford University, said the discovery of plastics and chemicals in Antarctica confirmed that manmade pollutants were now affecting ecosystems in every corner of the world.

And he warned the consequences of this pervasive contamination remained largely unknown.

“The big question now is what are the actual consequences of finding this stuff here? Many of these chemicals are pretty nasty and as they move up the food chain they may be having serious consequences for the health of wildlife, and ultimately humans. The effects of microplastics on marine life, likewise, are largely not understood,” he said.

There is relatively little data on the extent of microplastics in Antarctic waters, and researchers said they hoped this new study would lead to a greater understanding of the global extent of plastic and chemical pollutants.

Bengtsson said: “Plastic has now been found in all corners of our oceans, from the Antarctic to the Arctic and at the deepest point of the ocean, the Mariana trench. We need urgent action to reduce the flow of plastic into our seas and we need large-scale marine reserves – like a huge Antarctic ocean sanctuary which over 1.6m people are calling for – to protect marine life and our oceans for future generations.”









绿色和平组织保护南极运动的Frida Bengtsson说,这些发现证明即使是地球上最偏远的地区也无法免受人为污染的影响。









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Henan Province is an important birthplace of the Chinese nation and civilization. Three of ancient China’s four great inventions - the compass, paper-making and gunpowder - were made in Henan. Boasting a time-honored history and profound culture, Henan is home to a great many of cultural heritage sites, numbering first in China in terms of cultural relics. There are 25 World Heritage sites, 358 major historic and cultural sites under state protection, 4 global geoparks, 12 national parks of China and 13 national nature reserves in the province.

Henan is China’s major provincial economy. Its GDP of 2017, fifth in China, was 4.4988 trillion yuan, up by 7.8% over the previous year. In terms of its GDP per capita, the two figures were 47,130 yuan and 7.4% respectively. The sown area of grain stood at 10.135 million hectares and the total output of grain 59.734 million tons, an increase of 268,000 tons compared with that in the previous year. The total value added of the industrial sector was 1.8807 trillion yuan with a year-on-year increase of 7.4%. The total retail sales of consumer goods reached 1.9666 trillion yuan, a growth of 11.6% over the previous year. The consumer prices in 2017 went up by 1.4 percent over 2016.

In recent years, Henan has become an important pivot of the “Belt and Road”. Henan has established trade connections with over 200 countries and regions in the world, and 127 Fortune Global 500 companies have settled down in this place. With more attractive policies and more friendly business environment, it will open wider to the outside, thus achieving mutual benefit and win-win results at higher levels.


中华民族:Chinese nation


四大发明:ancient China’s four great inventions - the , and





文化遗迹:cultural heritage sites

世界级地质公园:global geoparks

国家重点文物保护单位:major historic and cultural sites under state protection

国家级自然保护区:national nature reserves

国家级风景名胜:state-level scenic spots

人均生产总值:GDP per capita

粮食种植面积:sown area of grain

粮食产量:the total output of grain

工业增加值:the total value added of the industrial sector

社会消费品零售总额:the total retail sales of consumer goods

营商环境:business environment


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