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02 完形填空(含答案解析)


中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台2024年广东中考英语复习指导02 完形填空一、题型解读完形填空旨在考查学生在整体理解“残缺”语篇的基础上合理推测“未知”信息的能力。本题突出考查学生的“语言解码和阅读理解能力”,学生需要推断文章内涵,根据语境把握文章的内在关系,结合语言知识选择符合语境的单词或短语。二、近三年考情分析及考点分布年份 话题 体裁 语篇词数 主题 核心素养 考点分布2023 多拉的双胞胎弟妹 记叙文 226 人与自我 思维品质(多角度观察和看待事物) 名词(3个)动词(3个)动词短语(1个)形容词(2个)副词(1个)2022 疫情期间种菜并与邻居分享 记叙文 204 人与社会 思维品质(宣扬互助友爱的社会主义核心价值观) 名词(2个)动词(3个)动词短语(1个)形容词(3个)副词(1个)2021 九岁小男孩的太空梦 记叙文 224 人与自然 思维品质(鼓励学生的科学探究精神并增强他们保护地球的使命感) 名词(3个)动词(3个)动词短语(1个)形容词(2个)副词(1个)三、解题技巧技巧1:语境推断---根据上下文的语境提示或暗示,身临其境地理解事件发生的语境,体验语境和作者的情感态度,推断出符合场景的最佳选项技巧2:词汇复现---文章中的某一词以原词、同义词、近义词、反义词、概括词或其他形式重复出现在语篇中,语篇中的句子通过词汇的复现达到了互相衔接技巧3:逻辑推理---通过对故事的线索、文章前后各段之间的逻辑关系、文章前后内容之间的逻辑关系以及人物情感的发展来分析和理解文章,以此推断出正确答案技巧4:生活常识---和我们原有的生活经验、文化背景知识以及科普常识等结合起来,进行简单推理,从而得出正确答案对点练习(1)Little Dora always wanted a sister. So when Mum told her she would have one in six months, she felt very 1. But Dora had to be away for some time. She had promised to stay with her grandparents till autumn came.“How can I make 2 go faster I can’t wait to see the 3.” Dora said to herself while she was sitting in her grandparents’ yard one day. She had a good 4 when she saw the apple tree in the yard. She decided to 5 a picture of the tree each day. As Grandpa said, by the time she saw red apples on the tree, she would have a sister!Dora’s first picture was a tree full of green leaves. Day by day, the weather got cooler. The leaves slowly 6 their colour and tiny apples appeared among them.7, Dora drew her last picture of the tree. It had a lot of red apples. Now it was time to return home. When she entered the house, Mum and Dad were 8 her on the sofa. Each of them was 9 a baby in their arms.“Now you have a sister and a brother!” Dad said. “Wow, I’m the 10 sister in the world!” Dora said happily. “Look! Their faces are as round as red apples. They are so cute.”1.A.rich B.afraid C.nervous D.cheerful2.A.air B.time C.light D.water3.A.yard B.tree C.baby D.apple4.A.job B.idea C.life D.trip5.A.buy B.take C.draw D.borrow6.A.shared B.found C.passed D.changed7.A.Finally B.Really C.Usually D.Suddenly8.A.waiting for B.laughing at C.looking after D.learning from9.A.hiding B.training C.walking D.holding10.A.funniest B.smallest C.luckiest D.prettiest(2)Learning to take notes in class is important. Note-taking is a(n)1that can help you do well in all your schoolwork. You need to prepare a2for each subject so that you can find everything3when a test comes. If your teacher writes notes on the blackboard, that’s great. You can copy them or write down the most4points of all in class.5your teacher doesn’t like to write anything down on the blackboard, you will have to write down something important that is said again and again by him. If you can’t6what the teacher is saying, don’t be afraid to ask your teacher to7what you miss. Of course, you may ask him after class. In your free time, you may8your notes with others’. Maybe you can find some mistakes in your notes. It can be good for your learning. After class or before tests, review the most important and useful9in your notes, and you will 10 less time reviewing and get better grades. Your notes are a good study record and taking notes is one of the best ways to improve your grades.1.A.thought B.skill C.order D.problem2.A.textbook B.pen C.notebook D.dictionary3.A.easily B.hard C.slowly D.quietly4.A.important B.interesting C.exciting D.boring5.A.As if B.Unless C.Though D.If6.A.find B.respect C.follow D.break7.A.repeat B.understand C.change D.remember8.A.communicate B.talk C.lend D.compare9.A.pictures B.news C.answers D.parts10.A.cost B.take C.spend D.pay(3)A soldier’s diary, a red flag from wartime, a mobile communication vehicle (车辆) from the 1960s ... These are over 30,000 objects housed at Liu Yong Peng’s private 1 in Xinjiang.The museum, which is around 1,200㎡, has only a single hall and was 2 by Liu five years ago. At first, only his friends and relatives visited his museum, but now it attracts 3 over 100 visitors daily.Most of the objects in the museum are related to 4 moments in history. Since 2006, Liu has traveled across Xinjiang and even to other provinces, 5 folk objects, especially those related to the history of the Communist Party of China (中国共产党).Liu’s collection shows the great changes that have 6 in Xinjiang over the past years. In the meantime, he aims to 7 the spirit of the older generations (代) to the younger generations.At first, Liu’s wife didn’t understand why he 8 so much money and time on the museum project. Her 9 changed when students in her daughter’s school paid a visit to the museum and spoke highly of it.Although Liu’s museum 10 making ends meet (收支平衡), he has never thought of giving it up. “As more and more people have come here and got inspiration, I have decided to carry on.” he said.1.A.museum B.library C.theatre D.park2.A.drawn B.built C.sent D.written3.A.hardly B.really C.clearly D.nearly4.A.impossible B.important C.necessary D.convenient5.A.collecting B.controlling C.cutting D.communicating6.A.taken place B.taken up C.taken away D.taken off7.A.hand in B.hand up C.pass away D.pass down8.A.spent B.took C.cost D.paid9.A.help B.health C.feelings D.knowledge10.A.has fun B.has difficulty C.is interested in D.is fond of(4)Almost every Saturday morning, Molly pulls a table into her front yard. On the table she lays out some 1 in season, such as carrots and tomatoes. They are all from her garden and free for her neighbors to 2. “It’s just lovely, like you walk by and get a beautiful gift around the corner,” said a neighbor.Molly started doing this in the summer of 2020. Earlier that year, a fire broke out in her house. Molly’s 3 had a hard time. “People in the community came to 4. They brought us food and often called to make sure we were doing fine. I was deeply 5,” Molly said.Then the pandemic(疫情) came. Molly and her family had much time to6 in their garden. They decided to 7 what they grew in their garden.No one knew about it at first. But 8, people got into the habit of coming around. They would stop by and leave with some vegetables. Molly’s yard became a 9 place.One thing Molly has learned from this experience is that people have to work together when days are 10. She is glad that love has spread in this community.1.A.fruits B.flowers C.leaves D.vegetables2.A.look at B.take away C.give up D.throw away3.A.family B.class C.office D.team4.A.cry B.see C.help D.rest5.A.moved B.interested C.tired D.bored6.A.play B.work C.sleep D.dance7.A.eat B.sell C.share D.cook8.A.sadly B.slowly C.badly D.carefully9.A.clean B.small C.terrible D.popular10.A.difficult B.sunny C.short D.cool(5)After two rounds of the competition with 20 debaters (辩论者), I finally sat in the leader’s chair in the finals of our school debate competition.We began by debating whether the Internet makes people 1 or reduces communication with others. I personally held the former. However, many people didn’t 2 my opinion. They thought the Internet makes people communicate less with each other. Then we had a debate.Our team made lots of 3 for the competition. We discussed many topics about the argument. We 4 as many points as possible on cards so that we could give quick and correct answers. We also prepared more information for the competition. It seemed that we would surely 5.However, as I sat in front of thousands of people, things turned out 6. In my opening speech, time flew by so fast that I felt 7 and failed to finish my speech properly. Then it was our opponents’ (对手的) turn. They asked me several questions. But one of them could show my weakness. I had no choice but to 8 answering it. I was worried that we would lose marks because of my answers.Luckily, our 9 paid off. Our team 10 won the competition. The debate taught me to look at everything in different ways and always be fully prepared.1.A.younger B.safer C.closer D.braver2.A.accept B.refuse C.explain D.require3.A.projects B.preparations C.suggestions D.presents4.A.put down B.gave up C.picked up D.wrote down5.A.win B.fail C.work D.stay6.A.loudly B.easily C.differently D.naturally7.A.relaxed B.nervous C.active D.proud8.A.avoid B.regret C.forget D.practise9.A.bills B.efforts C.purposes D.decisions10.A.gradually B.simply C.suddenly D.finally(6)Long long ago, a king loved riddles. Once a year he made a new riddle and offered a 1 to the person who could first solve it.Bob, a young man, was famous for his fine 2. Bob had almost everything he needed except for 3. He wanted to sell his products to every corner of the kingdom.One year the king made a new riddle. People came from far and wide. He drew a line on the courtyard. “Make this line shorter without erasing (清除) any part of it. Whoever wins can pick one of my strongest horses! Yet, is there anyone smarter than me I doubt it!” the king 4 the crowd.People looked at the line in different directions. “How can you make a line shorter without erasing any part of it ” the crowd asked each other. Some of them 5. The dressmaker kicked dirt over the end of the line to 6 it. The farmer poured water over the line to make it 7. None of these efforts worked.Then Bob came with a bag of flour (面粉) from his shop. “Your Majesty, this riddle is just a piece of cake. ” 8, Bob opened his bag of flour and poured out a line of flour right next to the king’s line. The line was 9 than the king’s line.“Now, my king,” Bob smiled, “your line is shorter.”“Such a clever trick!” the people were 10. The king laughed. “You made it. Now you can have any horse you like.”1.A.yard B.prize C.dinner D.job2.A.bread B.clothes C.cheese D.riddles3.A.a car B.a horse C.some bread D.some money4.A.promised B.advised C.ordered D.challenged15.A.tried B.explained C.succeeded D.joked16.A.fix B.reach C.hide D.divide17.A.pass B.connect C.float D.disappear18.A.Politely B.Confidently C.Nervously D.Carelessly9.A.shorter B.longer C.smaller D.bigger10.A.annoyed B.bored C.amazed D.moved(7)Many kids are crazy about space. Last month, a space agency (机构) told the public that they were 1 “a planet protection officer.” Some people laughed at the funny job title, but a 9-year-old boy took the information 2. He wrote a letter to the agency, saying that he wanted the job.“Dear sirs, my name is Sam Lee. I think I am the 3 person for the job,” he wrote.What are Sam’s 4 For one, he wrote, “My sister says I act like an alien (外星人)” Sam also said he had watched almost all the 5 movies he could find. His last sentence may touch people’s hearts: “I am young, so I can learn to think like an alien.”Sam soon got a 6 from Bill Black, director of the agency. “We have received your letter. It is great that you are interested in the job. This job is to 7 the earth from germs (细菌) on things brought back from other planets.” Bill ended the letter with some warm words, 8 Sam to study hard and do well in school. “We hope to 9 you at the agency one day.” he wrote.“Among kids, there are 10 space scientists.” Bill told a newspaper. “We think of this letter as a chance that may forever change our kids’ life.”1.A.waking up B.looking for C.dealing with D.talking about2.A.simply B.lightly C.seriously D.clearly3.A.right B.kind C.important D.favorite4.A.dreams B.problems C.discoveries D.advantages5.A.war B.road C.space D.sports6.A.job B.test C.reply D.ticket7.A.move B.protect C.pull D.collect8.A.warming B.helping C.ordering D.encouraging9.A.see B.tell C.thank D.search10.A.past B.future C.recent D.present(8)There are many festivals around the world. Dads have Father’s Day. Mums have Mother’s Day. But do our grandparents have a1 Yes, they do.The Double Ninth Festival is a 2 day for old people in China. The festival is on lunar September 9th. On this day, people show 3 and respect (尊敬) for their grandparents.Respecting old people is a tradition in China. There are many ways for Chinese people to 4 their respect. When an old person enters a room, everyone should stand up. Also, people are introduced from the 5 to the youngest. When we give something to an old person, two hands are used. The old usually don’t have to buy tickets for buses and young people always 6 their seats to old people on a crowded subway or bus.However, in western countries, old people have 7 lifestyles from those in China. They don’t often live with their children—they live 8. They don’t want to get help from 9. They even don’t want to be offered seats by others.Westerners still respect old people. For holidays, families usually 10 at the grandparents’ homes. A great smile and a warm hug are enough for grown children to show their respect.1.A.house B.festival C.partner D.relative2.A.boring B.simple C.special D.surprising3.A.love B.interest C.hope D.invitation4.A.stop B.express C.find D.refuse5.A.richest B.tallest C.oldest D.strongest6.A.offer B.lend C.sell D.take7.A.usual B.strange C.same D.different8.A.wisely B.easily C.alone D.sadly9.A.other B.the other C.others D.the others10.A.grow up B.get offC.make upD.get together(9)Almost everyone has a dream job, and for Susan, it is being a whale 1 at her city’s aquarium (水族馆). Last year, Susan 2 had a chance, but it was more than just signing up. People who wanted this job had to take part in a competition. They need to show how 3 they could go down into the seven-metre deep pool that housed the whales and how long they could stay there. The one who could reach the deepest and stay the longest underwater would get the job.Susan signed up to try out, and everything went well at first. But then, as she went down to about five metres under the icy water her legs stopped 4. The cold water caused a huge pain in her legs. She was unable to swim back to the surface. She was in great fear and couldn’t think. This only caused her to 5 farther into the pool. Just as Susan 6 hope, she suddenly felt herself being pushed to the surface.It was Mila, a whale in the pool. She noticed Susan’s 7, held her leg in her mouth and pushed Susan up to the surface. Susan was 8, thanks to Mila’s quick action. The aquarium spokesperson said Susan was really 9, because Mila had realized Susan needed help before any of the working group did, which saved valuable time.“Whales are 10 animals—they live and play together. In the wild, they show great interest in humans and often swim close to boats and divers.”1.A.player B.trainer C.competitor D.inventor2.A.finally B.patiently C.usually D.hardly3.A.close B.deep C.late D.well4.A.trying B.hurting C.working D.resting5.A.drop B.lose C.jump D.search6.A.gave away B.gave in C.gave out D.gave up7.A.look B.trouble C.move D.place8.A.changed B.lost C.chosen D.saved9.A.lucky B.brave C.afraid D.sad10.A.funny B.lonely C.socialD.Strong答案详解:(1)1.D2.B3.C4.B5.C6.D7.A8.A9.D10.C【导语】
