首页 >  体育单招英语试卷真题  > 2020年全国普通高等学校体育单招真题英语试卷(原卷+解析)


1、2020年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业单独统一招生考试英语1. 单项选择(共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分) 1 Jack, I cant play ping-pong at all. I wonder if you could teach me Just name the day.A. With pleasureB. Go aheadC. Never mindD. As you like2. Howis it from the airport to the downtown area?A. oftenB. farC.soonD. near3. The playground i

2、sto children between six and twelve years of ageA. newB. openC. clearD. general4. My neighbors were having a loud party. So I had a terrible time gettinglast night.A. sleptB. sleepingC. sleepD. to sleep5. Itsmy behef to borrow money from other people.A. towardsB. beyondC. underD. against6. You look

3、well after the summer holiday. You havesome weightA. put upB. put onC. put downD. put out7.1 have never been to Australia before,I know a lot about Sydney Opera House.A.andB.forC. soD. but8. Eric didnt even havecommon sense to send for doctor.A. the, aB a, /C. /, /D. a, the第3页共22贞9. By the time I go

4、t to the office, the engineer and his assistantA. will leaveB. have leftC. leftD. had left10. It was in 1969Armstrong succeeded in landing on the moon.A. whichB. whenC. thatD. what11 .There was a big hole in the road whichthe trafficA. broke upB kept upC. held upD. tookup12. Make a mark on the repor

5、tyou have a question.A. whichB. thatC. whereD. what13. Jason noticed a woman in a black dressacross from him.A. sitingB. sitC. to sitD. having sat14. Tom was so sleepy that he couldopen his eyes in the afternoon class.A. reallyB. slightlyC. hardlyD. nearly15. No onethis experiment beforeA. has attem

6、ptedB. attemptedC. attemptsD. is attempting16. The teacher insisted that everyoneto the party.A. comingB. comesC. cameD come17. Yoube tired after all your hard work.A. canB. mustC. needD. would18. surprised me most was that she didnt care about it at all.B. TliatA. WhatD. ItC. Which19. Notto smoke i

7、nside the building the smokers have to go out.A. allowB. to allowC. allowingD. allowed20. Many of the exhibits were damaged in the fire, andwere totally destroyedA. allB.nothingC. anyD someII.完型填空(共10题;每小题2分,满分20分)Henry saw an advertisement (广告)for salesmen in the newspaper. He went into the buildin

8、g and spoke to the 21*Tm the best salesman in the world he said, and I want the jobTlie manager said, You must 22 you are the best Then, he took a box of candy 23 his desk and said, last week I bought a thousand boxes of this candy, 24 you can sell them all before the end of die week, you can hav已 t

9、he job.Henry thought it was 25, so he took a box of candy and left the officeEvery day and all day he went from shop to shop trying to 26 the boxes of candy He couldnt sell one. The candy was so 27 that he couldnt even give away.At the end of the week he went back to the manager.2& sir/ he said, I w

10、as wrong about myself. Im not the best salesman iii the world29 I know who is、fcOh said the inanger, ?Th已 person who sold you a thousand boxes of this candy: Henry said.21. A. officerB. salesmenC. managerD. person22. A. proveB. sayC. thinkD. understand23. A. instead ofB. all overC. full ofD. out of2

11、4.A. IfB. WhileC. AsD. After25. A. funB. dangerousC. crazyD. easy26. A. findB. eatC. sellD. show27. A. cheapB. sweetC. badD. heavy28. A. fineB. sorryC. lateD. glad29.A. soB. becauseC. untilD. but30. A. WhoB. WhenC. WhereD. WhatIII 阅读理解AIt has been two years since I last went to school. Now Fm ready

12、to apply (申请)for a school and start again. I was totally different in junior high school. I used to be a good student. I was in the top class and had quite high scores in the exam. But all of that changed after I graduated from grade 9. I got into a bad group of friends and started drinking and taki

13、ng dnigs I was soon kicked out of school.For the following six months I was in and out of drug rehab(戒毒所)before I decided I was ready to start again at a new school. But I didnt stay there long. I found it hard to concentrate(集中精力)on anything I kept thinking about things that really had nothing to d

14、o with school. At first. I missed classes once or twice a week Then it was nearly every day. Finally, they asked me to leave and not to come backI havenrt been studying for the past two years, but I started up an Internet business and I now earn enough money to support my faniily. However. I have fo

15、rgotten about life as a normal student at school. I am worried that I wont be able to sit down and study in a class like any other normal student of my ageReally it is not exactly a normal school that I am going to apply for now. Il allows people to organize himself to go to class and study once a w

16、eek, either in the evenings or at the weekends. I think I could manage that!From now on, I am going to take my education seriously. Ill work towards a degree Some people might say that they dont care about a piece of paper. But I know it is important to get a degree I believe that education is the m

17、ost important thing in life and that it will lead to success.31. What did the author use to be like beforegrade 9?A. He studied well in school.B.He often drank with friends.C. He became interested in drugs.D.He helped friends pass exams32. Thinking about going back to school, the author worried abou

18、t how toA. support his familyB.study in a classroomC. start up an Internet businessD.gel used to normal student life33. Whafs so special about the school that the author is applying for?A. He can study at home.B. He can work in the school.C. He can choose his own class timeD. He can write papers ins

19、tead of taking exam.34. How does the author feel about going back to school again?B. SeriousA. SurprisedC. LuckyD. HopelessThe first capitol building (议会大厦)of Illionis was in Kaskaskia. It was a simple two-story brick that cost $4 per day.Vandalia become the second capital of Illionis in 1820, and i

20、t had three capitol building. Vandalias first capitol was a simple two-storjf building, which was destroyed by fire in 1824.Vandalias second capitol was to replace the burnt building for$ 15.000.Soon after the third capitol building was built, many Illinoisans suggested that the capital should be mo

21、ved to a more central place in the state In 1833, the General Assembly decided to give Illinoisans the right to choose their capital city. This worried the people of Vandalia, who did not want to lose the capital.Therefore, in 1836, without authorization (授权)from the General Assembly, the city tore

22、down the third capitol building and replaced it with the fourth, a brick state house, costings 16.000. Even though the forth capitol was rebuilt, Illionis voters (选民)selected Springfield as the new state capital city in 1839.Illioniss fifth capitol was built in Springfield in 1853 at coat of$260.00.

23、Constmction the sixth and present capitol was begun in 1868.The building took twenty years to complete at a cost of $4.5 million35. The second capitol building in Vandalis was built because the first one.A. was not authorizedB. was destroyed in a fireC. was low and very simpleD. was not in the downt

24、own36. What was the cost for the constmction of the second capitol building of Illionis?A. $15,000B. $16.000C. $260,000D. $4,500,00037. What was the probable reason for choosing Springfield as the capital city of Illinois?A. 1( is located in central America. B. It has a newly-capitol building.B. 11

25、is in the middle part of the state D. It is close to Vandalia and Kaskaskia.38. What can we learn from the text?A. Now we can see six capitol buildings in the state of IllinoisB. Illinois moved its capital from Kaskaskia directly to SpringfieldC. The construction of the last state capitol was comple

26、ted in 1888.D. The General Assembly built a new capitol replace the old oneCMost dogs just live with their families, but some dogs have very special jobs to do. Some help police find criininals(B). Other dogs help people who are blind, deaf(査)or have trouble getting around. Dogs that help their owne

27、rs are called Assistance DogsA very special group of dogs are known as kTherapy(;台疗)Dog: Tliey are family pets with special training. The training allows them to go into public buildings and comfort people in need. Loud noises and unfamiliar places dont frighten them. They enjoy spending time with p

28、eopleSome therapy dogs go into places such as hospitals and nursing homes The patients are cheered up when being visited by the dogs Tlierapy dogs can improve peopled health as well Studies show that petting animals is good for peoples blood and heartOther therapy dogs work in schools and libraries.

29、 They serve as warm and caring friends to children, and they even do more In one town in California, therapy dogs have become childrens reading friends. The local library is trying to encourage school children to enjoy reading more. The dogs make great listeners They dont judge a child who cannot re

30、ad well, they just listen calmly. The children can read at their own speed And they find it less frightening than reading in front of their class The library and the teachers are very happy with the program39. What does the text say about Assistance Dogs?A. They provide help to peopleB. They are tra

31、ined by the policeC. They make trouble in peoples homeD. They make loud noises and frighten people40. Whcre can people often find therapy dogs?A. In a zoo.B. In a hospital.C. At a police station.D. In teachefs office.41. Children like reading to dogs probably becauseA. dogs are afraid of children.C.

32、 dogs make children less nervous42. What does the text mainly about?A. Family pets.C. Public health.B. dogs like childreifs soft voiceD. dogs can understand children better.B. Special dogsD. School children.DMillions of people all over the world use the word OK. In fact, some people say the word is

33、used moreoften than any other word in the world. OK means all right or acceptable Il expresses agreement.Some people say it came from the Native American Indian (ribc(部落)known as the Choctaw (乔克托 语).Tlie Choctaw word okeh means the same as the American word okay. Experts say early explorers in the A

34、merican West spoke the Choctaw language in the nineteenth ccnlury and the language spread across the countryBut many people do not accept this Language expert Allen Walker Read talked about the word W in reports published in the 1960s He said the word began being used in the 1830s. It was a short wa

35、y of writing a different spelluig of die words all correcf*. Some foreign-boni people wrote all correct、as o-l-l-k-o-r-r-e-c-f and used the letters OK Other people say a railroad worker named Obadiah Kelly invented the word long ago. They said he put the first letters of his names-O and K-on each ob

36、ject people gave him to send on the train. Not everyone agrees with this explanation, either. But experts do agree that the word is purely American And it has spread to almost every country on Earth43. The text is mainly aboutA. where OK came fromB. when OK became widespreadC. how OK is used in diff

37、erent places D. why OK is favored by language experts44. According to Allen Walker Read, the word OK was first usedA. by people born abroadB in the Choctaw languageC. as a short form of ”all correct,tD. by a man named MObadiah Kelly”45. What do experts feel certain about the word OK?第7页共22贞A. Its al

38、l AmericanB. It was made up in 1830sC. It was once used in railway station D. It is understood differently in the world第二卷(两大题,共30分)IV. 单词拼写(共10小题:每小题2分,满分20分)根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空只写一个词)46. Would you) me your car tomorrow morning?47. We should all remember the(重要性)of keeping the traffic rul

39、es.48. The chairman entered the room with his secretary following( 面)49. A dictionary like this is(值)200 yuan.50. The moment I opened this novel the story drew my(注意力)51 .Nowadays peoples(依赖)more and more on Internet.52.Stephen had to(准备)dinner for the whole family.53. His suitcases were taken to Ma

40、drid by(错误)54. The classroom is full of(吵闹的)children.55. We have saved some money,but it is not nearly(足够)V. 书面表达(满分10分)假如你是李华,请你所在足球队新来的教练(coach)Brown先生写封邮件。内容要点如下:1 .对Brown先生的到来表示欢迎。2邀请Brown先生到你家吃晚餐。3晚餐时间是本周五晩上7点。4告知你家地址和电话。注意:词数应为100左右第9贞共22页Dear Mr. Brown,Best wishesLi Hua第13页共22贞2020年全国普通高等学校运动

41、训练、民族传统体育专业单独统一招生考试英语1. 单项选择(共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分) 1. Jack, I can*t play ping-pong at all. I wonder if you could teach me. Just name the day.A. With pleasureC. Never mind答案:AB. Go aheadD. As you like解析:考查情景交际。句意:一杰克,我一点也不会打乒乓球匚我想知道你是否可以教我 我很 乐意。随便龙个日子吧。根据后文的Just name the day,可知答案为A. With pleasure我很乐意。2

42、. Howis it from the airport to the downtown area?B. farA. oftenC. soonD. near答案:B解析:句意:从机场到市中心有多远?根据from the airport to the downtown area可知,询问的是距 离,故答案为B. how far多远3. The playground isto children between six and twelve years of ageA. newB. openC. clearD. general答案:B解析:考查形容词辨析。句意:这个操场只对6-12岁的孩子开发。根据固

43、泄搭配:be open to对开放,可知答案为B4. My neighbors were having a loud party. So I had a terrible time getting myselflast night.A. sleptB. sleepingC. sleepD. to sleep答案:D解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:我的邻居正在开派对。所以我昨晚很难使自己入睡。根据固宦搭配: get sb. to do sth.可知,答案为 D5. Itsmy belief to borrow money &om other people.A. towardsB. beyondC.

44、underD. against答案:D解析:考查介词。句意:从别人那里借钱违背了我的信仰。against ones belief违背某人的信仰,故 答案为D6. You look well after the summer holiday You havesome weight.A. put upB. put onC. put downD. put out答案:B解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:暑假过后你看起来很健康。你的体重也增加了。根据句意可知, 答案为B. put on weight增加体重7.1 have never been to Australia before,I know a l

45、ot about Sydney Opera HouseA. andB. forC.soD. but答案:D解析:考查并列连词。句意:我之前从来没有去过澳大利亚,但是关于悉尼歌剧院我了解很多。根据句意可知前后表示转折关系,故答案为D8. Eric didnt even havecommon sense to send fordoctor.A. the, aB. a,/C. /, /D. a, the答案:A解析:考査冠词。句意:Eric甚至都没有派人去请医生的常识。根据句意可知common sense表特指,指的是后而的to send fordoctor, doctor泛指医生,所以用不定冠词a

46、.故答案为A9. By the time I got to the office, the engineer and his assistantA. will leaveB. have leftC. leftD. had left答案:D解析:考查时态。句意:当我到达办公室的时候,那个工程师和他的助手已经离开了。因为leave发生在got之前,所以表示过去的过去.应用过去完成时,故答案为D10. It was in 1969Armstrong succeeded in landing on the moonA. whichB. whenC. thatD. what答案:c解析:考査强凋句型。句

47、意:正是在1969年阿姆斯特朗成功地登录了月球。强调句型结构:itis/was+被强调部分+ that+剩余部分。故答案为C11 .There was a big hole in the road whichthe trafficA. broke upB. kept upC. held upD. took up答案:c解析:考查动词短语。句意:在公路上有一个阻碍交通的坑。所以正确答案为c. held up阻碍,阻 挡12. Make a mark on the reportyou have a question.A. whichB. thatC. whereD. what答案:c解析:考査状语

48、从句。句意:在这个报告中,在你有问题的地方做上标记。根据句意可知答案为C13. Jason noticed a woman in a black dressacross from him.A. sitingB. sitC. to sitD. having sat答案:A解析:考查非谓语动词。因为非谓语与逻辑主语a woman为主动关系,且与谓语动词notice同时发 生,故应使用sitting,所以答案为A14. Tom was so sleepy that he couldopen his eyes in the afternoon classA. reallyB. slightlyC. h

49、ardlyD. nearly答案:c解析:考查副词辨析。句意:汤姆如此地困以至于他在下午的课中几乎睁不开眼。根据句意可知,答案为C. hardly几乎不15. No onethis experiment before.A. has attemptedB. attemptedC. attempts答案:AD. is attempting解析:考査时态。句意:之前从来没有人尝试过这个试验。Before位于句末时,是完成时的标志,故正确答案为A16. The teacher insisted that everyoneto the party.A. comingB. comesC. cameD. c

50、ome答案:D解析:考查虚拟语气。这个老师坚持要求每个同学来参加派对。根据固宦句型:insistthat+(should)do可知,答案为D17. Yoube tired after all your hard work.A. canB. mustC. needD. would答案:B解析:考查情态动词。句意:在努力工作之后你一泄累了。根据句意可知答案为B. must 一宦,表推测,且语气比较坚定18. surprised me most was that she didnt care about it at all.A. WhatB. ThatC. WhichD. It答案:A解析:考查主语

51、从句。句总:最令我惊讶的是她根本就不在乎这件事。因为从句中缺主语,排除BD,又因为没有选择范用,故答案为A19. Notto smoke inside the building, the smokers have to go out.A. allowB. to allowC. allowing答案:DD. allowed解析:考查非谓语。句意:由于不让走大楼里抽烟,这些烟民不得不出去抽烟。因为非谓语与逻辑主语the smokers之前表示被动关系,排除ABC,故答案为D20. Many of the exhibits were damaged in the fire, andwere tota

52、lly destroyedA. allB. nothingC. anyD. some答案:D解析:考查不左代词。句意:很多展览品之大火中被损坏了,并且一些已经彻底损坏了。根据句意 可知答案为D。II. 完型填空(共10题;每小题2分,满分20分)Henry saw an advertisement (广告)for salesmen in the newspaper. He went into the building and spoke to the 21Tm the best salesman in the world he said, and I want the job:Tlie man

53、ager said. Ybu must 22 you are the best; Tlien, he took a box of candy 23his desk and said. klast week I bought a thousand boxes of this candy, 24 you can sell them all before the end of the week, you can hate the job.Henry thought it was 25, so he took a box of candy and left the officeEvery day an

54、d all day he went from shop to shop trying to 26the boxes of candy. Hecouldnt sell one. Tlie candy was so 27 that he couldnt even give away.At the end of the week he went back to the manager28, sir.、he said, 1 was wrongabout myself, Fm not the best salesman in the world, 29I know who is、Oh: said the

55、 inanger, “The person who sold you a thousand boxes of this candy, Henry said.21. A. officerB. salesmenC. managerD. person22. A. proveB. sayC. thinkD. understand23. A. instead ofB. all overC. full ofD. out of24.A. IfB. WhileC.AsD. After25. A. funB. dangerousC. crazyD. easy26. A. findB. eatC. sellD.

56、show27. A. cheapB. sweetC. badD. heavy28. A. fineB. sorryC. lateD. glad30. A. WhoB. WhenC. WhereD. What答案:BADADCCBDA解析:29. A. soB. becauseC. untilD. but21. B:句意:亨利在报纸上看到一则招聘销售员的广告。他疋进大楼,去找经理谈话。根据句意以 及后文可知,答案为C. manager经理21.A;句意:经理说,你必须证明你是最好的销售员。根据句意可知答案为A. prove证明23. D:句意:然后,他从他的桌子里而拿出一盒糖。根据句意可知答案为D. take .out of.从 中拿岀24. A;句意:如果你可以在本周末之前卖完它们,你就可以得到这份工作。根据句
