首页 >  中考英语完型填空真题  > 2020年湖南各地中考英语完形填空(共14套)




1. 湖南长沙市

As a university student, I decidedto learn German. For some reason I really liked the language, but I was not verygood at learning it. The grammar ___31___ me a lot and even drove me crazy. Myonly advantage was___32___ —I got an A on every word test I took. After twoyears of studies, I struggled(挣扎) to communicate in ___33___ German and signed up to study inGermany to complete my degree. It was the ___34___ term I would ever have.

The moment I arrived in Germany, Ifelt like I was starting from scratch(从头开始). The German I’d learned in university wasn’t ___35___for everyday conversation. My book knowledge fell by the wayside as I thought aboutthe basics of getting around, reading emails and talking with my classmates, Iwas often nervous at school, worried about whether the teachers would call onme in class and whether I’d understand their questions. I only ___36___ alittle around my eight roommates, who were willing to speak German slowly to meand didn’t seem to mind my ___37___.

I chose to study threecourses—reading & writing, grammar and history. All were in German anddifficult, but the history class was the worst. The teacher spoke so ___38___that almost everything he said flew right over my head. I sat in the front, tooknotes and even recorded every single word he said in class, but ___39___helped. I had no idea what the class was really about…

Years have passed, but I stillremember how it felt to struggle so hard at ____40____ another language. Thattrip was a difficult but valuable lesson. I think my failure that term taughtme just as much as my success.

31. A. gave                            B. helped                               C. troubled

32. A. listening                      B. spelling                             C. speaking

33. A. perfect                        B. broken                              C. beautiful

34. A. hardest                       B. easiest                             C. happiest

35. A. useless                       B. meaningless                   C. practical

36. A. relaxed                       B. feared                              C. wondered

37. A. purposes                   B. progress                          C. mistakes

38. A. slowly                         B. quickly                              C. clearly

39. A. nothing                       B. anything                           C. everything

40. A. creating                     B. teaching                           C. learning

