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2020中考英语选词填空练习题及答案:一只小猫2019-10-22 16:38:15来源:网络 【课程】新初一秋季课程|新初二秋季课程|新初三秋季课程|新高一秋季课程【备考】语文资料英语资料数学资料物理资料化学复习资料政治资料历史复习资料地理资料




There was a little cat. He spent much time eating and sleeping. He ate once (11) ______ day, and then went to bed and slept. When he slept, his snoring (鼾声) sound (12) ______ very loud. He hardly took exercises, (13) ______ he was very heavy. Other (14) ______ (animal) were angry at the cat, (15) ______ they couldn’t sleep well at night. One day, a big cat (16) ______ (plan) to teach the little cat a lesson. He asked a few animals to help (17) ______ (he). They wanted to catch the little cat and beat (打) him. Because (18) ______ cat never exercised, he was too heavy to move. When other animals ran after him, he couldn’t run (19) _______ (quick). He knew it’s (20) _________ (importance) to do exercises when he was caugh.


11. a 12. was 13. so 14. animals 15. because 16. planned 17. him 18. the 19. quickly 20. important
