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It was Friday.The football game was Saturday and we were very excited.My brother was going to be the quarterback(美式足球进攻组织者)for our team.It was the first time he would be in that(1)___.He had been hoping to be the quarterback ever since he joined the team.He said,"That's the big job.That's the one that makes the big difference."

My mother said,"(2)___,son.That's the big target(攻击目标),too.You know the other (3)___want to knock you down.You can get hurt."

"Don't worry,I'm so (4)___and I'm fast.Besides,I have great players who will (5)___them from coming at me."my brother said.

I couldn't (6)___well the whole night.I worried about my brother.My mother was(7)___---he could get hurt.

The next morning,he(8)___ early to get to the game.When we got there,it was about to start.The (9)___ran out on the field.My brother looked great.He saw us and(10)___.

Then it started.They were playing hard.One player in particular from the other team kept(11)___at him.Then it happened.He knocked my brother down.My brother was slow to get up.My brother was screaming(尖叫).The coach ran out on the field.He told my brother to (12)___some time on the bench.He was afraid he had been hurt.

My mother ran down to (13)___on my brother.But all he did was a smile."It's just a bruise(瘀伤).I'm fine.And don't worry,I'll be back.This is (14)___.I love leading the team."

After that game,my brother plays quarterback every Saturday.But my mother is still (15)___.She can't go to the games.She just waits at home and hopes to see him walking in smiling.

1.A.game B.list C.show D.place

2.A.Go ahead B.Take it easy C.Be careful D.Well done

3.A.parents B.players C.fans D.strangers

4.A.handsome B.healthy C.brave D.strong

5.A.stop B.help C.protect D.hide

6.A.behave B.play C.sleep D.dream

7.A.right B.sad C.angry D.excited

8.A.rested B.exercised C.left D.returned

9.A.family B.team C.coach D.crowd

10.A.laughed B.nodded C.greeted D.cheered

11.A.pointing B.shouting C.looking D.rushing

12.A.take B.waste C.save D.kill

13.A.call B.check C.operate D.breathe

14.A.funny B.easy C.great D.dangerous

15.A.proud B.disappointed C.anxious D.calm


【文章大意】哥哥终于如愿以偿当上了球队的四分卫。对此,作者和妈妈却感到担忧。而在赛场上,他们的担忧也不幸成为了现实。 1. 【答案】D 【解析】这是他第一次打那个位置。后一句说自从他加入球队就一直想做四分卫,由此可知,这是他第一次做四分卫。此处考查固定短语“be in the place (of)”,意为“处于……的位置”。正确答案应为D项。 2. 【答案】C 【解析】当心,儿子,这也是最大的攻击目标。后一句妈妈说到四分卫很容易成为大家集体攻击的目标,由此可以推断,她应该是叮嘱儿子要当心。go ahead开始;前进。take it easy别着急。be careful当心。well done干得好。C项符合上下文。 3.B 【解析】你知道,别的队员都想把你打倒。前一句提到四分卫会成为所有人的攻击目标。根据上下文可知,这里的“所有人”指的应该是对方参赛者,即“players”。parent父母。fan粉丝。stranger陌生人。文中未提及这三项。故B项正确。 4. 【答案】D 【解析】别担心,我这么强壮,速度又快。空格处单词与fast应为并列关系,表示自己身体素质好,不怕被攻击。handsome帅气的。healthy健康的。brave勇敢的。strong强壮的。healthy虽然也表示身体好,但是在语意上是与“sick/ill(生病的)”相对应,不能表达身体素质好。故D项为正确答案。 5. 【答案】A 【解析】另外,我还有出色的队友,他们会阻止别人攻击我的。此处考查固定搭配“stop…from doing…”,意为“阻止……做某事”。protect的类似用法应表述为“protect sb. from sth.”,意为“保护……,使免受……”。故A项正确。 6. 【答案】C 【解析】我一整晚都没睡好。由“the whole night”可以推测,此处应选sleep。后文说作者一直在担心哥哥也印证了这一点。behave表现。play玩。dream做梦。均不符合上下文。C项正确。 7. 【答案】A 【解析】妈妈是对的——他可能会受伤。这一句是解释作者担忧的原因。因为作者同意妈妈的观点,认为哥哥可能受伤。A项符合文章逻辑,其他三项均未提及。 8. 【答案】C 【解析】第二天早上,他很早就离开去参加比赛了。由“to get to the game”可以推测,哥哥应该是离开家去赛场了。rest休息。exercise锻炼。leave离开。return回来。C项符合句意。 9. 【答案】B 【解析】球队跑上了赛场。后一句紧接着说哥哥看上去很棒。由此可以推测,是哥哥所在的球队奔上了赛场。family家庭。team队;组。coach教练。crowd人群。B项符合句意。 10. 【答案】B 【解析】他看到了我们,并向我们点头示意。laugh笑。nod点头(示意)。greet欢迎;致敬。cheer欢呼。哥哥是从球场上远远地看到了作者和妈妈,因此其它三项都不合适,此处应用nod,符合一般习惯。B项正确。 11. 【答案】D 【解析】特别是对方球队有个球员一直冲向哥哥。前文说作者一直担心哥哥被人攻击,而此处作者的担忧成为了现实。point at指向。shout at冲……大吼。look at看;考虑。rush at冲向;袭击。正确答案应为D项。 12. 【答案】A 【解析】教练让哥哥去后场板凳上坐会儿。由后一句“他担心哥哥受伤了”可知,教练希望哥哥下场休息。take time花费时间(做某事)。waste time浪费时间。save time节省时间。kill time消磨时间。A项符合上下文。 13. 【答案】B 【解析】妈妈跑下场去查看哥哥的情况。call on号召;拜访。check on检查;合适。operate on做手术。breathe呼吸。B项符合语境。 14. 【答案】C 【解析】这很棒,我喜欢领导队伍。根据哥哥的表现和回答可知,哥哥的态度依然是积极向上的。funny有趣的。easy简单的。great极好的。dangerous危险的。C项符合哥哥的态度。 15. 【答案】C 【解析】但妈妈还是很焦虑。文中提到妈妈在目睹哥哥受伤后就不敢再去赛场观看比赛,而是在家等待,期间的心情必然是焦躁不安的。proud骄傲的。disappointed沮丧的。anxious焦虑的。calm镇定的。C项符合上下文。
