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中考 Test

潜江 天门 仙桃 江汉油田 2023年初中学业水平考试(中考)









1. __________ 2. __________3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________



6. What sports does Paul play?

A.Soccer. B.Basketball. C.Volleyball.

7. Whatis Tony like?

A. Funny. B.Serious. C.Outgoing.


8. Whereare they probably talking?

A. In thehospital. B.At the bus stop. C.On the playground.

9. What’swrong with Ben?

A. He hasa fever. B.He’s stressed out. C.He hurt himself while exercising.


10. Whatdoes the man do on Sunday?

A. Heplays tennis. B.He cooks dinner. C.He cleans the house.

11. Whatdoes the woman mean by saying “You don’t understand”?

A.Housework is for women.

B. Womenshouldn’t work outside.

C. Menshould help with the housework.

12. Whatcan we learn from the conversation?

A. Theman wants to look after the children.

B. Thewoman wants to change the man’s idea.

C. Theman’s father always did housework.


13. Onthe first day of Grade Seven, Li Hua ________.

A. readaloud in class B.made the words interesting C.enjoyed the class very much

14. LiHua thinks Miss Ma is good at ________.

A.reading stories B.drawing pictures C.writing stories

15. LiHua wrote this letter to ________.

A. askfor advice on how to read

B. invitethe teacher to join the reading club

C. thankthe teacher for opening the world of books


A Clean-Up Day


Last 16 .


A home for the 17 people.

What to do

Help to clean up the rooms and the 18 .

Children’s tasks

Dan wrote the tasks on a list and checked up on their progress.

Jason 19 up all the newspapers and magazines.

Sally cleaned the floors.

Jim and Sue tidied the 20 room and the bedrooms.



I had a close call the other day. A man called last week and said hewas a 21 . He told me there was a problem with mybank account (账户), and hewould like to fix it 22 me.

I didn’t do what he told me to do and went to my bank 23 .I asked the clerk whether there was a problem with my bank account. The clerktold me there was 24 wrong with it. She asked why I was worriedabout it, so I told 25 about the phone call. She said that the policedon’t call people about their bank accounts. Luckily, I was so careful that Ididn’t 26 any information. In the future, if anyonecalls you about your bank account, don’t 27 what the caller says.

Don’t take any action 28 you have checked your account with the bank.You can never be too careful.

21. A. driver B. doctor C. teacher D. policeman

22. A. for B.on C. at D. to

23. A. on time B. at once C. in turn D. by mistake

24. A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything

25. A. it B.him C. her D. them

26. A. find out B. give out C. hand out D. check out

27. A. know B.think C. guess D. believe

28. A. when B.while C. until D. after


Once there was a poor woman, who lived with her little daughterafter her husband died. She worked long hours each day, but only made enough 29 to live on.

One day, her little daughter came back from school 30 .She said that her teacher was full of praise for her 31 for singing and suggested that she should betrained as a singer. The woman was very pleased to hear that at first. 32 the pleasure soon turned to worry as sherealized that she didn’t have the money to afford the training.

She 33 long and hard, and finally decided to borrowsome money from a merchant (商人), who her husband had been friends with. When the merchant 34 their situation, he felt sorry for them anddecided to help them.

“How much do you need, Madam?” asked the merchant.

“One hundred pounds will be enough, Sir.” said the woman, 35 toask for money. “I’ll find another job and pay you back as soon as possible.”

The merchant sat down at his desk, wrote a cheque (支票), gave it to the woman with thewords, “Take this to the 36 , Madam. You don’t need to pay me back.”The woman was very 37 , but she insisted on (坚持) writing an IOU (借条) to the merchant.

The woman handed the cheque to the bank teller. But to her surprise,the teller counted out one thousand pounds, 38 one hundred, and passed them to her.

“There is a mistake here,” the woman said. “You have given me onethousand pounds, and I only asked for one hundred.”

The teller looked at the cheque 39 ,and said, “The cheque is for one thousand pounds.”

“It’s a mistake. I am sure of that.” said the woman. She took thecheque back and returned to the merchant.

“I did make a mistake, Madam,” said the merchant, when he had heardthe woman’s words.

“I should 40 you a job rather than just giving you one thousandpounds. It would be my pleasure to work with a person as honest as you.”

29. A. food B.money C. friends D. progress

30. A. loudly B. happily C. politely D. angrily

31. A. talent B. action C. advice D. introduction

32. A. So B.Or C. But D. And

33. A. worked B. walked C. thought D. learned

34. A. turned on B. took up C. workedout D. heard about

35. A. shy B.silent C. excited D. bored

36. A. bank B.hotel C. school D. hospital

37. A. useful B. helpful C. careful D. thankful

38. A. as for B. such as C. exceptfor` D. instead of

39. A. at first B. once more C. on purpose D. by accident

40. A. send B.show C. offer D. teach

三、综合填空:阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(共10小题, 每题1.5分, 计15分)

The children, seeing the house the bird landed on, stopped andlooked for some time. It was not a normal house at all. It was made of breadand candy, and the 41 (window)were made of sugar. The children 42 (sudden) ran to the house and started to eatit.

As they ate, a 43 (woman) voice could be heard from inside thehouse saying: “Who’s that, eating at my home?”

The children dropped what they 44 (eat), and were about to run away, but then avery old woman appeared at the door. “Ah! Children!” she said. “Do not run,come in. There’s much more food inside.” The woman seemed so kind 45 the children lost all feeling of danger, andwent straight to her, and let her take their hands and lead them into her room.

They 46 (give) all kinds of delicious food and drink,and they were told that they could stay as long as they wanted, for the womanhad another room 47 two clean beds.

As kind as the old lady appeared to be, she was really a terriblewitch (女巫), who likedto eat children. Her house was made of bread and candy, because children likedsuch things, and so it would be easier for the witch 48 (get) them to stay. She did not eat them rightaway, for often the children were very thin, and the witch wished to make them 49 (fat) than before, by giving them a lot offood.

And so, the next morning, she 50 (go) into the room where the children weresleeping. As she looked down on them in their beds, she said, “Yes. They willmake a very delicious dinner.”



Books for Kids

The Golden Goose

Beauty and the Beast

The Hare and the Tortoise

The Emperor’s New Clothes

51. What’s the book Beauty and the Beastabout?

A. It’s about a girl who lives with abeast.

B. It’s about a hare who races to atortoise.

C. It’s about a couple who want to be richfast.

D. It’s about an emperor who loves newclothes.

52. What do you think of the hare in TheHare and the Tortoise?

A. Smart. B.Brave. C. Proud. D. Friendly.

53. In which column (栏目) of the newspaper can we find thetext?

A. News. B.Sports. C. Science. D. Education.


Shen Yingbiao is a xiao player. Although he had strong interests inmusical instruments from childhood, it is the xiao that has been the mostimportant part of his life.

Not long after Shen was first attracted (吸引) to the instrument, he decided tolearn it. In the 1990s, when Internet was not widespread in China, learning aless popular instrument was not an easy task because there were few teachers.

Besides teaching himself and listening to tapes to compare andimprove, Shen stepped on trips to visit those who gave fascinating performanceshe heard on tapes, and received tutoring (指导) from masters in this area.

Since he had to study at school and then work to support himself, hecould only undertake such trips in his spare time. “It was very tiring. Withouthigh-speed trains, I had to take a train for more than 20 hours to Beijing, orother places, to visit people. But I was resolute to take this road. I wanted toimprove my skills and learn more,” says Shen.

While learning the instrument, Shen was increasingly fascinated bythe rich cultural meanings in the xiao. According to him, a scene from a TVseries of a literate (有文化的) person piping (吹奏) the xiao in the moonlight, full of elegance (优雅), poetry and romance, has beenkept in his heart since childhood. And that reflects the close relationshipbetween this instrument and the literate in times gone by.

In ancient China, bamboo symbolized honesty, modesty (谦虚) and a spirit of trying to makeprogress. As a result, many liked the plant and used it to refer to theirpursuits (追求) in poems. SongDynasty (960-1279) poet Su Shi once wrote, “Better to eat without meat thanlive without bamboo”, suggesting the importance of bamboo in their hearts.

Therefore, the xiao, made of bamboo, was much more than aninstrument, but something they often held in hands or put on walls to remindthemselves of their pursuits, and they sometimes used the xiao to refer tothemselves in poems as well, according to Shen.

“Since the Tang Dynasty (618-907), the xiao was often used ingatherings and meetings of the educated and literate, just like the guqin. Itwas so popular then that if one was not able to perform it, they were regardedas old-fashioned,” says Shen.

During his learning process, Shen summarized his experience, whichpaved (铺平) the wayfor his later teaching. In 2000, with the growth of his fame, he was invited toteach dongxiao, a kind of xiao popular in the Jiangnan area of China, at an artschool in Hangzhou. A year later, he set up the Xixi Xiao Society with hisstudents to better promote (推广) the instrument.

54. How did Shen improve his xiao skills?

① By teachinghimself. ② By going on trips.

③ By visitingthe masters. ④ By listening to tapes.

A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④

55. Why did the writer mention Su Shi andhis poem in paragraph 6?

A. To state a fact. B. To give an example. C.To express a feeling. D. To show anopinion.

56. What does the passage mainly talkabout?

A. A man who loves the xiao deeply. B. An instrument that is less popular.

C. The ways that people learn the xiao. D. A plant which carries the literate’spursuits.


Superfoods are foods that are full of vitamins and nutrients(营 养素). 57 Blueberries, chia seeds (奇亚籽), and green tea are allsuperfoods. Some research shows a diet (饮食) with many superfoods can prevent illness.

58 Many people like blueberries with theirbreakfast in the early morning, as they are sweet and tasty. They are good aspart of a meal or we can eat them alone. These small round berries came fromNorth America, but now they grow in Europe as well. Blueberries contain (包含) a lot of vitamins which help thebody stay healthy. The United States is the biggest national producer ofblueberries. 59

One healthy seed comes from Mexico. Chia seeds contain a lot offiber (纤维素), whichgives us energy and makes us feel full. You can add chia seeds to cereals,cakes and smoothies. Just one ounce of these seeds contains 10% of our dailyprotein needs. Runners eat energy bars containing chia seeds to help them runfor longer. Chia seeds help our blood stay healthy and reduce the risk of braindisease. 60

There are many ways to enjoy superfoods in drinks. Green tea is ahealthy superfood. Chinese people drink about half of the green tea in theworld. Studies show green tea is good for your heart. 61 Some people don’t like green tea, as theythink it tastes bitter. Other people like this taste. Many families drink greentea at mealtimes or take it out.

It’s important to eat a balanced diet. We can’t live just onsuperfoods, but they are good to eat and drink.

A. They are good for health and fitness.

B. We can eat these seeds all year round.

C. Superfoods can be part of our daily meals.

D. It grows 690 million pounds of the fruit every year.

E. It also helps you remember things, and it can reduce stress.


About 2300 years ago, the area around Chengdu had bad floods (洪水) in spring every year. Floodwater from the mountains flowed (流动) down the Minjiang River and covered the land. Luckily, the Qingovernor (太守), Li Bing,was a water engineer. The king of Qin provided the money and asked the governorto solve the problem.

The usual method to avoid flooding is to build a wall across theriver, called a dam. Special openings in the dam allow the flow of water to becontrolled. However, the king had also asked Li Bing to make sure that shipscould still use the river. This was necessary because the king needed to sendfood to his army. So Li Bing studied the situation and came up with a plan — aplan that still works today!

Helped by his son, and tens of thousands of workers from the area,Li Bing built a man-made island in the middle of the river. This island wasshaped like a fish and it divided the water into an inner and an outer river.The inner river was deeper than but not as wide as the outer river. It tookfour years to build the island.

Li Bing also cut a new channel (运河) through Mount Yulei. This channel would take water away toirrigate (灌溉) the landin the flat farmland below. The rock of the mountain was very hard anddifficult to cut. Li Bing used fire to heat the rock and then water to cool itquickly. This made the rock break into smaller pieces which could be carriedaway more easily. Cutting the channel took eight years!

After Li Bing’s work was finished, there were no more floods, andthe Dujiangyan irrigation system (灌溉系统) allowed the farmers to grow more and more food. The river flowednaturally, and because there was no dam, ships and fish could pass freely.Sichuan became the most productive area in China, as it still is today. Today,scientists and visitors from all over the world come to look at this wonderfulexample of engineering. This work and the name of Li Bing live on.

62. What was Li Bing’s job?(答题词数不超过11个)

63. Why did the king ask Li Bing to makesure that ships could still use the river?(答题词数不超过10个)

64. How long did it take Li Bing to cut anew channel?(答题词数不超过5个)

65. What does the writer think of theDujiangyan irrigation system?(答题词数不超过12个)

五、补全对话:根据对话情境,从方框所给的五个句子中,选出能填入对话空白处的最佳选项,使对话连贯、完整。(共5小题,每题2分,计10 分)

R=Reservation (预定) Clerk G=Guest

R: Good morning. Room Reservations. May Ihelp you?

G: Yes, I’d like to book a room.

R: Thank you, Sir. 66

G: From April 16 to 20. Just my wife andmyself.

R: 67

G: A double room, please.

R: Could you hold the line, please? I’llcheck. (After a while) Thank you for waiting, sir. We have a double room at¥180 per night. 68

G: OK, I’ll take it.

R: Thank you, sir. 69

G: Sure. My name is Tom Johnson, and myphone number is 3242-5827.

R: 70

G: Around 9 p. m.

R: Thank you very much. We look forward toserving you.

A. Will that be all right?

B. Which kind of room would you prefer,sir?

C. May I have your arrival time on April 16h?

D. May I have your name and phone number,please?

E. For which date and how many guests will there be in your party?



潜江 天门 仙桃 江汉油田 2023年初中学业水平考试(中考)




1—5 1. F 2. D 3.C 4. E5. A

6—106. C 7. B 8. A 9.B 10. A

11—15 11. C 12. B 13.C 14. A15. C

16—20 16. Saturday 17. old18. garden 19. picked 20. living


21—2521. D 22. A 23. B24. A 25. C

26—30 26. B 27. D28. C 29. B 30. B

31—35 31. A 32. C33. C 34. D 35. A

36—4036. A 37. D 38. D 39.B 40. C


41. windows42. suddenly 43. woman’s 44. were eating 45. that

46. were given 47. with48. to get 49. fatter 50. went

(四)阅读理解(共 15 小题,每题2分,计30分)

51—53 51. A 52. C 53.D

54—56 54. D 55. B 56.A

57—61 57. A 58. C 59.D 60. B61. E

62. He, the Qin governor, was a waterengineer. / He was a governor, a water engineer. / A water engineer. / Agovernor.

63. Because the king needed to send food tohis army. / To send food to his army.

64. It took him eight (8) years. / Eight(8) years.

65. The writer thinks it is a wonderfulexample of (water) engineering. / A wonderful (great) example of engineering. /It’s wonderful(great). / Wonderful(Great).


66—7066. E 67. B 68. A 69.D 70. C


Possible Version:

Today, Grandpa came to my house. We had a big dinner together.

After dinner, Grandpa told interesting stories to my brother and me.We drank tea and played chess together. We had a good time.

At about 9:00 in the evening, my mother told us it was time for bed.In order to help Grandpa sleep well, Mom decided to let him sleep in my room,and made me sleep with my brother.

Looking after Grandpa is our duty. The better Grandpa lives, thehappier we are.
