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2022~2023学年度下学期期末学业水平质量调研试题七年级英语(时间90分钟 总分100分)注意事项:1.本试卷共8页。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、座号填写在答题纸和答题卡规定的位置。考试结束后,将答题纸交回。2.非选择题答在答题纸上,答在本试卷上不得分。一、听力测试(共20小题,计20分)注意:听力测试分四部分,共20小题。做题时,请先将答案画在试卷上,录音内容结束后,将所选答案转涂到答题卡上。(一)听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片。每个句子读两遍。ABCDEF1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________(二)听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。对话和问题都读两遍。6. A. He is doing his homework. B. He is reading books. C. He is doing housework.7. A. It’s raining.B. It’s snowing. C. It’s windy.8. A. He is a little heavy.B. He is of medium build. C. He is of medium height.9. A. It’s behind the school. B. It’s in front of the school. C. It’s next to the school.10. A. A small bowl of chicken noodles.B. A medium bowl of mutton noodles.C. A large bowl of beef noodles.(三)听短文,根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。短文读两遍。听短文前,你们将有20秒钟的时间阅读下列句子。11. The weather was good yesterday.12. Dave and Tom played tennis in the park.13. The library is across from the park.14. It took Dave and Tom 20 minutes to get there by bus.15. Dave and Tom spent two hours doing their homework at home.(四)听对话,根据对话内容完成下列句子,每空词数不限。对话读三遍。听对话前,你们有 20秒钟的时间阅读下列句子。16. Where did Jim go last Saturday He went to a ___________________.17. How long did it take to get there It took them ___________________ to get there.18. What did Jim do there in the morning He went for a walk and ___________________ chickens in the morning.19. Who did Jim go with He went there with his ___________________.20. Where did Jim meet Scott for the first time Jim met Scott in the ___________________ club.二、阅读理解(21—23小题,每小题1分;24—35小题,每小题2分。计27分)AJason got a new phone, but he must follow these rules:Phone Rules for Jason (1)Always answer the phone when the screen (屏幕) reads “Mom” or “Dad”. (2)Turn off the phone during meals. That is family time. (3)Do not use the phone when doing homework. (4)Do not send messages when the person you talk with is sitting in front of you. Learning to talk with people face to face is important. (5)Do not talk on the phone when you are walking down the street. It is not safe to do those two things at the same time.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。21. Who probably (可能地) made these phone rules for Jason A. Jason. B. Jason’s teachers. C. Jason’s parents.22. When can Jason use his phone according to (根据) the passage A. When he is doing his homework.B. When he is having dinner at home.C. When he is answering parents’ calls.23. Why can’t Jason talk on the phone when the person he talks with is sitting in front of him A. Because he can’t listen to the person clearly.B. Because it is not a good way to talk with people.C. Because it is not safe to do those two things at the same time.BNo. 15 Middle School is a very good school. Here are five teachers. Students like them best in the school. Let’s take a look at what they look like.Sara is a maths teacher. She has long curly hair. She wears glasses. Her eyes are big, her nose is small and her mouth is small too.Peter teaches history. He has short curly hair and a round face. He doesn’t wear glasses. Peter is good to his students. He always talks to his students with a smile on his round face.Tom is an art teacher. He has a small nose, big eyes and a big mouth. His hair used to be long and curly, but now his hair is short and straight. That makes him look good.Cathy is a very beautiful English teacher. She is tall and she has long curly hair. Her eyes are always full of love for her students.Betty is a thin woman teacher. She has short straight hair and she doesn’t wear glasses. She doesn’t look like a music teacher, but she is students’ favourite music teacher in the school.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。24. Who has big eyes of the five teachers A. Betty and Peter. B. Sara and Tom. C. Cathy and Tom.25. What does the students’ favourite music teacher look like ① She is tall. ② She is thin. ③ She wears glasses. ④ She has straight hair.A. ①② B. ②④ C. ①③26. What does the underlined (划线的) words “used to” mean in Chinese A. 使用 B. 被利用 C. 曾经27. From the passage, we can say Cathy is a __________ teacher.A. shy B. kind C. lazyCIt’s a sunny day today. A hungry fox (狐狸) is walking on the grass and looking for food. Soon, he sees a fat chicken playing near a farm. He says to himself, “Wow, great! This is my breakfast. It must be really delicious!” He comes up to the chicken and says, “Good morning, Miss Chicken. I know you can sing very well. All my friends like your songs very much. Can you sing one for me ” The chicken is happy to hear that. She closes her eyes and begins to sing a song. At the moment, the fox sees that and takes her away quickly.On the farm, there are some farmers working. They see the fox and shout, “Look! The fox is taking the chicken away.” Hearing this, the chicken says to the fox, “Mr. Fox, can you hear that The people say you are taking their chicken away. Tell them I am your chicken, not their chicken.” The fox opens his mouth and says, “Yes, you are right.” Then he shouts, “This is my chicken, not your chicken.” Just then the chicken runs away from the fox and flies into the tree.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。28. Where does the fox see the chicken A. On the grass. B. On a farm. C. Near a farm.29. What does the underlined word “one” refer to (指的是) A. A fox. B. A chicken. C. A song.30. What’s the correct order (顺序) of the events (事件) in the passage ① The chicken flies away.② The fox walks.③ Farmers shout.④ The chicken sings a song.A. ②④③① B. ④③②① C. ②①③④31. Why does the chicken say the underlined (划线的) sentence in Paragraph 2 A. Because she wants to teach the fox to sing.B. Because she wants to run away from the fox.C. Because she wants to tell people she is the fox’s chicken.DIn China, there are many different kinds of food. 32 The real Chinese food is dumplings. Now let’s talk about them.Many Chinese people like dumplings very much. And there are many different kinds of dumplings. Some have meat and vegetables in them. Others have sugar, eggs and so on. I like beef dumplings very much. 33 If you have no time to make them, you can buy them from the supermarkets. Then you take them home and eat them with vinegar (醋).The Spring Festival is very important in China. 34 Usually we put a coin (硬币) in a dumpling. If one eats the dumpling with the coin in it, he will be lucky in the new year.Do you like dumplings35 We’ll invite you to eat real Chinese food — dumplings.根据短文内容,从下列选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。A. Welcome to China.B. When it comes, we make dumplings.C. Usually people make dumplings at home.D. Some of them are very popular.E. Do you know how the history of dumplings 三、语言知识运用(共20小题,计20分)A阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。第一个方框供36—40小题选用,第二个方框供41—45小题选用。每个选项只能使用一次,每框有一项剩余。A. across fromB. was interested inC. atD. inE. have a good timeF. be late forMy name is Li Jian. I am very busy on school days at school. I must get up early because I don’t want to36class. I have much homework to do every day. But on weekends, I am relaxed and can37 . For example (例如), I had great fun last weekend.On Saturday morning, I got up very late. I got up38nine o’clock. After having breakfast, I visited the art museum with my friend. The museum is39my school. I saw many beautiful paintings there. I40them.A. becauseB. areC. blew outD. isE. a symbol ofF. forOn Sunday morning, I went shopping with my parents. My parents bought me many things41it was my birthday. They also bought a big birthday cake42me. Before dinner, my grandparents, my uncle and aunt gave me some gifts. There were fourteen candles on the cake. As you know, the number of the candles43my age. I made a wish and44all the candles. We also ate the long noodles because my grandmother said they were45long life. How happy I was!答案:36. ________ 37. ________ 38. ________ 39. ________ 40. ________41. ________ 42. ________ 43. ________ 44. ________ 45. ________B阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Library is a very good place. Nearly every place has a library, like a city, a town, a school, even a small village. There are a lot of46 (library) here and there in the world.There is47library in my neighborhood. It’s not big48clean and tidy. There are different kinds of books, magazines, dictionaries and CDs49it. The chairs and desks are nice and people there are very 50(friend) to us. Many people enjoy51(read) in the library. There are four small reading rooms in the library. There52 (be) many books in every room. Some are in Chinese and others are in English. Most books are interesting, but some books are too difficult for us. My classmates and I53 (get) interested in reading now. I like to go there especially (尤其是) on54 (rain) days. The rain and the book can make me55 (relax).You see, a library is always useful because it can open our eyes to the outside world.答案:46. ________ 47. ________ 48. ________ 49. ________ 50. ________51. ________ 52. ________ 53. ________ 54. ________ 55. ________四、阅读表达(共5小题,计10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Helen is a driver. She drives a school bus for a school. She picks up children to Zhaoyang Primary School every school day. She cares about safety (安全) first. “I am a driver, so without safety, there is nothing,” she says. Helen is working very busy every day. She has a lot of work to do before the first student gets on the bus. After the last student leaves the bus, she has to clean the bus.Helen hopes more people can understand the school bus drivers. “We have many rules. For example, we can’t drive too fast. A school bus can run at most 50 km every hour. So, please don’t complain (抱怨) when you see a school bus run slowly,” Helen says.Helen loves her job very much. It’s a job Helen takes pride (骄傲) in it.56. What does Helen do ________________________________________________________________________57. When does Helen go to work ________________________________________________________________________58. What does Helen do after all the students leave the bus ________________________________________________________________________59. Why can’t you complain when you see a school bus run slowly ________________________________________________________________________60. What do you think of Helen And why ________________________________________________________________________五、补全对话(共4小题,计8分)根据对话内容,在空白处填入一个适当的句子,使对话意思完整。Joe: Hi, Tom. How is your first month in your new school Tom: Great.Joe: 61 Tom: It’s 5 kilometers long from my home to school.Joe: Do you make new friends in your classroom Tom: 62 . Michael is the first new friend I made here.Joe: 63 Tom: He is tall and thin. And he has big eyes. We had a school trip last weekend together.Joe: 64 Tom: The trip was great! We had a lot of fun.六、书面表达(计15分)假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Eric来信询问上周日你和几个朋友在人民公园野餐的 情况,请你根据下面表格提示,描述你是如何到达野餐地点,并介绍野餐后的活动以及感受。Map Activities (野餐后的活动) Feelings唱歌 跳舞 打羽毛球 拍照 ……注意:1.词数为70左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.文中不能出现真实姓名及学校名称;4.信的开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:main gate 正门 hill 小山small woods 小树林 picnic 野餐Dear Eric,Last Sunday, I had a picnic in the People’s Park with my friends. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua2022~2023 学年度下学期期末学业水平质量调研试题七年级英语参考答案一、听力测试(1—20小题)1—5 BEAFC 6—10 ABBBC 11—15 AABBB16. farm 17. an/ one hour 18. fed 19. friends20. chess二、阅读理解(21-35小题)21 — 23 CCB 24 — 27 BBCB 28 — 31 CCAB 32 — 35 DCBA三、语言知识运用(36-55小题,计20分)36 — 40 FECAB 41 — 45 AFDCE46. libraries 47. a/one 48. but 49. in50. friendly 51. reading 52. are 53. are getting54. rainy 55. relax/relaxed四、阅读表达(56—60 小题)56. She is a (school bus) driver.57. Every school day.58. Helen cleans the bus. / She has to clean the bus.59. Because a school bus can run at most 50 km every hour.Because the driver can’t drive too fast.60. She is good. Because she cares about safety first.She is hard-working. / She works very hard. Because she has a lot of work to do before the first student gets on the bus. After the last student leaves the bus, she has to clean the bus.She is strict. Because she follow the rules.五、补全对话(61—64小题)61. How far is it from your home to school /How far is it 62. Yes, I do./ Sure.63. What does he/ Michael look like 64. How was your school trip 六、书面表达(计15分)(略)

